ITT: Post your SAT math score/IQ score and your Political Affiliation

>800 M, 130 IQ

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Never took (((SAT))) 131. Communist.

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790, never been tested, constitutional monarchist

I don't remember something in the 730s.



No SAT, No IQ Test.
No political affiliations.

I'm the sheep that falls asleep in tall grass while they are getting loaded up for the slaughterhouse.

Enjoy the slaughterhouse my fellow compatriots.

801 M, 183 IQ

You never debated anybody like me before.

Never took an SAT, IQ is 137. I am a reactionary.

140 IQ

I guess the best way to describe my political views is anti-neoliberal.


What the fuck is that cunt?

>Got less than 5 questions wrong on math SAT, don't remember score, got entered into something for best test scores in the country though
>144, tested when I was in 3rd grade

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classical liberal


How old are you faggots? I havent taken that shit in 10 years....

MCAT: 30 though....

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that is a pretty pitiful score


scored something over 1000
Not sure if that's good, someone tell me what the scoring for SATs is

cracked a perfect on the psat math (all questions answered correctly) and then i started smoking pot everyday which led to a 750 on the actual SAT a year later.

Debate would require someone to want to speak to you in a fashion other than to mock or insult you, or remind you of your autism.

Do you even know what the MCAT is?

The SAT math section has a very low ceiling, so scoring an 800 on it isn't very impressive.

I also scored an 800, but I'm struggling so much with the actuarial exams.

Imagine being such a fucking faggot that you brag about your SAT score on b

2370 SAT
140 IQ

800 M
154 IQ
Libertarian conservative, I’ve noticed my political views tend to align with Rand Paul on 95% of issues.

lol never took the SAT, but I scored a 96 on the ASVAB. No clue on IQ and I'm a Classical Liberal

Legitimate response:

>ACT (I never took SAT)
148 as tested by MENSA through the RAIT.
>Political Affiliation
Basically read On Genetic Interests by Frank Salter. It hits all the important parts. To put it into politics: Midwest+New England and North Europe Unification ethnonationalist, with a semi-hereditary beauty-cult nobility, ruled by its highest IQ and most genetically invested members, with American "constitutional rights" enshrined (namely 1st and 2nd). I believe in cooperation of northern Europeans fully, so long as there exists any alien race in *control* of any territory on this earth.


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125 IQ-320 GRE-Constitutional Monarchist

Passed my GED with 149 average..


no not at all, I only passed the EM boards without studying a single day for them

87 IQ
I like obama

Forget what my SAT math score was, but I was in high school math classes in middle school. 142 IQ. I’m a libertarian at heart, but I want fascism for the time being to bring order to the chaotic society we live in right now. Libertarianism will only work if we instill discipline in the populace.

>1330 on the 1600 scale

>690 on math 670 on writing/reading comprehension (honestly forget what that section is called)

>havent taken a real IQ test

>national capitalist

wait that score doesnt add up mustve been 640 on the reading part


come on now

Do you know what the EM boards are, brainlet?


770, 34 composite ACT, no official IQ test, conservative libertarian

>no job
>massive debt
Keep building your self up kid
Your doomed and you know it

I have an internship at f500 company in the financial sector. Only 28k in student loans. Try again.

>not taking excess loans to invest
>not making 3-4 good trades/year
>not graduating with 0 debt and $100k in the bank
>working for free after graduating

what idiot gave you an internship.

>Traditionalist & Nationalist

Lolbertarian just means a whole lot of people dying in absolute poverty.

Centre-right is the best position, but it’s not going to magically fix everything.

Raw scores are shit tier metrics. Post your ranking as a percentile.

t. 94th percentile math, 95th percentile language, 98th percentile analytical GRE 1994.

798/800 on 1600 scale / IQ-161 / Unaffiliated-Libertarian-ish

>endorsing usury
>engaging in a ponzi scheme
>spending 4 years at an indoctrination camp
The good guys really did lose WW2

0 sat >(satellite!?)

780; no idea on IQ - a Jew form of comparing goyim.

>SAT math
138 or 143 depending on which test you like but neither really works on me thanks to high functioning autism.
>Political Affiliation
Effectively libertarian in practice, but if the shooting stops and I find myself in charge I'm doing a slightly right of center meritocratic police state.

sat 2060

act 31

iq 133


Very similar, 790, 131, libertarian. I also have a math degree lol