Red pill - seeing the world as it really is...

Red pill - seeing the world as it really is, rather than swallowing false narratives pushed by bad-faith information gatekeepers.

Pol has opened my eyes to a lot, but I fear we push some false narratives simply because they are meme worthy, taboo, hilarious or seem like forbidden knowledge.

Without beating around the bush too much I'm talking about the JQ. I feel way too much emphasis is placed on it to our detriment. Yes, jews are tribal. Yes, they pretend to be white when it suits them, and chosen people when it suits them. Yes they are nepotistic. Yes they are over-represented in banking and media, etc. It's worth noting this. But they are not the boogie man. They are not behind every tragedy - as funny as that meme is. So can we be more serious and stop ragging on the jews every single time.

Inb4 jew shill.

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The merchant can only stay in business if people are buying what he's selling. So I think I get the point you're trying to make.

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Ok, lets say we demonise the jew. Is the jew genetic or is the jew a state of being- a metaphor, like the devil. Is the Jew avarice and scheming to subvert. Because lets be honest, we all know non-jews who sure as fuck acted like a jew. Look at non-jew media/bank people. Bunch of cunts. And I'm sure there are based jews in the world. There must be out of sheer statistics. How about Bob Dylan, didn't he convert to Catholicism or something? What about Einstein?

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The one that got me thinking about this did they cause WW1 exactly? My understanding is that Germany felt it had to attack Russia before Russia industrialised and flattened all of europe, and in order to do that they needed to take out France first so as not to fight a war on two fronts due to all the treaties and bullshit that Bismarck put in place, and there was some shit with a Serb. And Euros didn't realise how badly a fully industrialised world war would fuck shit up due to the long period of peace instigated by Bismarckian peace treaty signing. No one truly could have forseen that cluster fuck. How could the jews have 'planned' that? If you're gonna tell me it was bankers pushing this and that, then maybe, but that's not a master plan, that's just consequences.

I think it's fairer to accuse jews of scavenging, and small-scale short-sighted plotting, but I don't think they have plotted as much grand scale shit as Jow Forums thinks.

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I think what has to be recognized about the JQ is why do Jews when let in a foreign nation (whether they are aware of it or not) so actively work against the nation's culture and transform it to how they see fit. Even without Jews there will always be corruption, but the corruption the Jew introduces is unique in that it focuses on corrupting/degrading a people and their culture and seeks to replace it with what they feel is best.

There involvement in WWI was getting America into the war through the World Zionist Congress. Britain promised Palestine to them with the Balfour Declaration and in exchange these Jews agreed to get America in the war.

All you are describing is basic human tribalism. I don't see how it's uniquely jewish. What IS unique is that nomadic part. Jews getting BTFO of everyone else's territory because they are a small endogenous monotheistic group. They don't want to integrate into polytheism, they are being disagreeable. But they were never strong enough to set up a nation. They almost got completely erased from history until Cyrus 'the great' freed them and re-built their temple.

So slowly over time they get kicked from country to country like the homeless people of Europe. It's impressive they didn't devolve into gypsies or become like every other nomadic people in the world, i.e., barbarians. That is most likely because they were being kicked all around Europe? Or the restrictions on jobs they could hold? Or cultural practices... which could be a reflection of or effect genetics, I won't rule that out.

To me it seems they got damn lucky, it wasn't a master plan. And the subversion shtick is just what anyone would do if their people were in the jewish position.

I think integration, assimilation and multiculturalism are a myth. All minorities have a vested interest to push the agenda of their minority, unless they get so race mixed they can't trace roots coherently anymore.

It literally is the jews every single time though. Kike.

Read the "Culture of Critique" and "The International Jew: The World's foremost problem"

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Henry Ford was a piece of shit who played both sides, Ford corporation now funds Antifa

On the off chance that you're not a kike, seriously, read the culture of critique and have all of these questions answered.

i had a legit chuckle at that image. thanks nigger

You are a jew.

Yeah i'm a proud jew we control you mind goyim

Not for much longer.

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Ford corporation isn't run by Henry anymore.

>t. newfaggot
we know, OP. it's globalist socialists of whatever race, religion, or native country. The Catholic church is full of commie faggotry, women are retarded, et cetera. There's a lot of different players in the game, but they're all trying to take down America and The West. The Gay Agenda hates straight white men but also Islam, whereas feminists hate straight white men but love Islam. They'll work together at times and against each other at others.

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Can I get a copy from a normal public library, or do I need to buy a copy and be put on a watch-list? Shall I just buy Mein Kampf at the same time?

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>t. Fellow white person

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Sweet. I made that image and this is it's debut. If it takes off, it'll be my first ever meme.

This is my understanding also. Everyone has a dog in the fight, and if you don't play, you lose (see Canada with it's no friends). I do not see jews as the end-boss. The end-boss is the jew within each of us.

>Guess I need to read culture of critique. Oh boy!

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Tribalism can be found in all people, but it's the subversive means that Jews use for their tribe regularly that makes them stand out. Battles between tribes typically have been fought out in the open, but with Jews they use tools such as media, finance, and "education". Things that you don't even realize someone is waging battle against you because most of it is behind the scenes. They were getting kicked around Europe because of these subversive means. In the beginning the problems arose from them being creditors and plundering people into debt, but later on in the 19th century it was also communism and Europeans realizing you couldn't separate communism without the influence of Jews. They typically weren't forced into these means because of restrictions placed on them by the host country, but willingly chose many times to subvert these countries despite how much hospitality the country may have shown them.

Culture Of Critique is good but I also recommend this book. It gives the broadest history I've read so far of the JQ.

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