Has anyone seen this? Does Farrakhan browse Jow Forums, user?
Farrakhan on Zionism, Satanism, and Gays
His sermons are actually pretty interesting. Can a whitey like me attend?
No love for the minister?
yeah. we even have Mexican NOI people
He does have some strong anti-white sentiments, but it doesn't really bother me. No, i'm not some self-hating white liberal. I just don't get offended by people who have ideas that favor their own interests.
dude is woke as hell.
If white separatists had any sense they'd be omniseparatists and trying to form coalitions with these kinda dudes
There was an attempt in the past, George Lincoln Rockwell was on decent terms with Elijah Muhammed.
From what I have seen so far, Farrakhan pretty much is in alignment with w/ oil on Obama, Qaddafi, Zionism, gays, culture, Hollywood, and even Trump in some respects.
The man doesn't get nearly enough credit. MLK is a straight up bitch compared to him