Why all this BLACK SHIT RAP on the radio?

In my city I see like 1 black person A FUCKING YEAR.

This black music is FUCKING SHIT.

Why do they keep pushing this fucking shit on us?

(((DRAKE))) = SHIT




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Other urls found in this thread:


You know why, homie.

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>In my city


Thanks never seen that infograph


I don't get it either. All my friends are middle class, white men in their 20s, but almost all of them listen to your generic, mainstream nigger rap. When I tell them I don't like rap, they all look at me like I'm from a different planet. There has got to be some sort of brainwashing going on, I mean only hood niggers should be able to relate to that type of music.

This shouldn't really shock anyone. Jews are behind pop, country, rock and metal too. In the end, all mainstream popular music is the same.

I love some rap. But I acknowledge a lot of it is degenerate and designed to encourage maximum white genocide and dependency on the state (destroying black families).

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>There has got to be some sort of brainwashing going on

this is it.

Not just rap but just shit songs in general can "grow on you"

I remember listen to (((Adam Levine's))) sugar song and thinking its was pure garbage when I heard it like at least 3 times. Then I came around and SORT OF LIKED IT. I guess that combined with the subliminal shit from the radio DJ's promoting (((these artists))) you dont stand a chance.

Best thing make your own playlist and turn off the radio.

i want to fuck cardi b

>he doesn't listen to am radio or music on a usb while driving
It's kind of cool listening to Rush Limbaugh talk shit while driving to work, then cranking some of this while sitting in traffic jams


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Everytime i hear Cardi B's voice I want to fucking stab myself in the temple with an ice pick. She's a talentless fucktard whos only saving grace is that she's good looking and she's not even THAT good looking. She looks like she 50% makeup and silicone.

It called law of supply and demand.

>Why do they keep pushing this fucking shit on us?
Rap music is amazingly cheap to create and produce.
Rap music is amazingly quick to create and produce.
Rappers are among the dumbest people on the planet, and easiest to manipulate.
Rap music, being stripped down to the dumbest possible level, also sets low standards for future content.
People who become used to listening to retard-tier noise grow up less intelligent (or at least attempt to appear so), as that is the message conveyed in the music they will eventually try to emulate.
Rap music glorifies the negro, a race that is used to destroy civilizations. This normalizes the negro to whites, and even brainwashes them to feel sorry for the negro, to the point of giving them money and sex.

Read every word of this image. The flow of money from International Jewish banking (Rothschilds) goes to Jewish elites who fund communist organizations that race bait and turn each demographic they fragment into voting blocs. It's their win-win of dividing the nation into chaos (Saul Alinsky radicalism and cultural Marxist) and encouraging white genocide. Inner conflict is diversion leading to subversion. Their long term strategy is to dissolve the United Stated into a one world government (globalism/NWO).

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>fake nigger tits
The worst kind

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I just hate when a song comes on the radio and it's got a nice melody with someone singing, then suddenly some ape starts hooting and hollering over it

Country music is complete SHIT now too. It's all about drinking and degenerate behavior.

That woman is a mother. Think about that. That woman in OPs pic, who is openly dressing and acting no better than a hooker, is raising a child. Just fuck this gay earth.

Goddamn people on this board....

OP, here's some non-schizoid truth for you: As culture grow hedonistic (in the low pleasure sense) and decadent beyond material needs, they become ineffectual, lifeless, soulless even. This has been true of almost every aristocracy since the dawn of civilization. The only aristocracies that avoid this are the ones that remain militant, that despite their decadent success, they still challenge themselves and constantly fight to ensure they maintain power. But these sorts aren't the norm.

Slight side note, but it will elucidate just how dire things have become in modern america and much of the west:
>due to technological advances in medicine, agriculture, livestock cultivation, trade efficiency, automation, communication, transportation, infrastructure, etc---everyone who is not living paycheck to paycheck (and honestly, even they also exhibit these qualities) are effectively aristocratic when compared to the standards of living in the past. there's just no need to fight for life
>especially when one of the most prevalent ideologies is that you, white people, are guilty and don't deserve what you have---that will demoralize you, even if you accept it

Now: Who is the demographic with "something to fight for?" (however real or fake this "something" may actually be). Who are the people who have a chip on their shoulders, who are encouraged to rise up and take power (again, however delusional this may be is irrelevant)? Who grow up in some of the roughest (animalistic) neighborhoods? What sort of music/culture are these people going to produce? Bingoooo....you guessed it.

