23 indictments

>23 indictments
>5 guilty pleas
>2 in jail, manafort on the way

Do you guys really believe that the mueller investigation is bullshit? Wake up and smell reality

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Other urls found in this thread:


>manafort on the way
>prosecutor literally crying in court



He hasn't got anyone for collusion with Russia. The only people even remotely connected to trumps 2016 campaign only got in trouble for stupidly lying to investigators about things they did that were not even illegal. It literally is a witch hunt in every way at this point and I would be less surprised if they burned an actual witch on the white house lawn than if he found anything of consequence.

Holy shit it’s true lmao

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>believe the mueller investigation is bullshit?
know for a fact it is.

still waiting on discovery for the 15 trolls he indicted. mueller is a laughing stock. took himself so seriously his whole career...this is more a political burlesque than investigation.

one of the convictions has already been overturned -- and that one will cost some corrupt fbiers their pension and position.

tinkering with 302s is big a no-no.

the eyes chico... dey never lie
