Can any genuine commie tell me why exactly they think their system is good?

Can any genuine commie tell me why exactly they think their system is good?

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Because we help everyone and share the wealth equally.

Kill yourself, dumbfuck

>we help everyone
More like drag everyone down to the same level.

Yes, to the same level where everyone can buy a loaf of bread instead of rich people buying all the bread.

But anyone can already buy a loaf of bread, unless you're homeless but that is your own fault most of the time.

To the level where no-one has bread sometimes.

Based capitalism making so much bread, no one cares if the rich gets more.
Only poor conditions call for shittier ways of governing

That is rude, please dont be rude

Socialism is all about helping those left behind, and encouraging them to better themselves and pay their debt back to the community.

Yes, the enemies of socialism try to kill us by embargos and such.

Yes, they make too much bread and by doing so they harm the worker and environment.

And the leftover bread isn't even given out to the poor.

Why should the human spirit strive to be successful and competitive in the communist society? Why should a doctor go to school for 5 years when he is making the same money as a garbage man?

To help the community and humanity.

because wage labour is theft, we can work the economic system after we seized the means of production from the bourgeoisie.

there are many other problems with capitalism, like excess production generating waste, alienation of the worker, the need of a lower class (poor people) that are vulnerable as fuck to even exist, guaranteed economical crises, etc.

capitalism is a fucking mess and it's the only reason why there are shitty 3rd world countries.

>Yes, to the same level where everyone can buy a loaf of bread

>the only reason why there are shitty 3rd world countries
He's going all in

>muh lowest common denominator
you're an idiot.

meant to quote both of you here

I believe communist will never work because of ugly people/manlets that need money to get laid

In a communist system, all you have is your looks and social skills

No it provides extra for the baker since the rich spent way to much on bread.
>The leftover bread isnt given away
No, but they make yeast of it you dumb cunt.
Bad food go to farms and shit if you are in a decent country.

It totally sucks, we are just NEETs larping b/c we are too lazy to get a job.

People can go help at soup kitchens, but they dont. Dont belive in altruism to this extent.
People should be good, but face reality.

there's no money in communism.
and in socialism a garbage man and a doctor wouldn't make the same amount of money.

>People can go help at soup kitchens, but they dont.
yes they do, that's literally why you know that soup kitchens exist.

They need more people, but some stay at home.
Some people do it, but to think that almost 100% of the world (or the place you live) would do good things just to be good is stupid.

Without garbage men, pest would roam the streets and more people would have health issues and die

They think it's good because they have never had to live under it.

Trump leads america because he is a leader in his heart not for a salary per month

do you exclusively do things for money?
have you literally never done anything that wasn't for money?

if someone wants to be a doctor and endures years of training and studying that's because they like what they do, they'll do it anyways if money didn't exist.
stop being retarded.

what the fuck are you even talking about now

when exactly did that happen?

nobody is left behind, they are poor because they are subhumans.

But the people who are "left behind" are homeless and poor of their own merit. And even so, hierarchy will always exist you'll always have a top and a bottom.

Yes, but every person dont hold a heart as big and as golden as the glorious Trump.
Its a decent idea, but it ignores the human aspect.

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Meant to say "usually are homeless and poor of their own merit"

who is poor of their own merit?
and what does that even mean?

I help my family, like my brother needs help on his run down newlybought house.
And today my mom needed help in the garden.
But my main work at a workers line I would like a paycheck.
Would you do any and all work for free?

socialism is just like capitalism but the 1% is 0.01% and the 99.99% are homeless.

you think it's a human aspect because it's the only system you know.
we've had capitalism for like 250 years or so.
modern humans have existed for 350 thousand years, it's not a human aspect.

I'm not doing it for free, I literally get whatever I want with the mere contribution of working for a bit.
seems pretty fucking based if you ask me.

>we've had capitalism for like 250 years or so.
No, we have just called it something else before.
The whole way of trading is older than 4000 years, we just happend to trade goods for goods instead of having money as an inbetwen.
Also capitalism is just a faggot word invented by marx.
So do you work for free? Or are you just a hypocrite?

>I'm not doing it for free, I literally get whatever I want with the mere contribution of working for a bit
But the exact same as anyone else? Is everyone free to get whatever they want then? What about excess? What if food or water get low?


Really nobody's going to check satanic trips? What's happened to this board?

If, combined with eugenics, communism is the ideal social structure for maximizing outputs. Free enterprise can never truly contribute 100% of their profits to the state, wheras centrally controlled super structures managed by highly intelligent agricultural mineral and technological officers can outproduce any other economic structure. Communism fails when greed hedonism and ego infect the upper levels of administration. This is why eugenics and unwavering dedication to the state is necessary. In order for a prosperous society the state must be put before the people's needs, in recognizing the truth that some people are only capable of being cattle that in turn should only be given the rights of cattle. The illusion of choice capitalism provides only rots away at the state, the essence of the society's core.