Now connecting this to my first point:
>throughout history there is a trend for the aristocrats to be ineffectual and feminized
>aristocratic people, always, leech off the culture of the lower classes, those perceived to be more vibrant and lifelike, more animal>>>i.e. more of what they lack, what they are not

we like rap because we are vampires.

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>niggers raising a child
I'm sorry sir but do you know how ridiculous you sound right now

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(samefag you)
but i unironically deserve it.

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no it's jews

I wanna fuck a kween

>hurr i haven't read any history or philsoophy ever

i'm not arguing that "the jews" aren't in control of media. I'm just saying that this trend is well-documented throughout time and shouldn't surprise anyone.

You might not be one of the white I'm talking about, but it's a real, pervasive phenomena.

Nah it's literally the jews astroturfing their own brand of black culture and reselling it to niggers. You think the black power fist came from a nigger? Niggers don't invent anything.

Killing white culture.

I'm not talking about whatever theories you dream up that may or may not be true.

I'm directly answering OP's question of why white people are so into black culture.

>Jews made rap
just not true. it came from the streets, unironically. jews might have propagated it (because they are high up in media positions) but jews did not make rap
>inb4 that's what they want you to think, they "astroturfed" it.
No. Blacks' storied history of music goes back way further than modern media, before everything was run "by jews", before Israel even was owned "by jews".

again, i suggest getting an education outside of Jow Forums. Hope I've improved upon you in some way, though doubtful, I am.

>Is "black culture" artificially pushed more than "white culture" NOWADAYS?
maybe so, but again, that's mostly irrelevant. ineffectual ruling classes would still be attracted to animalistic cultures because that's human nature.

>pic kinda related

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bamp for justice

OP, any thoughts here? Or did you just want your preconceived fairy tale of "duh joos" to get confirmed?

the greatest thing is that she's not even black. she's latina. and it's all a jewish trick. everything about her and her personality is completely fabricated. she's not even any good at what she does. she's the most generic, lowest common denominator artist in that field. but who is promoting her? hmmm....


>implying white culture isn't also killing itself

>brainlet fairy tale response

white girls listen to it.
they are making money.

pretty much

What, are you literally retarded? If you don't like it, don't watch/listen to it. Never heard one song by names listed. See, this is what happens when you're an incel. Get a life, faggot.

You are bluepilled. I'm here to help you because I care about what you think but more importantly I care about objective truth. If you want to know the truth behind the shaping of modern culture specifically in the United States 1900-2018), I'm here for you.

Every step of the way, International Banking Jewry and their communist fronts have been the sole instigators in funding racial hatred. Jews brought the communism and the welfare state which got black women to stop caring about fathers, to become slaves to the state, ripping the family away. Black family was strong during slavery, under segregation, and after slavery, because black families were strong and had morals. That all changed when International Jewish money got involved for communism. Jews are behind almost all black-against-white media in the United States. They are Hollywood. Hollywood is pure fiction. There is never a real historical movie that comes from Hollywood and it is all scripted to bring a narrative. They are the news. They are the Marxist schools. They are the financial empire. They are the foreign policy and middle east wars that keep spilling the blood of millions of non-Jews. They are the porn industry to twist young minds. They are the entertainment industry. They are the promoters of degenerate music. They are the leftist organizations that pretend they're "liberating" while they're enslaving. They are leftist coastal elite Jews and they fund, script, and manage most trash while blaming whites for the world's problems to fool morons of all races (the "goyim").

Recently, for instance, Jews funded and wrote a movie called Blackkklansman which is fiction. It created fictional representations acting as if a Jew was a hero while promoting lies about people like David Duke who never had a violent bone in his body. Fools like Spike Lee make money in this game with Jews against whites because they don't care about history and truth. They love money: a root of evil.

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Sumner Redstone produced most of the race mixing friendly culture.

