Humor thread maybe?

Let it stand of fall so be kek wills it.

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That's not funny.

>stand of fall
*stand or fall
fuck my life.

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why wont you laugh?

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a prayer for Michael.

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>Aryan White
>Godzilla Pimp
by far my favorite.

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Dont be too quick to judge ma niba De'Marquise you wasnt there you dont know how it wen down

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oh Cali never change.

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Never change Russia

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that shit must be expensive as fuck.

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>fish eggs

Caviar is one type of fish egg, there are many. Some are cheap as fuck.

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You know nothing about caviar, thats obvious. Caviar in picture is real, but the phoito is staged. This guy probably has something to do vith sellig/ditribution of caviar, so me made this pic near the tank of it

Pop pop was Polish and he ate caviar and drank vodka a lot so.

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hi, my boludo's friend.

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Why not zoidberg?

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Is it pronounced minute or minute?

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could be the "u" is soundless as in Minte?

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the first dab?

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I love this. Thanks

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>...and that's why we thank G-d we're Jewish! Now go practice piano!

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Trump was a hottie

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Thanks for the repost. I manage the page "The Imperial Herald" on Facebook.
Here are a few more pics

Anyone else who likes the 40k shooting, go like and follow the page on zuccbook

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lmao this is a good one.


Always love the 40k article edits

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Parody like this is great

This is fucking abysmal but the worst thing about it is that he’s straight up lying when he says they ‘won’t dwell on it’.

The article is him talking about Doctor Who and I can understand just throwing in whatever extras you can get into the background if you just ignore it and brush it off with ‘yeah it’s not historically accurate but it’s just extras so we won’t discriminate on actors’ but in later series of the show they take moments to stand around and talk about how ethnically diverse the places they’ve gone to are despite it just being historically inaccurate.

The beeb are liars and hacks, TV licensing is the only reason they’re still around because they wouldn’t have the money to continue if we didn’t have it.

Jesus Christ that's good

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jewish tricks

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Lemon and Orange Jello

That cartoon is a monument to Argentine butthurt.
I love it

Cheers lads. I don't think I have an Aussies liking the page. Do you follow?

Most recent one I made, after the story of those morons who went cycling in Tajikistan.

I was so pleased when I found a pic of Magnus with the exact shit eating grin that Pippa Bacca has (hitchhiking girl who got murdered in Turkey, trying to prove missed are peaceful)

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based niggas drop some big pills on twitter day by day.

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Never eaten real caviar?

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The Lord's Prayer: Jow Forums edition


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remember the first Thor movie?
there was a single nigger in it, the one guarding the door to something I dont know. By the second or third 80% of the Asgardians were niggers or chinks.
I think about that a lot.

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Talk by yourself, this only happens with daytime Jow Forums.

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not funny but related.

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>this only happens with daytime Jow Forums
You mean amerifat day time ?

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More like teenager day time.

Yeah nah sorry m8, I refuse to make an account on kikebook. But I do enjoy the edits regardless.

What's on her mouth?

Thats not russian caviar, thats black

Poland really does make the best Porn

This is some Silent Hill tier shit.

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looks like germanys food.

No worries, I post a new thread every new bunch of edits to gain new fans

Would Instagram be a good idea for the page?


Jesus wasn't a true Jew. No true jew would flip over counting tables during normal business hours, unless they planned to distract the merchants and pick up the pennies off the floor. It's why the jews killed Jesus.

mother fucker IM POOR I dont know what color real caviar is.

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Why was the husband shitting while his wife was bathing?

It is raw. uncured.
He is probably idea what you call guy who harvests fish of those.
Also WTF?! Sven
All you snow niggers up there do is eat weird fish products. How you no know this?!?

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lost it.

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Upon closer inspection, I believe you're right