>worshiping a Jew
Please explain
Worshiping a Jew
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Rogue outlaw jew who called out Judaism on multiple occasions
he basically devoted his life to the destruction of judaism and all of its teachings. everything written in the new testament is antithetical to what is written in the old testament. he was literally killed for rebelling against judaism, and if he was truly blond and light eyed, then he was probably the children of migrant groups that were known to be settled in the area at the time. so he would have been a jew in name only, because it was required by the state that he profess belief in their god.
also im not a christian and think religion is toxic, but these are just the objective facts.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
in this case Jesus was the enemy of the Jew
>33 AD
>70 AD
>being the a proud goy of royal jews
I wonder why Christianity went so well with the commoners but the nobility are still jews, oh right, because the church was killing anyone that didn't play along with the Flavian lie.
Jesus didn't exist, but the Romans forced you to believe he did.
>The Dead Sea Scrolls [complete eng translation] - John Marco Allegro
The Jews today are Khazars and not the same Jews from Christ’s time.
Pharisaical Judaism existed before Rome was founded.
The Sanhedren Talmud is a few thousand years old and the Babylonian Talmud is older than that.
Checked and agreed
I'm glad we have a kike scholar here to tell us about it, and make sure we understand perfectly clear.
He was the cool jew man, totally not like the other jews. Outlaw n stuff. You guys still think the word outlaw is cool, right?
There's nothing inherently wrong with jews, quite the opposite in fact, we have a lot to thank them for.
What Jow Forums usually points out as being "jews" are actually fake jews. People who use the title of jew to grant them certain social benefits and protections via the premise of being the eternal victim. They also do this in order to influence other people's into being antisemitic.
The irony is though that it's these people who have victimised both Christians and Jews alike the most throughout history. They pretend to be jews so they can be closest to their true enemies "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Jesus highlights the existence of these people when he references those who say they are jews but are not. And when he references the synagogue of Satan and false prophets
Even Israel, apparently being the jewish state is predominantly anti-jew. The purpose behind the foundation of Israel is to get as many jews together as possible so eventually they can be almost completely wiped out.
The "true" enemy is the mystery religion of babyon which isn't headed by any specific race or nationality but rather by a collective of multi-national sub-groups known as "mystery schools" or "mystery traditions."
The pinnacle of political and spiritual power of this religion is and always has been the Vatican. That is the true enemy, hiding in plain sight for centuries. The jesuit order also being a main focal point of this spiritual and political dominion within the vatican. Who have a proven record of playing both sides, having an outward appearance of having oppositional loyalties in opposing sides within conflicts when inwardly are working towards the same goal which is proliferating the power of the church and working towards a global system headed by the Vatican. Which is almost complete.
"All roads lead to Rome."
Also even "judaism" is a deception. It's a repackaged form of the mystery traditions.
The Torah is legit. But the Talmud and practices such as Kabbalah are derived from the Babylonian mystery traditions.
This basically.
>he basically devoted his life to the destruction of judaism
You mean expansion among gentiles?
I don't see you having a different spirituality than jews.
>he was killed for being anti jew
According to the book of lies of the devil
>he was white
As white as pretty much any JEW
>jew in name
In those days?
>it was required by the state
Under Rome?
>I'm not a christian
Of course senpai
why would the romans force people to believe in a spiritual figure who was anti-church? he was anti-priesthood because he recognised the spiritual roots of their practices. the jewish pharisees may have been slightly different in their approach to rulership but their general outlook and practices were basically the same as the roman catholic church. they bartered with people. offered salvation in exchange for servitude. spitting in the face of the new covenant which was a free gift.
the roman catholic church and the babylonian mystery traditions are one in the same. rome is judaism, the papacy is the pharisees.
it simply makes no sense to say that they wanted us to believe in him.
I mean, rome isn't even christian, it's literally the center of the babylonian mystery traditions and does all it can to pull people away from the bible. always has done too hence why it was literally law, punishable by death, for the bible to only be printed in Latin and why even today the pope says to not have a personal relationship with christ.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Accept Him. Only Jesus can save you from your sins.
the roads lead to Rome but its been Vandalized
rome is babylon. always has been. everything rome is, is antichrist. and it's been that way since its inception.
Jesus is God's offer to the Jews for salvation. God cannot hate anyone, even Jews. So he sent his only son to offer Jews eternal paradise, and they killed him.
Then Jewdas did him in
>outlaw jew
>still a jew
I'm an ex-RC with my foreskin still attached. But I am damn sure you're a jew with a mutilated dick and autistic to boot
Since you won't read the Dead Sea Scrolls link that I offered here's a video to massage that tired mind of yours:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus
>The guy that backstabbed Jesus literally had "Jew" in his name.
I crave to serve the Chosen, exemplified by Benji Netanyahu! I despise White beliefs so I follow the mudskins of the ME instead. BTW OPs pic is White, and the delusional Kike on a stick was by definition a SEMITE sand nigger.
your rabbi is lying to you, kike op
Jesus didn't want anyone to worship him. He wanted people to realize that we are all One. He'll be back soon to remind us.
Here its simple just get that rod out your ass