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It shouldn't exist retard

You're a pseudo intellectual dude, don't suck yourself off so much. You explain nothing. You can claim that black truly invented this and white people are naturally drawn to it, but jews practiced psychological triggers and mastered the use of beats to push certain rhythms and phrases. Maybe niggers figured out to find a beat and like the brazilian niggers dance around in their favelas. It's fucking garbage and it should be banned. Fucking brain rot. The streets can go fuck themselves.


It's almost been 3 decades of it being the 'main' music. I am beyond sick of this shit, I want white music other than country to be on the radio.

You're a fucking retard.

>not blasting eurobeat while driving

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This shit here is why whenever it comes up (for example when people ask why American Hip-Hop is emulated by European underclasses), I always take the time to point out that Hip-Hop is not Black American culture. For it to be Black American culture, it would have to be produced by Black Americans, which it clearly isn't. We only associate this culture with Black Americans because Black Americans were the first people to adopt it as their own.

In reality this culture was never created solely for Blacks, in fact it's intended for all of us. This is the bespoke culture created for the rootless Afro-Eurasian slave race spoken of in the Kalergi plan. A future where a historyless mass of low IQ miscegnated savages, survive off of scraps and are happy to exist wearing only the sports shorts and t-shirt uniform of their slave caste as the ever present muffled thumping of heavy bass beats resonate through their urban hives.

Rap music loses money but it pays off in destroying positive values.
Sage all memeflags

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>Who are the people who have a chip on their shoulders, who are encouraged to rise up and take power (again, however delusional this may be is irrelevant)?
Who encourages them to rise up and take power?

It should because it does exist. There is lots of music/media I don't like so I don't engage in it. I'm not angry or ensensed. It's pretty easy. So why get your panties in a bunch with shit that you have control over.
Btw, public enemies "fear of a black planet" is pretty fucking good. Got turned on to PE by my best friend who was a rush limbaugh listening republican. Go figure. True story.

>the pic
>we don't want to be treated as sexual objects

Ha ha you first

> not blasting moonman and Walt Bismarck disney parodies while driving

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>implying I haven't heard all of this before
>using malcom x as a source saying that JEWS cause the division
>not realizing malcom X straight up hated white people anyways

>they love money: the root of evil
Exactly. and what makes more money than a SJW themed movie right now? I honestly bet, if the tides were significantly to turn, Jews would have little problem funding pro-white media so long as there was a lucrative audience for it. Unfortunately, so many whites also like anti-white media, that it ddoesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon.

As i said, I don't doubt there is something artifical about the propagation of black culture in the media, I don't doubt that a lot of Jews are anti-white, but I just don't think that that negates the truth of human nature that "ruling" classes tend to fetishize the most animal demographics in the nation---perhaps jews do this even more than whites do it.

I think it's more out of a lust for money than conspiratorial evil, but who really knows. I'm well aware about how disproportionate Jews are in high positions, but this also sounds like an SJW-tier argument, like "muh equal representation!"

Maybe something about jews having historically conservative values, being financially adept, and being cutthroat businessmen is why they are up there. Maybe it doesn't have to be as unanimous of a theory as you suppose.

>Do Jews fund racial hatred
Maybe some of them, but i don't think it's unanimous. I am an unironic hollywood user, i know major jewish families in the business, I promise the kabal is not open to any and all jews.

>Just so you know---I hate the politicization of film, and hate the fact that our modern stories are less about human nature, and more about petty politics. I hate the fact that white culture is weak and fetishizes negro culture. I mostly agree with your end results, just not with the cause (hence why i'm on Jow Forums)

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>we need to change out culture, we don't want to be treated as sexual objects

I kind of like Drake. I think when it comes to black music, you have to pick and choose.

Where is this black free paradise you live?
I lived in one of the whiter relevant areas of the country and still saw niggers >.>

>implying human beings need to be told to take power
i'm fairly sure that's a basic drive. Jews, whites, and women all helped pave the way for blacks to be able to do so, and sure, it's a bit artificial due to "muh affirmative action", but i honestly believe that leftist ideology is more a result of women entering the political sphere and the gradual effeminization of men due to the decadence of modernity.

as soon as your answer to all of lives' problems are a one word solution, that's a good sign you're wrong. "JEWWWSSSS"

yeah, some jews are fucking shitty and avaricious and hate america. i could find you even more white people who actively hate white america.

