Redpill me on trannies

My immediate reaction to first learning about them was confusion and disgust, but I want some rational reasoning to justify whatever position I end up having on them.
What causes people to become trans? I realize that many of them are mentally ill, porn addicted, low test betas who were enabled by the toxic lgbt (((community))). But what about the ones who aren't? I can't help but think that they may have really been a mistreated minority of mentally ill people, but whose movement got hijacked by certain (((powers))) because they saw an opportunity in it. Similar to how (((they))) hijacked all other sorts of legitimate causes (like environmentalism) and twisted them.
How should society deal with them? No meme responses please. If you make a religious argument back it up philosophically (e.g. referencing the concept of natural law).

Attached: 5won62mfr1911.jpg (2698x2806, 492K)

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There is nothing gay about Traps

Attached: Trap.webm (640x640, 610K)

If you work out you'd understand this particular person's issue.
Society doesn't really have to deal with them, they are so few. It just needs to not promote the behavior in children. It's as simple as that. Yes, there will still be "trannies" and such but it will be so few it won't matter. This whole bathroom thing was a giant joke and trannies were pissed because it never used to be a problem, they were used as a political pawn.

This tobehonest. As long as you don't touch the penor or suck it or anything. Boipucci feels better than girlpucci anyways.

Cute boys make cute girls. Ugly boys make ugly girls.

Really reminds me of Ninja for some reason.

You misused toxic. Poisonous substances are called toxic. It is not a figure of speech to describe a person or action. Fuck off.

Attached: 4L_P5s9CvCL.jpg (810x500, 84K)

man, to win genetic lottery like that and just lose it. Please tell me these arent' the same people

psychopaths are also very few yet we have the institutions that can help them properly deal with their mental issues. there isn't really much of a debate about that.
