1 year anniversary of Finlands Turku Jihad fatal stabbening

It has been one year from the fatal stabbing incident done by an Moroccan refugee who was illegally in Finland.

There was demonstrations against Islam in Turku.
There was also demonstrations against those who are against islam.

Live streamed:

stream by Finnish man, Junes Lokka


stream by another Finn, Marco de Witt


stream by Finnish national socialist group named Nordiska Motståndsrörelse


Attached: PVL-Turku.png (824x648, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Islam is a global religion. Maroccan n multiculturalims is not you brainlet fin

The Nordic Resistance Movement march was against banning of the movement, after 20 mins there will be another march for the victims of the stabbings.

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Meme worth video: i.ylilauta.org/5a/30a5e663.mp4

Your right wing racist parties are still black cock worshiping faggots. Pekka, you aint shit

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but Islam will kill fags dead

Here is NRM stream which they banned at least from Finnish IPs: youtube.com/watch?v=PjB6MBefJY4

I can't watch this from Finland

Anti-Nazi protestors look pretty much like what everyone expected.

of course we kill them and we enslave you, while fucking Aino and Päivi at the same time faggot

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swedish bvll vs. f*nnoid

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It's banned from the whole eu and works at least with US ips:.

remember.... LOVE NRM, VOTE AFS

Didn't the guy who did it get thrown out of Sweden and somehow ended up in Eastern Sweden aka Finland?

This just in: Sweden not only importing terrorists, now also exporting them!

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>reporter mentions the pan-nordic state and blatantly implies finns should learn more swedish

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yes I believe he came from Sweden to Finland, not directly from Morocco

mong dream about the days they slaved for swedes and see it as a nostalgic time. What I'm trying to say is they're born slaves

>1 year
That's a surprise. It feels like it happened yesterday to be honest.
And it was a terrorist attack, not some vague "stabbing incident" like the media wants to call it.

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>stream by another Finn
>Marco de Witt

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Love these guys. Not optics cucking, but I wish we would move beyond the skinhead look to something idk more hitlerjungendisch

a leftist takes a piss on the police


Why is it always some larping faggots?
They would have much more impact with general population without those meme flags nad shirts.

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This is how they usually dress, atleast in Sweden.

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Gross. I think I'm with the counter-protesters on this one.

The white shirts and the tucked in ties, is actually just a first of may ting.

Oh I see. How come?

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Who cares what they look like, homo

>Unironically supporting the Cuck gang

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Just of historical reasons i guess.

>The Nordic cuckgang

>tfw no 30s finno-ugric nationalist gf

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>tfw no 30s aesthetics

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>commies protesting LARPers thus indirectly (secretly directly) supporting mohammedan terrorists

nobody gives a shit about finlands little stabby sessions, wasn't even a real terrorist like frances attacks had legit fighters which were part of real terrorist cell, ours was just some lonely young boy who had nothing to lose and he basicly cucked all the finnish men who were there and showed all the finnish whores that finnish men are pathetic cowards. Time of white man in finland is over, black cocks will roam the streets.


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