This isn’t funny

I don’t care where you fall on the political spectrum, dead children is where I draw the line. If you’re on the side that supports this or laughs at dead children, newsflash: you are the bad guy.

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What about that little French girl on the riviera

Cry me a river.

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sage and kys

I love you user. In a not gay way.

blame the retards parents.

If you're on the left then you don't give a shit about this kid.

why did you save it to your ipad new friend


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Children die every moment
Why shouldn’t we be sad for all the children raped or murdered by illegal immigrants? Both of these things are preventable.

why would you even be on Jow Forums you 0/10 troll

>S A G E

Let's place a dead kid;s body there for maximum keks.

why are they wearing incel vests?

i bet you the democrats in america could somehow blame these dead children on trump

can anyone guess what the headlines would say?

tis quite sad

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Oh my what a pleasent smell yes?

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you are right. its not funny. its freaking hilarious and we are all laughing at this stupid dumbass parents, especially the dad who told everyone not to wear lifejackets and ended up killing his whole family!

What an asshole.

this is apolitical. when children start dying it is everyone’s problem

>oh no one dead kid
>quick open the borders for the brown hordes!

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nah the problem is his parents. period. end of fucking story. they were safe in turkey but no they wanted to be in the white mans land. fuck em.

Why should I care about children not in my tribe?

Like when did this become a thing?

In all of history no one gave a shit. People still don't, except for White cucks.

I remember that thread m8.

Hey guys... I found this dead kid in this cove... let's move him to the beach and plant him face down for more dramatic effect. I'm gonna get a pulitzer for this lads!

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Fuck off back to r*ddit, moralfag

Dead children don't come close to your average slaughterhouse, and I don't see many people becoming vegetarians. When they're rounded and grown in industrial plants seeing their mothers gutted in front of them, following a line to their death shock I'll give a fuck about it.

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well shit... CNN couldn't have used this photo for sensationalism... now could they?

Botpost. Also, too old.

shit, i didn't know about that

The child died because of the libtard open-borders policy. Many Europeans have also died because of this.

Just a problem for the parents and the killer if there is one.

what grinds my gears is that when a mudslime kills a white kid the msm is silent and then this one kid is kill and gets all that coverage

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I came here for the Pirates of the Caribbean meme

What year is this?

Better one of their kids than one of ours.

this. every day even now millions of animals are slaughtered in the most gruesome way. What a fucking strange reality this must be for them. While we live in the age of plenty, farm animals live in the dark ages.

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White maggots must be purged from where they do not belong.

The parents are to blame.

My boy is about that size, so maybe im too close to this, but that child should have never left Syria.

A lot of people are oblivious to this. It's called propaganda. Some people only pretend to be the good guys. Satan will quote from the bible if backed into a corner.

very, very funny

Does it suck? Yeah. Was the deceased moved and used by leftists selling a narrative and to made into propaganda? Absolutely.
When they did they did that, it became open season. I don't feel bad at all for laughing.

Merkel has killed a lot of people by virtue signaling. A LOT OF PEOPLE. And singlehandedly sold out not only her country but all of Europe.

What about the remains of a dead child found at the encampment in New Mexico? You know, the one that just got bulldozed while suspects were released on signature bail?

>making a choice to invade a country through illegal immigration because you refuse to fight for your country against ISIS
>your kid dies in the process

How is this our fault?

it is

I don’t think too many people “support” dead kids, you fuck shareblue shill faggot. But we also don’t support allowing foreign nationals flooding our countries and policy based on feels.
>protip: stay in your country, and don’t drown

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yeah i'll remember im the bad guy while you brainwash my daughters into hating themselves so they slut around and destroy their futures, all for your selfish gain

Strategically playing with the corpse for the best photo op = just fine.

welcome home time traveling user. You're still not in the right future.

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Thousands raped and slaughtered because of that evil cunt. I wish she and others like her would just take that bike ride to ISIS-held territory.

why wouldn’t you teach them to accept responsibility for their own actions? Are you even white?

fuck off faggot

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>anyone other than humans read the fucking bible

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It's not the pain that bothers me, disembowelment has been a staple of human society for a long stretch of time. It's just the void of metal and bondage they will only know and see, witnessing the most brutal place in history until they're either gutted beaten or shocked. I've seen id-pol lefties cry for a feminist who got compliments on facebook and make fun of vegetarians that stormed a slaughterhouse. That cognitive dissonance blinds me.

