>Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, who were both in their late 20s, quit their jobs in 2017 to embark on a trip around the world. Austin, a vegan, and Geoghegan, a vegetarian, decided that they’re were wasting their lives working.

>“I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,” Austin wrote on his blog before he quit. “I’ve missed too many sunsets while my back was turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed.”

>“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.”

>“I don’t buy it,” he continued. “Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own… By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind.”


>Austin and Geoghegan were riding their bikes in Tajikistan, near the Afghan border on July 29 when they were rammed by a car, according to CBS News. Five men got out of the car and stabbed them to death along with two other cyclists, one from Switzerland and the other from the Netherlands.

>Two days later, ISIS released a video showing the same men sitting in front of the black ISIS flag. They looked at the camera and vowed to kill “disbelievers,” according to The New York Times.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think people dying is funny, darwin award or not

how coddled do you have to be to become so stupid and naive?

>Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

>Posting old news

Attached: Syrian,_Iraqi,_and_Lebanese_insurgencies 2018 August 18'th ISIS no more.png (4509x3449, 2.28M)

They have cells or affiliates in dozens of countries user. It's a short border hop from Afghanistan.

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They got what they wanted, some of that 'ol ISIS kindness and hospitality.

Nah it's pretty damn funny

Any western nation that has CNN breeds these people

Animals can't be evil, they lack morals and only act on instinct. That's one big part that differs us from them. People can be evil as fuck.
Still laughing that these idiots thought it's a good idea to cycle around in ISIS territory, that's a special kind of stupid.

I have friends like that. They told me "it's all lies and propaganda, these people are no diffetent than us" so when I pointed out specific passages in the Quran that show ISIS is following it to the letter by killing/enslaving unbelievers... their response was "not gonna read that cuz it's not true", islam is peaceful.

So finally when I asked how do they know what it says when I have read it several times and they have read it 0 times they said "because it simply can't be what you say, it's unbelievable". Literal ignorance.

these are the killers. white?

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Is this poetic justice or irony?

interesting cautionary tale tho

I got a good laugh out of this story too.

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Literally baby's first step into a heavy traditional Muslim country

ISIS is literally Jews and goyim has to work.

Proof that ISIS can do good work.

based and redpilled


their brains were rotted thanks to the subverted educational system and entertainment industry. all their natural defense mechanisms in regards to strangers stomped out and labeled 'hate', 'ignorance' from a very early age.

Hahahahahaja,....... I saw the video !!!!! Cars are stronger then bikes.

It's not funny that they're dead, what's funny is that these are people who operate under a completely erroneous conception of what a human being and the purpose of civilization is. It illustrates a basic divide between leftists and everyone else - they think that people are basically good, the primitive person even more so because he hasn't been corrupted by capitalism/society or whatever. Whereas practically everyone else understands that we are savages in need of strict socializaiton.

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This is days old you faggot

They believe they can change reality by thinking a certain way lol "if I say these people are good they magically will be"

Wha's your point, nigger? Do you see a "happening" label?

He's a balk. A subhuman who loves to kill and torture. Just look at their wars and the shit they did to each other

Good riddance.

It's actually very important that blind idiots like that get proved to be such.

Every time they are removed from the gene pool we are saved from that pollutant.

>It illustrates a basic divide between leftists and everyone else - they think that people are basically good,

Then they go full Darwin mode and call everyone animals with primal instincts..... Which one is it?

The real truth is they view them self as MASTER with extra to give and if not from their pockets from their neighbors pockets then pat them selves on their backs for how much better they are then everyone else. They think they have enough to sacrifice to make non whites white. They absolutely deserved to die in my opinion! They are traitors of the white race by flaunting their privilege and superiority! Not as smart as they think they are. Shit skins really don't care. They aren't made like whites in the general regards.

It is funny though. This type of people will do more harm to your family than the butchers that murdered them.

guess they were right about the glowing rectangle meme though.

it really sucks wasting your time in front your PC. go outside and make connections and better have a job that's not about being a retarded office cuck.

I need to see this video. Please

What jobs did they quit, anyone can find?

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Read the article first idiot
They were killed in Afghanistan

We should do the same here to anglo niggers and dutch bikeridder tourists. Allah wills it.
Fucking niggers

They deserved to be murdered
They were Bernie loving faggots.


made me think

I honestly feel bad for them and their families. They are idiots at worse. Westerners don't realize the mentality of different cultures - especially fanatical Muslims, who genuinely hate anyone who isn't Muslim, and kill them simply because they aren't Muslim. This is ok in their culture/mindset. It's not murder or "evil". It is tolerated.

