Why were Race relations better in the 90's?

Why were Race relations better in the 90's?

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Nation was still predominately white, so the “diversity” push was more lax, not near as in your face aggressive.
Now they’re doing everything to stomp out white culture.

Because no one gave a shit and all this political correctness. You jews pushed it to far and now it'll be your undoing

Yeah. Race relations are good so long as White people accepted losing as the ultimate goal.

That's why there was so much race mixing in the '00s. There was a need to not be White in order to get ahead.

Because you could have a black friend and didn't have to apologize to him everyday for slavery.

Oh look
It’s the leaf who’s obsessed with the 90’s because he has nothing real or current to contribute

Hey OP, how many cocks did your mommy take in the 90’s and why were they usually black back then OP?

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Brainwashed snowflake millennials weren't old enough to voice their self-indulgent, toxic opinions yet.

No one cared in common life

It's only since the popularity of outrage politics and shitty uni degrees making shitty drones that it all came to light. Normies hitting the internet in massive numbers made it spread.

>imagine being this mentally ill

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Internet, and specifically social media, wasn't mainstream yet.

Whites were still unambiguously in charge.

They weren't better. Where you even there? WTF are you talking about?

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This. I miss when the only difference between me and a black friend was literally our skin color. We could play with the same toys and talk about the same games.

Now we have to have "hard chats" about race relations

They didn't ask as much from us back then


Final answer.

The race relations were great OP. No riots or anything. Just peace, prosperity, and positive cultural exchanges.

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Anyone that genuinely cared about racial equality had a civic way of going about it involving churches, charities, participation in local governance and community activities.

The civil rights movement openly attacked this civic engagement as appeasement to Jim Crow and maintained the only way to bring about equality was through rioting and affirmative action. Some whites continued going about the civic method until they realized that wouldn't prevent race riots, then they moved to the suburbs and left the niggers to fend for themselves.

I am guessing that your black "friend" intimidates you now. Because if you could kick his ass you would shut his uppity nigger mouth. And the discussion would be over. Do you let him fuck your sister?

There was never a golden age of race relations.

It's always been shit. The only way Niggers are ever happy is when they're getting free shit and raping White women. Deny them that and suddenly you know what they really think of White men.

They never were "better"

This, anyone who thinks that race relations were ever "good" is deluded by nostalgia.

The LA riots happened in the 90s and that was a mini race war