>eyes blurred out
yeah, the way that the photographer moved the body was not funny at all. Lefties should be killed for their usage of a dead kid as propaganda.

if her policies continue... she won't have to. ISIS will probably come to her once Germany has been riddled with islam.



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>If you’re on the side that supports this or laughs at dead children, newsflash: you are the bad guy.

And that's a good thing!

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yep, I'm not eating as much meat as I used to. We are truly the lucky ones who weren't born into a slaughterhouse. Earth is hell for most animals. Not even born in a jungle a forest or the wild in general. Their experience of life is just being born straight into hell. It's tough to think about.

it's not even that, it was reported by every news outlet that this poor family was just trying to escape the war in Syria, but they let out the fact that they put themselves on a boat when they where already living in Turkey, and last i checked, no bombs where falling over their heads in Turkey.

yup the dad was already safe. Media are such lying pieces of shit. This was totally the dad's fault. The dad of this kid killed this kid.

>incel me

This is what your looking for OP, don't deny it.

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I used to think that way. I got over it.
Propaganda oversaturation is a bitch.

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Fun Fact: It was all those Rapefugees that people like you sacrifice your children's holes to that killed that kid.

They needed him to get on the boat in africa. Once out at sea they threw all the kids overboard and then raped and murdered all the women and tossed them off too. That's why it's almost exclusively men coming off of those ships in Europe.

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>I support a woman's right to kill her children!
>oh no look at this dead shitskin kid :(

Pick one, hypocrite


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Of course it's sad and I'd never laugh at a dead kid. Every dead child is a tragedy.

But I do object to how his death was politicised. That's also terrible.

We shouldn't take leave of logic because of the suffering of a child. It's hard not to. Women, especially mothers are easy prey to it.

mfw I see this pic:

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Well you don't belong in America Muhammad, go back

I drew the line where they picked up the corpse and posed it for a photoshoot. Or actually I drew the line where the boy's parents knowingly left a safe haven to irresponsibly take their son on a leaky raft to get free dental care in germany.

ok fine then. Let's let them all in and destroy our culture and way of life ,because you think it's so horrible.

Now he's dead, the kid looks white.

I'm a liberal and I laugh at dead white children. White genocide is a myth btw. Black power!

You are actually objectively the bad guy.

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All I see is a dead terrorist on a beach, that's all. Where's the dead child? The child his ISIS parents crucified for supporting Bashar Al-Assad?

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I'd rather have my own farm and do it myself. Even in that case though, you have to keep chickens sheltered most of the time because of chicken hawks and other opportunists. You could just live off of eggs and eat the hens when they're old as well. Money is the problem for me, but I feel like apathy and lack of willpower would be the issues in convincing others, on top of money.

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Dead kids are bad
Terrorist make kids dead
Terrorist are worse than dead future terrorists.

It portrays modern day life and the way we continue to live our lives even when faced with such tragedy from OUR own choices.
This happens when you vote in federal elections.

Roach Gendarmerie are incels.

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You're an idiot. Humans and animals are different. I kill animals all the time and I feel nothing.

Maybe if the stupid shitskin didn't try illegally getting into a country he didn't belong in, he would still be alive. Or maybe not, considering he most likely came from some shithole with a high mortality rate for children.

I hope they made sure the kid was really dead when they misplaced him for a better photo op. Cos that kids nose is right in the sand and the water. Before they picked the kid up from that cove he was laying on his back. If not they should be held accountable for manslaughter.

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What is that?


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>dead children is where I draw the line

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For many including me, it's not the killing that's bothersome at all, but rather the profit motive of intensive livestock farming leading to pretty outrageous treatment of the animals in the name of lower costs. I don't have a problem with regular farmers that raise their animals and then sell them for immediate slaughter. At least they weren't stuffed in a metal box unable to see the sunlight or browse around a field that way.