Brit/pol/ - GOOD MORNING Edition

>Revealed: the Scottish uni courses for (feepaying) English students only

>What’s the truth about the Manchester bomber’s mosque?

>Why are 27,000 fewer boys going to university than girls?

>Rise of the women haters: Inside the dark world of the British 'incels'

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Can somebody here make me rich?

>Revealed: the Scottish uni courses for (feepaying) English students only
this satire? because i go to one of te unis and i could have chosen any of the ''english only'' courses despite being scottish and getting a free ride.

Like I said last night mate, get yourself down to Citizens Advice or a veterans charity and see what benefits you're allowed.

>>What’s the truth about the Manchester bomber’s mosque?

It's an important question, and certainly getting killed by a terrorist attack isn't nice, neither is having to live the rest of your life with disfiguring injures, but terrorist attacks are never going to really be a big issue, it's perhaps 5 people per year on average who die of them in the UK in the past 10 years, if that, and if you allow your self let the discussion around Islam be framed such that all that matters is terrorism you're doomed from the start - you'll never be able to persuade someone Islam is a problem because terrorist attacks are something that happens some place else to other people.

I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to go to a Scottish university for free because of my parents/grandparents, but it would mean going to Scotland.

Do you think I'm a retard and I'm not aware of these things? The state can fuck off and I've already taken enough from Armed Forces Charities.


>I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to go to a Scottish university for free because of my parents/grandparents

It really is incredible how the narrative is able to proclaim that ethnic heritage is both utterly worthless, whilst at the same time meaning absolutely everything for specific policies.

It's not that I don't think you're aware of these things, I know you read for please and are (or at least were) taking some Open University law course, you're intelligent, but your character of 'fuck everyone I can take of my self with no help, living in a car = freedom', whether true or not, isn't really helpful to you, the fact is you would be in a better situation financially if you did take the help you were entitled to but are choosing not to.

Absolutely, the mental gymnastics some people preform really is fascinating. The tolerance to progressive politics is usually inversely proportionate to the level one has to deal with or see the end results of it. Unfortunately when when people see the end result of letting anybody from anywhere in the world have free university education as I suspect they would like, it will be too late. A university degree is already not as valuable as they once were, and people who do take degrees that actually have some societal value end up subsidizing those who don't.

Meant to say 'read for pleasure'.