Scared yet?

White men who wear long sleeved sweaters in the middle of the fucking summer get the rope.

Attached: 37488579_2188536534692547_774693456021815296_n.jpg (650x960, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be antifa
>step into DBZ training capule
>1,000 years here we go
>step out
>look like OP

Attached: GokuCCSpaceship.png (720x384, 274K)

One redneck could take on all 6 at once. Between swigs of Jim Beam.

> half of them have absolutely no clue how to even make a fist

Most of those arms aren't confidently out stretched. How can I take you seriously if you aren't even confident in your own ability?

So my post got trip sixes. What do I win? Or does this mean I'm secretly jewish and now need to kill myself out of shame?

It means op is a flag fag

I could grab the skinny on the left by the ankles and swing him at the others

More like this

Attached: anime-girl-with-braid-anime-neko-nekomimi-paw-pose-blushing-cat-girl-wannabees-anime-girl-with-braid (800x1144, 296K)

Obvious satire account. The picture is a few months old and from Germany btw.