Reminder money chasing will not make you happy. Why do so many rich celebs off themselves when they have everything?

Reminder money chasing will not make you happy. Why do so many rich celebs off themselves when they have everything?

Materialism is for retards.

Attached: bible-quote-it-is-easier-for-a-camel-to-go-through-the-eye-of-a.jpg (800x800, 64K)

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so is breeding peasant slave families

they had to fuck and kill kids to become famous and don't want to be blackmailed anymore

Not everyone is ready for this redpill.

If money is your end goal then you will never be satisfied. If what you can do with money is your goal, you just need enough of it.

You have to pretty inhumane to be impervious to the misery around you. It is very hard to be overwhelmingly rich without it having come at other people`s expense. It is also pretty rare for overwhelmingly dense people to be overwhelmingly richt.
In short stinking rich people are smart enough to realize they have caused misery, and they are human enough for this to cause them their own misery.

The exceptions to this are the inhumane (hint hint) and the exceedingly dumb.

Tom Green is dead.

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>had to
You say that as if they didn't enjoy doing it.

Image related. Service to one's folk is one of the most noble and worthwhile pursuits that a man can take part in. Good men plant the seeds of trees whose shade they will never live to enjoy for themselves.

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>Jew pandering to poor people to get them to join a pascifist cult so they can follow the leader and die under the hooves of more powerful, more aggressive religions like Judaism and Islam
t. cheekfag

Working a soul crushing job for just money will ALWAYS end badly. Also doing what you love is bullshit you will eventually hate it.

Being rich you never know who your real friends are when your rich you will never know if your wife is only with you for money.
You have to sacrifice so much to become rich and what for a nice car, house you will get bored of after a few weeks/months?

Rich people are fucking drugged out of their minds and most have hardcore depression. Its all a massive fucking scam. The less I have the happier I am.

Only people with massive egos care about their legacy after death. Only the humble will inherit the kingdom of God. Worry about the legacy God will judge you on not man.

post the rest of the parable.

Not yet...

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Good thing I'm broke

That's socrates moron

He is dead.

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The principle is evident, but where do you draw the line? You have to live now, you have to save some money for later, maybe even for leaving your kids something when you die. Also, how much comfort is too much?

No shit, I did not say it was not I was arguing why is flawed. Legacy does not matter.

Yeah well don't bother reading to your children then

Where you from mate? Dublin getting ya down?

I have yet to meet a non miserable jew though.

Only the egotistical cocksuckers care about their legacy and cannot be called Christian.

"In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

Matthew 6:19-21 ESV / 407 helpful votes

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Fuck your legacy

God is a lie op insert that in your uneducated brain

God is like a mother fucking banker who want u to put ur money is his bank instead of the other this piece if shit is just like everybody and opportunist that is selling u dream in exchange of ur servitute and obidience.

But they're my genes. Taking care about their wll being is the only certain goal we have.

I see even more miserable poorfags. The only people who aren't miserable, have the highest happiness levels, the highest self-esteem, etc are niggers and other various shitskins who subsist on welfare. They get money poorfags have to work for. The people who are miserable are the white males who know they are capable of so much more, but are yoked with niggerdom and matriarchal societal norms like pacifism.

If people stopped chasing money then the Jew would lose their power and money.

>[Post a Reply]

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I don't know. How big is the needle?

Its an old city gate in jerusalem. just big enough for an unladen camel to pass through.


I can do it. Count me in.

This is true because the world is a hell that's ruled by rich men. But there's a plot twist, we all die and there's nothing beyond this monkey show.

Jesus never said a rich man couldn't enter the kingdom of God, socialist cunt.

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i doubt it

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I don't get it.

Tom Green is Dead

Lobster Salad

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Tell me what this is a European religion again?

Jow Forums isn’t ready to be redpilled on the CQ (capitalism question).

Would you like an ice pack, sir?


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ur meme a shit

lol Mossad

die quietly

Yeah because being rich somehow means that you stole those money. Most rich people are high functioning sociopaths or psychopaths.
If you care about kids starving in africa just go kys you dumb ass faggot, go worry about your own loser life and family not strangrers. This is why sociopaths rule so easily over you, bunch of emotional niggers too fucking worried about other people lives while sinking in the mud yourself.

