Why shouldn't I support Bernie Sanders? He'll make my college free, that alone is enough for me. Why the fuck should I not support that? Give one good reason.
Why shouldn't I support Bernie Sanders? He'll make my college free, that alone is enough for me...
Nice bait
I'm serious, I don't really care about anything else more than this, if this plan goes through I could finally afford a house instead of having to worry about paying off my debts
I swear single issue voters are always the dumbest people I ever come across. They can't even fully articulate their cause, why they're behind it and understand the feasibility. Makes me want to be a single issue voter on eugenics.
Thanks for reminding me that single issue voters are a thing.
I concur.
Someone HAS to pay for you to go to college. Someone paid to train me to be a tradesmen (my boss.) If your friend pays for the pizza, is it free? Dont throw your issues onto me
Ayyyyy lmao
It's for the net benefit of society though, I'd gladly pay a few more in taxes if it meant free college for all and no debt to punish people just wanting to get a better lot in life.
>college has become nothing more than adult daycare.
you could just say you want free daycare
Shitty bait. And a Memeflaggot to boot.
That's an exaggeration. What if you're studying a science or business or tech major? I'm going to school to be a geologist and I'll owe $60k in debt that'll never get paid off. Is that what you want, a bunch of aspiring STEM students just staying "fuck it" because they can't afford it? Not everyone goes to fuck around and get drunk.
Because it wouldn't be "Free" you fucking idiot. Just like ObamaCare was "Free".He just lies and commies retards who grapple with their gender, but think they have a grasp on politics buy it up. kys and do society a real favor.
>tfw the British Conservative Party is to the left of the US establishment Democratic Party
Rantings of an illiterate boomer, disregarded.
What is the net benefit of your degree to society if you can’t even get a job that allows you to pay a mere 60k off over your entire life? Society doesn’t benefit from meme degrees, that’s why you should pay for them yourself.
Geologist is a STEM degree and benefits the society because it is science. Regardless of how much I make it will take years to pay that off because of interest and other costs like housing. Student loans in the US are 5-7% interest, should this be allowed?
>why cant i have this
>because its not free stupid
>thats not a good answer, I'm not going to listen to that
He's economically retarded.
im not bumping this mentally retarded b8
It's boomer rantings, little more
You pay taxes for everything, would you rather have it go to military contractors or American citizens getting an education?
Extremely weak leader that wouldn't be able to push through legislation for free college
He'll make your college free, in return for you paying for someone else's college.
Free college won’t matter when you will have no job
>He'll make my college free
thinking you'll get an education or have a "career" by attending a college
>American citizens getting an education
>5-7% interest, should this be allowed?
this is why
Gives a lot of people the opportunity to get a higher level of education without a fuckton of debt. But hey, fuck that and LETS GO AND TAKE THAT FUCKING OIL!
Everyone will go to college, universities will lower standards further, making your degree less valuable. It's not 'free' It will accelerate already exploding costs that you will pay because the government will be inflating the money supply instead of increasing taxes on the 'rich' (they already pay 70%). You will pay through taxes, inflation, less opportunity, more expensive goods and if you won't then your children will.
You will never own a house even with free education
Im still waiting for muh free pony.
BERNIE!!! = The worste of the worste parent tier politician . If your really good We'll get you a pony for your birthday.
That pony is NEVER coming.
OH YAH ...
The free college/college loan absolution meme was OBAMA's original platform BOTH elections and
Everyone bought that lie and theyre selling it again.
Where's my pony Bernie ?
What's the last thing you got for free that was actually good?
I could go to university for free here in Sweden but I won't because it's all politicized propaganda because the curriculum is based on politics not knowledge and damn near everyone is retarded because sanity doesn't survive socialized education. I'd love paying for school! Maybe finally get a teacher that I don't have to explain things to. Also realize most people here graduate with big loans as well since they borrowed for living expenses and with huge living costs it's basically the same just that we throw away our money on different things
Im voting for Sanders because my employer shouldnt have to bear the cost of my heakth insurance.
I'll make you a deal. You can support Bernie as long as you kill yourself for wasting time going to college, you useless faggot.
>my employer shouldnt have to bear the cost of my heakth insurance.
You're right, it should be you and your neighbors who has to bear the cost of Tyreese and his 5 baby mama's health insurance instead
Nothing is free.