These people lived in a bubble and got it popped rudely, sadly.

Traitors before the enemy

>stabbed to death by a bunch of kids larping as ISIS
Oh how I'm laffing

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>I honestly feel bad for them
I don't. In this day and age how naive do you have to be to do this shit?

what the fuck ever, they are the cancer plaguing our society right now, the more people like them that die the better, I wish every single nigger faggot would take the same trip and end up dead

Why do we hate ISIS again ?

Allah em portugal? vai po caralho. Tu nao es dai, e nao mereces a terra que pisas. Volta la pa terra de merda de onde veems

I think it's the same kind of thinking that makes us sympathetic to the retarded level toddlers operate at. they dont know any better, theyre naive and ignorant, etc.
Its not like they went out with malicious intent, they were just stupid.

>Lions are portrayed as killing machines
>"You can't believe the narrative"
>Gets in cage with lion
>Gets mauled to death
>Two days later, ISIS released a video showing the same lion sitting in front of the black ISIS flag. It looked at the camera and vowed to kill “disbelievers,” according to The New York Times.


you know live loves irony and has a sense of humor

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Don't tell me that this is the one time ISIS didn't film it.

It's weird af though, he has the narrative backwards.

The narrative is all these people are just misunderstood peace loving nice people.

My guess is he 'thought' the narrative was that they were evil because that was his subconscious telling him that.

I hope all liberals go to takikistn and fucking die.

Kek nice story user, good ridence I bet these retards would be the people wanting to ban guns too, Bet they wish they had one now huh?

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Allah is good

Honestly, we need some kind of website that just tracks all of this sort of thing.

A section for false rape accusations. A section for hate crime hoaxes. A section for lefties being maimed by all of those lovable cuddly refugees and misunderstood Muslims.

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Nah we need a website to *encourage* leftties to go visit the cuddly misunderstood Muslims

Those are Tajikis.
Special people with special attitude. Some call them an original Aryans.
Some says they are direct heirs to Alexander the Great army.
Dont ask me how russians call tehm, becouse its racist and im not a racist.

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Exactly. All men are fools and should be laughed at. Taking people seriously makes you as insane as they are.

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>"because it simply can't be what you say, it's unbelievable". Literal ignorance.

They sound like they've never left the house once in their lifetime. To think that everyone everywhere and at all times must have thought just like you is the most narcissistic form of projection that I've ever heard of. Show your friends the pew polls from Britain that shows the Muslims themselves saying that 2/3rds of them wouldn't call the police to report on someone who is known to be a member of a terrorist organization. If they can't take Muslims at their own word, if your friends say they know Muslims better than Muslims know Muslims, then tell them to ride a bike in Tajikistan to spread the word about what "true Islam" is about. I'm sure the Muslims there would greatly appreciate the disabusement.

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They deserved it for their stupidity. I've talked to so many retards who continue to insist that Islam is a peaceful religion even after I've explained Quranic abrogation to them and have showed them parts of the 9th Sura. Leftism is a mental illness, and unfortunately some people have it so bad that death is the only cure.

I've had the exact same experience. It's incredibly frustrating. When I've finally managed to get them to accept that the Quran says what it says they almost always respond with "but the bible!" Where the fuck does Jesus command his followers to kill non-Christians? These people aren't even trying to form a coherent picture of reality, they're just trying to hold together a stupid and childish one which they get comfort from.

We've already condemned them a few days ago. Yes they were naive and retarded to prove a point that the world isnt all terrible and especially mudslimes.

Then karma literally hit and killed them slowly.

So congratulations, looks like they were wrong and the right was right

I feel bad for them too, I feel bad for a horse that has broken its leg and has to be put down, I feel bad for a dog that lived out its best years and it's time for it to die, I feel bad for the elephant that knows it's dying and willingly goes to the elephant graveyard to die in.

But their death was absolutely necessary and mandated. I feel bad that they died, but the cancerous mindset and worldview they had has to be eradicated for safety of entire humanity. The hugbox world we created that specifically prevented that type of people from dying is falling apart and those people would die sooner or later. I think it's best if they die a relatively quick death.

Right about wherever their level was

>ISIS makes every effort to operate only in Afghanistan, and issues apologies to the UN if they step over any borders

No, they won't get it until they hit a certain level. It's the women who have multicolored hair right now having to listen to their baby granddaughters scream as they get FGM'd, clits amputated and cauterized. It won't sink in until then.