This is why white black and latin countries who attempt communism fail. They are children grasping for tools that will only hurt them. Once we round up the lesser races the Asian super race can continue its domination of the earth as benevolent masters, pinnacles of human accomplishment, extending it's reach to the stars and beyond.

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Thats true guy but don't forget you also don't have toilet paper, bread or soup

I don't work for free because I can't in a capitalist system, it's literally impossible.
>No, we have just called it something else before.
what the fuck are you talking about? no we didn't.
>The whole way of trading is older than 4000 years, we just happend to trade goods for goods instead of having money as an inbetwen.
capitalism isn't exchanging goods or money, that's just "voluntary exchange", one of the aspects of capitalism, but you're missing the other 2 that are required to have capitalism: private property and wage labour.
we've literally only lived under capitalism for 200-250 years (there were like 150 years where feudalist countries still existed alongside capitalit ones).
>Also capitalism is just a faggot word invented by marx.
and faggot is just a word invented by mongoloids who can't stand people who like different things, what's your point?

>centrally controlled super structures managed by highly intelligent agricultural mineral and technological officers can outproduce any other economic structure

Yes communist economic structure outproduces everyone all the time in your imagination. Where do you come up with this drivel? Please move to Venezuela and fight to the death for bag of flour commie filth.

>I don't work for free because I can't in a capitalist system, it's literally impossible.
I think people really would like you to work for free if you asked them.
>Private propertt and wage labour
You dont seem to get that people worked for money before, and private property is not new at all you dumb fuck, why did people emigrate? To get a private space.
>what's your point?
You reasoning is gay, and you dont know history.
Good luck in the future, keep getting payed you damn hypocrite.

I’d be willing to try communism in a white ethostate. There’s no way you’re gonna acclimate nogs and spics to work for not much more than they get for free, or convince kikes to give up their profits for the same amount of work

The USA is probably the only place where you will see overweight, well-fed homeless people, faggot. Can communists even feed the working class people? Fucking retard.

If Venezuela went full mao and started gunning down the bottom 10% earners in every business sector, and manually administrating food they wouldn't have their current problem. Communism is only as good as it's leadership and only a subhuman pig like maduro and his race can be blessed with vast oil fields and fuck it up.

>I think people really would like you to work for free if you asked them.
you can't survive working for free under capitalism, you dumbfuck.
>You dont seem to get that people worked for money before
that's not wage labour.
>and private property is not new at all you dumb fuck
it is in industrial terms.
you couldn't buy a factory (land and means of production) and hire people to work and make a profit for you (wage labour) under feudalism.

>Good luck in the future, keep getting payed you damn hypocrite.
I'm not a hypocrite, I live under capitalism, I can critique it as much as I want, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't get paid, when I need to in order to get my most basic needs.
I wouldn't get paid under communism and I'd still work, because my basic needs would be covered.

you're an idiot m8

white people cannot form an high functioning ethnostate, they act pretend to act moral and polite when it's convenient but they are always looking out for themselves. You cannot get the white race to toss away humanity's childish concepts of self aggrandizement, whites have to commit and toss away their precious self serving liberties before I can trust them to run my economy.

>There’s no way you’re gonna acclimate nogs and spics to work for not much more than they get for free

So whites can’t do it, and spics and chinks have failed at it. Who’s gonna lead this glorious revolution: kikes, niggers or poos?

>you couldn't buy a factory (land and means of production) and hire people to work and make a profit for you (wage labour) under feudalism.
Except when romans and other ancient civilizations got a landmass and made people work on it for a wage...
Go read up on the world you dumb cunt.

Both Communism and being an AnCap are both equally retarded.

Ever heard of the Banana Republic? You really think that's a good idea?

Everything extreme always leads to shitty nations as history has taught us.

>Except when romans and other ancient civilizations got a landmass and made people work on it for a wage
what are you even talking about

Full blown socialists are low IQ individuals


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In ancient times the Elite would gain land and if you worked on that land you were given something in return such as food, shelter, water, or medium for exchanging wealth.

Whats confusing you user?

chinks are doing fine, they opened their markets up to take advantage of global trends but plenty of asians are making communism work

Communism is especially retarded since it strives for equality among unequal individuals. If you have better genetics or any other metric where you excel at something you will be pulled back to the lowest common denominator or killed.

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literally wrong.
socialism means that the means of production would belong to the workers, that's it.
no free shit for anyone.

that sounds literally like feudalism.

Communists and socialists deserve a bullet to the brain and nothing less. Their constant lies and manipulation of the weaker willed and less intelligent is parasitic to society.

Communism is a stateless, money-less, and classless society.

