This is okay in America

>this is okay in America
this is not okay

Attached: A13794D9-66B3-4A23-8636-5A150A30AD34.jpg (1000x912, 293K)

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Judging by the quality, I'm guessing that's a legal weapons stockpile.

It's the illegal weapons stockpiles you need to worry about. Those are in USA, Russia and anywhere else.

Great thread user.

Attached: wojak.jpg (1600x900, 85K)

usually I get FPBP in these threads but people never respond because it's too direct of a threat to their bullshit delusion world where everyone cares about a greater good than their own self-preservation.

Attached: 1519057839119.png (1277x907, 66K)

Just like people there are no illegal weapons.

>greater good

Oooooo noooooo not the scary guns!

How about this?

Attached: Texas Twin MachineGun Mount.jpg (628x403, 51K)

What's wring Ivan? They're not Kalashnikov's? You make me sick commie!

Attached: 1533885886403.jpg (686x888, 87K)

>Threatened/reasoned offender
Am bipolar and can confirm this is an effective strategy for me, and why I feel like I don't need a gun. Also it's probably better that I don't have one just in case.