Are you still a libertarian, Jow Forums?
Are you still a libertarian, Jow Forums?
Pic unrelated?
I was under the impression this was the patron saint of the libertarian/randian movement.
>adopting labels that further divide us and our allegiance
Political parties should be abolished
If you're older than sixteen and you still identify as a libertarian, you need to be ignored from any discussion of serious matters. Libertarianism leads to the destruction of civilization. How many more boys will have to have their genitals cut off before the libertarian wakes up?
Not sure, why don't we ride this roller coaster and discuss it
>implying libertarianism is some sort of phase that people go through when it is the best ideology because it advocates for true freedom
Yes I am a libertarian and I will die before I enlist as one of you autistic alt-righter neo nazis. All you do is make nationalism look as retarded as you are.