Why is Asia Communist if it has all these things? In fact China has some of the largest wealth inequality and billionaires on the planet.

I think that by "communist work" he means that the chinese government owns a shitload of the means of production.
I think that more than 50% of the workers are actually working for the state, I don't rememeber the stat exactly but it was something like that.

>you couldn't buy a factory (land and means of production) and hire people to work and make a profit for you (wage labour) under feudalism.

Yes, and? I am proving that you could do this under feudalism unlike your argument.

You are beyond delusional.

> Edgy fucktards literally ignoring that the Soviet Union turned a backwater shithole into the second most powerful country in the entire world

>In communism, the political class own and control literally everything in the nation, but it's ok because they're not considered part of the "people."

That's Authoritarian Socialism user. One could even say Social Democracy as free markets still exist but with regulatory measure in place.

So, it can confuse people to say 'Communism works' when true Communism has never been tried before if you take it by textbook definition.

and then died

Thats the premise of the whole concept, you equalize wealth among all individuals so no matter how fucking poor you get you should be all equally poor (which is not the case at all anywhere where this was tried)

Socialism provides zero incentive to put in more effort than the bare minimum required, it reduces overall productivity and leads to wild spread poverty.

And yes it is what modern day leftist retards think, look at the Ocasio cortez chick

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Lmao get out of here with this "eVERYone gets the SaMe amOUnt" trash. Nowhere does Marx, Lenin, Stalin or any other Communist say people should be paid the same/have the same amount of money.

but you couldn't, accumulation of wealth was literally impossible for peasants under feudalism, they couldn't buy private property.

I know, I'm not the guy you were arguing with, I was merely explaining what I thought he meant.

communism has been tried though, many times, it just happens that it was never achieved, it always ends during transition.

Silly, Russia was a major military power and number four or five in industrialization before the Revolution. When the Soviets were done they had an economy equal to that of Italy and are now only a regional power. That's of course ignoring that they murdered tens of millions of their own people directly or through incompetence. I think average real income for a Russian wasn't higher in 1970 then it was in 1913, which is just sad.

that is one retarded post.
socialism doesn't mean that "muh doctors would get paid the same as janitors", it just means that the workers won't get stolen from, as there would be no capitalist pig that takes the profit of their work, they'd get all of their work's worth.

Ocasio Cortez isn't socialist either, she advocates social democracy, which she and bernie sanders call "democratic socialism".
social democracies are still capitalist and therefore not socialist.

you're a bit slow m8

The kulaks and Fifth Column deserved worse

Commies cant put 1 and 1 together...

if you are a stupid nigger, odds are you are going to be piss poor

Why would you write something idiotic like that? They murdered people just because they were better than average farmers. We're talking about a difference of 2 cows and acres in property. This wasn't a political class, just people who weren't alcoholics are who had 5 IQ points above farmer average..

>Double life expectancy
But the Soviets were MurDerOUs andd InCOMpetent!! M-muh black book says!

first of all I disagree, not all poor people are stupid, but even then:
how is that fair?
it'd be like people discriminating you because of something you didn't choose, like you being ugly or whatever.

>how is that fair?
>babys first introduction to the free market
most poor people are poor by their own stupid decisions

You don't celebrate growth in life expectancy when it is slower than in the alternative model because that would make you look retarded. Also this is mostly due to vaccinations developed in the west.

Attached: life-expectancy-russia-usa-eastern-europe-19.png (746x392, 100K)

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competent people don't run countries that collapse into east European crapsacks

that's not an answer.

>Slower than in the alternative model
Are we just going to ignore the massive leap at the start?

I always find commies and socialists naive.

I work my ass off because it'll make me and mine better. Under socialism, I'd expect gimmedats and be the laziest SOB because I know I'm going to get the same as the guy who worked twice as hard.

>most poor people are poor by their own stupid decisions
>conservatives actually believe this

>share the wealth
Basically making everyone poor.

it's hard to claim superiority over a country because of life expectancy when you never had a higher life expectancy than the country you claim to be better than

this is wrong, I find that most people (like you) are politically illiterate.
>I work my ass off because it'll make me and mine better
nobody says that's wrong.
what we critique is wage labour, among many other shitty aspects of capitalism, like I explained here >Under socialism, I'd expect gimmedats and be the laziest SOB because I know I'm going to get the same as the guy who worked twice as hard.
again wrong, read this there's no "gibsmedats" in socialism, you're thinking of social democracy, which is capitalism, literally the opposite.

What's the alternative to wage labour? Give everyone a loaf of bread at the end of day? Engineer gets the same as a garbage man?

I never claimed its life expectancy was superior to other countries, I stated that it was around double that of the Russian Empire, which it was.

..that was after the second world war, of course life expectancy will go up.

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