>You have to pick and choose
>Picking the most mainstream Jewish nigger label plant

Some soft rap I don't mind. Even a lot of white music is incorporating segments of spoken word rhyming lyrics. But as soon as I hear that ghetto drawl, I change the channel before my IQ drops.

Black music is better than ever. Just look at this little gem.

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Well, my mind is changed.

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Wow, I suppose you went to Ivy League!

The brainwashing is in the lifestyle image that goes with some music. The hard rock of the 1970s promoted both men and women being promiscuous. My generation partied down and had sex. They forgot how to get married, stay married, and have lots of children. We aborted millions of our "accidental" children.

to demoralize us, destroy our culture of rock n roll

It's true. They will have a female singing a nice line. Then a male comes in and starts to rap. It becomes ugh most of the time.

>let's call it brainwashing, giving us an evillll group to hate!
>it's definitely not the fact that we have grown decadent!
>it's deifnitely not because we are soft as fuck!
>let's ignore cultural trends throughout all of history that show as ruling classes grow decadent, they devolve into degeneracy and femininity, and then the strongest, most barbaric people rise to power!
>surely if we blame jews life will get better!

If only pedophiles could fix your plumbing, what would your plumbing be like?
If only pedophiles could be doctors, what would your health look like?
Starting about 15 years ago, pedophiles took over US entertainment. Only pedophiles and friends of pedophiles get signed and are allowed to make music. So what does music sound and look like now? A private club of pedophiles who don't know how to make music but you are being instructed to buy it because it is called "music". Their fame and exposure are gifts from the pedophiles to reward them for giving them boys and access to boys and for keeping their mouths shut. And now you know.
>Case rested

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Excuse me - wasn't Country music always about drinking??

You sound like a bretty cool dude, user

Anyone ever notice the complete lack of genre diversity ever since 2010 onward? I remember when mainstream radio consisted of pop, punk, rock, r&b, techno, country and hardcore rap. Nowadays it’s just neo-ghetto rap and soft pop.

'swhy I mostly listen to 80s/90s music, with the occasional good rap jam when I need some war music, and synthwave shit when I'm doing work.

can't stand radio nowadays. it is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator: it's racially ambiguous, simple-minded, materialistic, and mostly about money or sex

that's stuff everybody can like!

Capital Lol.

Excellent post, user. Well put.

It could be worse. You could live in Houston where the majority of FM music stations are in Spanish. Try XM satellite radio. They actually have a few Canadian music channels.

You aren't seeing the bigger picture. Jews as a people for 3500+ years have considered themselves "the chosen people." The twisted pathology of Talmudic manipulation runs deeper than you know or examine because your telescope is zoomed in on only a fraction of what's taking place in culture today ("SJW" nonsense), which is a consequence that wasn't born of a vacuum. It was born of funding Marxist anti-white culture. You are focused on a few trees and do not see the forest of history of world power and exploitation that International Banking affords all of their tentacles.

>but i don't think it's unanimous
It's not unanimous. Not all Jews are like this. There are a lot of good Jews who don't want to be dragged into this yet are dragged into it because of elites playing the identity card and forcing them into a wedge. Do not make an argumentation fallacy by strawmanning extremes. There are three primary factions of Judaic pathology in the world today: 1. mainstream Zionists (democrats (mostly democrats), conservatives, secularists, all observant of tribalism and some traditions); 2. extreme left zealots (communists and anti-Zionists); 3. Jewish paleo-conservatives and Orthodoxy. Redpilled Jews who speak about the leading Jewish role in world finance and power are usually only the old conservatives and some Orthodox, and even then few of them will speak about it openly because it carries the same backlash. The redpilled ones make up a very small fraction and are usually ostracized once they speak and they have no financial power or media influence.

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literally all genres have collapsed except for arguably trap music (rap). Most rap still sucks. Everything else is completely dormant.


Fly Young Red music Label in Las Vegas = www.Level8studios.com

Cant find much info on them. Probably owned by jews.

