The time has come for Ireland to rejoin Britain...

The time has come for Ireland to rejoin Britain. The current state of affairs has proven to be an overall loss for Ireland; their economy is weak, their military is nonexistent, their industry is a joke. They are in almost every way a protectorate of Britain and the British. It's time to bring them back into the fold.

How can we get the wheels turning? Ulster will be the new seat of Irish authority.

Attached: Flag_of_Ireland.svg.png (2000x1000, 8K)

They would rather be swarmed by nuggets and die off as a race than join the Brits. They hate the English more than they care about their own survival.

*Niggers, not nuggets. Stupid auto correct.

The sad thing is this would probably work if you marketed it as being ''progressive'' and ''forward thinking''.

I'd be supportive and quite patriotic to the union if your people didn't behave like niggers when we first met

Fuck off greedy beady

as if that wouldn't happen when being part of the UK with the state of England.

No need. We have Kevin Darkie

>no Celtic Union designed purely on shitting on the English

Go back to Denmark ye tans these islands are for the Celts