Jordan Peterson MKUltra Thread
come one come all to the collapse if MIT

these are the words of Christs
since talmudic jews despise him they do the opposite and try and convince as many as they can to follow them
there is nothing wrong with building wealth and using it to better your family/community/etc
it is the wanton pursuit of it, and desire for it that clouds the judgments

>That's right goyim, leave the money for the jews!

The opposite is true. If people endeavored to make more money themselves and start businesses instead of deliberately endeavoring to become welfare-fed poorfags or bugmen exploited by kikes, the kikes would have a smaller share of this country.

In other words, the kikes own the banks and fed because Christcuckery told goyim it was a sin to be a banker, so they gave that job to the Kikes who have used it to rape our economy. Christianity is a slave morality to the Judaist master morality.

>thats right goy, just leave all the material wealth to us hehe

Materialism doesnt mean that moron

The good old days of celebrities reading fan-mail.
Fact is, celebrities hate their fans!

you're looking at things with a vary narrow perspective. I can tell you're not a believer. Believers tend to look at like through an eternal lens. This world is but a blink of an eye in the context of eternity. For you, yes, the jews hoarding all the world's wealth is a big deal. To me, who cares. This world will be destroyed and I will spend eternity in heaven with my Father and his Son.

Now that you say it like that, christians are very stupid or something fishy happened. At that time banking wasnt considered important and was more like a pleb job so it made sense to give it to the jews

And there's the cuckery we talk about. You've allowed Kikes to convince you, using their own slave morality religion, to give up everything to them now in exchange for some promise of Paradise in the future that can never be proven. What a nice trade. Tell you what, if you suck my dick God told me he'll give you a higher position in his cabinet.

So.... all jews go to hell, right?

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>listening to the kikes' derivative lie cult
>apologizing for the kikes

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Jews always used their banking power to control kings, practice usury, and multiply their assets on the books using fractional reserves. Control of our money supply represents half of every transaction. This is where the leverage of the Jew comes from. He can just conjure up prosperity out of nowhere and decide who wins and loses in the market. It should be no surprise that he uses that power to conjure up money to empower his own tribe - to give a "sweetheart loan" to his Pedowood buddies, to arrange for bailouts for the same when their ventures fail.

The key to ending Jewish hegemony is to break the bank - it is the source of the kike's power, and if we let them continue to dominate that profession by saying
>muh usury is not Christian
>banking is not Christian
and refusing to enter those professions if only to infiltrate them, we'll never stop it.

>to give up everything to them
but what this world offers is nothing but wood, hay and stubble. It will all be burned to ash when Christ returns. you are the kike trying to put actual value on their kike shekels and gold.

I simply don't obsess over race as much as you because when Christ returns, race doesn't matter. In eternity, race doesn't matter. That doesn't mean I don't detest jews and believe that niggers belong as slaves. I just don't see the value in obsessing over it.

the point is while you should not live for money good management of money is rewarded

>race doesn't matter
What are your views on camels?

i just want enough to live a decent life

And to think cheekfags are the ones who argue that atheism leads to nihilism...
I can't think of anything more nihilistic than a God telling you the only good thing you can do is to refuse to participate in the world (because it doesn't matter) and wait for Saturn to take you.

no it's not. i'm assuming you're referring to the new testament parable. the money was a metaphor for the new life we received from God and the responsibility we have to spread his truth.

only humans have souls and therefore only humans can be saved through faith in Christ Jesus.

I believe he referred to the materialistic attitude of rich people (not interested in God but in status). I believe you can be rich and a good Christian.

because born again believers in Christ are not of this world. We are strangers in a strange land. And mocking me has no effect. Do your worst. It doesn't matter to me. But I'm telling you the truth. If you reject it, you will be judged on that final day and cast into a lake a fire for eternity. It's your choice.

t. nihilist

>I believe you can be rich and a good Christian.
It's very difficult though. A rich man is rich because collecting shekels was his priority. That's not to say he can't accept the grace of God. But accepting Christ means that your security comes from him. That's what we call faith. When you're rich, your security lies in your wealth, not in God. For a rich man, he is his own god as he is his own provider. He doesn't need God.

nihilism has nothing to do with God. try harder to reduce to me to one of your worldly labels.

You believe life has no inherent meaning or value and put everything "important" into a basket of shit that can't be proven to exist. For all intents and purposes, you are effectively a nihilist.