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I listen to what music appeals to my ear. Music doesn't manipulate my core values. I can listen to Drake, or Sting or the Cure or the Bee Gees. I can appreciate the music and discard any message they try to attach to it.



The music industry... Is there anything more hate inducing than these fucking pieces of shit?
Every single pop song I hear I can at least recognize something objectively easy on the ears. They like to have a somewhat ok song, sung by a female, white or otherwise, then in one of the verses there is a fucking no talent, unpleasant sounding nigger that has to come in and do what niggers do best, usually brag. You can smell the filthy niggers breath through to speakers.

The music industry is a fucking cancer and it's primary goal is to get young white girls to fuck niggers. Everywhere I look it's a no talent nigger.
I suspect this is how it goes:

>1 person creates the beat, he may be decent at his job
>1 performing monkey is picked as a front man. He has no fucking talent but to preform his niggardry
>1 kike to bankroll it

Most of my friends who used to listen to mainstream music bigly back in the 90s and 00s have now moved on to indie music. I mean mainstream always was somewhat plastic (especially pop) but at least it had some soul. I just want to hear appreciable music during my commute to work, not the same negroid soft rapping over an overused triplet beat.

kek. Gayngster? Black men are feminized at higher rates because of a fatherless matriarchy, so songs like that are sure to become common.

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Binary beats in songs

>Nowadays it’s just neo-ghetto rap and soft pop.
This is because people in the other genres (aka, real music) tend to dislike pedophiles and have more developed souls, which gives them more talent but also makes them say no when confronted with The Career Choice*.

The Career Choice is: if you want to do music or visual art that reaches the masses, you will either be down with pedophilia or not be heard or seen. Period. If you are the kind of person who hates pedos, YOU WILL NOT BE SIGNED, HEARD OR SEEN. AT ALL.

If you are okay with it, you might get a deal. This deal and the situation around it are proportional. The more okay you are with it and the more open you are to assisting it, the bigger a deal and the greater fame you will receive. See if this doesn't explain everybody you see today in US entertainment and the level of genuine creativity and proficiency you see and hear in their "product".

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I think the genres have all split to the point where only pop and rap make any money. If you established a "rock" station today, would it play John Mayer or Metallica? Would it play Fall Out Boy or DJ Snake? Rock seems to have splintered in 10 different directions.


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Saved. Going into my Jews are behind everything degenerate folder.

Thanks user

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Funny enough I sat by a black guy in a college class once and he told me about how the "illuminati" controls music. Said if you want to make it big you have to sell your soul and put in secret messages into your lyrics/brands. If you refuse they never let you succeed, that's the reason why so many "good" rappers can't get signed or mainstream exposure and meme rappers can blow up.

Do people really still listen to the radio?

Your black friend is correct.

But substitute the word "pedophiles" for "illuminati".

Often user but not like its anything good. There's not a lot of music worth illegally downloading now

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Is he evil or just duped?

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death grips is pretty good
mainstream music is always shit because it's made by (((tavistock))), ever since the jewtles

Go to TMZ.com right now - 70-80% of the stories are about blacks. Either gangster shit or sports shit, glamorizing degenerate behavior. Most celebrity news across the board is about blacks behaving badly. Get's the little white girls wet.

That guy was somewhat redpilled. The Illuminati is a convenient term for the fraternal orders of International Banking (Jewry). The modern celebrity form of the Illuminati is mock-Satanic-iconoclastic existing largely for shock value and tearing down traditional culture historically opposed to occult Jewry: Orthodox Christianity. Although many of the celebrities are self-aware and think of it as humorous and a a form of satire, it ends up taking on a form of tangible occultism, because rejecting that tribalism of "Satanic" displays and their leftist politics will get you ostracized or worse or at the very least not able to rise in the ranks of mainstream distribution. All mainstream distribution is owned by Jews.

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they aren't white, not in the real sense, not in the post-dotr sense, not in the true sense, they are lost ones, interlopers, the damned, if you consider them white then you too have lost what it means to be white and you yourself are thus not white either

it's better than your country redneck shit. and she's got nice tits

>Why all this BLACK SHIT RAP on the radio?
>Actually asking this on Jow Forums
user I..

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>im a jew

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