What they did was stupid yes, but they deserve some pity. Brainwashing by liberal propaganda made them be like this.

Pity, really?

You have to work to close your mind off like that, to say "no no, I won't listen to these people, I will ignore this evidence." They did it to themselves, and that's why it really hurts.

>9th Sura

The entire Koran is hate-filled, really. I've also read it in its entirely and it's almost as if Mohammed was just obsessed with war and hate. He can't shut up about it for even a single sura. For the same reason it's a stunningly repetitive (and therefore boring) book. Still, it's critical to read this stuff.

For those who are interested, you can read it here, clearly written in modern English.


I usually point out the 9th because it's the second most recent and therefore, according to the doctrine of abrogation, the second most truthful one.
When you organise the quran into the order that Muhammad delivered it then you find that the second half is far more violent than the first, which, unsurprisingly, corresponds directly to when Muhammad switched from being a wannabe Jesus to being a bandit and warlord.

>Yes they were naive and retarded to prove a point that the world isnt all terrible and especially mudslimes.
>Then karma literally hit and killed them slowly.
>So congratulations, looks like they were wrong and the right was right
Thing is, this isn't the first time this happened. Others entering the middle East / central Asia to prove the goodness of Muslims have met the same tragic fate. Why do these liberals not learn from these stories?

The fundamental difference between a "lefty" and a "righty" is the left assumes the base template of a human is kindness and empathy (which is why they don't see the need for weapons and see wealth distribution as great), and the right sees a base template of greed and irrational behavior (which is why they see the need to arm the populace and leave people alone)

>Why do these liberals not learn from these stories?
A wise man can learn from a fool, but a fool can't learn from a wise man.

>these are people who operate under a completely erroneous conception of what a human being and the purpose of civilization is
Western civilization embraces liberal principles, and Western civilization is the best civilization.

Why dont people learn that 80% of the world's population wants to kill, rape, or steal from them?

I found the Qur'an to be hateful of infidels right from sura 1 onwards. He doesn't talk about killing them all outright, but he sure can't shut up about how good its going to feel when they're all cast into the fires of hell after death. Even at his best, he was still a straight up sadist.

>A wise man can learn from a fool, but a fool can't learn from a wise man.
Well said

Lets see what I can dig up from my archive

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And thats why europa enjoys the reputation of being weak, liberal, and cucked.....

If you can't see the irony in this and the amazing arrogance displayed by the west in a nutshell...your a fool....

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...it ain't that hard....

But no, the liberal secular humanist deep state globalist has a narrative to push.....

>I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,”

I feel ya there my dog, but shit. Go on a backpacking trip. Plenty of trails in the US.


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Yeah the order of the quran isn't the same as the order that it was delivered. The historically early verses actually are fairly peaceful, but they are scattered around throughout the book. Sura 1 says fuck all, but sura 2 is the first of the medina verses (87th overall), i.e. the first delivered when muhammad became a bandit, and that one is very violent, and it overrides all the peaceful stuff.

Don't be a cuck. These millenial phags would gulag you in two seconds.

Hold the fuck up. ISIS got rid of these hippies making the world a better place. HOW DOES THIS NOT PROVE THEIR KINDNESS?

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People on the Far Right are just as retarded. You generalize everyone not like you as evil or bad regardless of who they are as individuals just as they believe the same only that everyone is inherently good despite many of them being dangerous individuals as we see with this case

We'll keep them out of your country if you shitpeople stay out of ours.

If we could only get all Liberals to do this!

No. Two less pieces of shit voting for and supporting a letftist insurgency in the west. The more the better. We owe some islamic bros a solid for this. Saved us some rope.

...and of course who can forget the classic

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My personal favourite

>spend your life shilling for muslim mgirants in the EU parliament
>daughter gets raped and drowned by one


It literally say that it's true, you FUCKING LEAF

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that only says they didn't set out to prove humans weren't evil

it does not deny they were murdered by isis

We have their quotes from social media that confirm their intent. Snopes is shite.

How hard would it be to create fake websites like a blogger site showing hipsters and lefty types doing travel blogs to muslim countries and showing it as paradisical and all the people are nice? If the left can openly lie our civilization to it's doom then we can lie them to their doom.

>in their late 20s
did they think they would chuckle a good laugh all together and later on play quake arena and drink monster?

No need to lie when we have o many examples that are true lol

Such trolling. I love it.

Still, I would have preferred they didn't die. It would have been funnier seeing the guy try to explain his stance on 'evil' while trying to relearn how to walk. "Oh, they weren't so bad, just misunderstood..." Dumbass.