Good post user

I believe the world has no inherent value, not life. The world is dead, it has no future. I value the new life that I have received through faith in Christ. I am born again. I am a new creation, eternal.

You don't promote life either - you promote death. You have given higher value to death than life.

Slave morality.

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You are dead, the world is dead. I was dead but now I'm alive, thanks to Christ. You have the opportunity to be born again and enjoy eternal life. But you choose death over life. It's you who values death(the world) not me.

>I believe you can be rich and a good Christian
I like to think so too but life is about balance.
To acquire wealth it is likely that you would need to sacrifice a lot of other things.
I'm only 27 but the peers I see getting wealthy and climbing the ladder are people I don't want to be friends with anymore because they are such pricks, ignorant too. I don't think that's a coincidence.

This. And people wonder why everyone's so eager to become a victim, where niggers claim they are victimized to get their shekels and power, where women claim they are victimized to get their shekels and power, where kikes claim muh holocaust to get their shekels and power.

They can never link this to their own religion which is all about exalting the victim. Jesus is the ultimate victim. Our country worships victims - and then people wonder why victim ideologies control everything.

The eye of the needle was a real place that was difficult to get a camel through

>believe my inversion of values and perversion of language
No thanks, nihilistic sophist.

Happiness is fleeting in this life, provided temporarily through the pursuit of fulfilling life goals, only to diminish once the target is achieved.

People are lost on today's society, with little guidance from broken families, liberal education, corrupt politicians and an ever growing culture of narcissism.

pic very related.

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Jesus is the Son of God. He died and was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of the almighty creator. Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, possessing all power and love and glory. Quite the opposite of a victim. What I always find striking is how the gospel truth is like sunlight to vampires. The dead hate the light.

the problem you're having is that you can't disprove was is true. you can try, but you will never succeed. I hope some day you will embrace truth rather than trying to create your own.

>Jesus died
>the dead hate the light.
ergo Jesus hated the light.

if your beliefs are based on the bible all you have to do is read it and it will disprove itself.

At least become a deist or phanteist if you want to spout the you cant disprove it line. Seriously just read your fucking retarded book from start to finish and realize it's incoherent nonsense. Then investigate the history of world religions and realize it's just zoroastrianism 2.0

There is no capitalism question you retarded commie. Suck off a shotgun.

Anyone can embrace your religion on their deathbed - that way they can avoid living a life of nihilism, death worship, exaltation of the victim and ultimately have the best of both worlds.

He had to die so that we could live. He died for all. He didn't want to. He even asked his father to take the burden from him. But he loved us, in yet, while we were sinners he died for us. He saved us. He became sin for us. The wages of sin in death, so he died for all.

but nothing in the bible contradicts itself. it's the word of God and God doesn't make mistakes.

You stink of death worship. Bow down before Saturn.

>but nothing in the bible contradicts itself

lol, please read it. seriously. I was a catholic until I read that book from start to finish.

>being able to afford better quality food, preventative medicine, privacy, and luxuries for yourself and family doesn't make you happy
Yeah, nah, get fucked

catholicism doesn't promote God's word, it perverts it. catholicism is a form of satanism, it was created to extort and lead people away from the truth of the gospel.

>Working a soul crushing job for just money will ALWAYS end badly. Also doing what you love is bullshit you will eventually hate it.
The problem being that you think only through the lense of having a job, when there is a whole world outside of jobs that is vastly more difficult but infinitely more rewarding. Your second sentence is true only if doing what you love is in the context of having to do it for money, but in the general sense of the phrase, yes.
>Being rich you never know who your real friends are when your rich you will never know if your wife is only with you for money.
That's why you get rich friends who never ask you for money. As for your wife, you have to find someone who shares your values and whose actions are proof of that.
>You have to sacrifice so much to become rich and what for a nice car, house you will get bored of after a few weeks/months?
You can do things for other people when you're rich.
>Rich people are fucking drugged out of their minds and most have hardcore depression. Its all a massive fucking scam. The less I have the happier I am.
Correct, because they got rich hustling after money, not because they provided value to thousands of people.

Nigger, cheekfaggery is predicated on the Bible contradicting itself:

"You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth"

"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'"

You morons constantly say "b-but that was the old testament" meaning that you are aware of the contradiction.