LIVE Boston Free Speech Anniversary March Against Far-Left Violence

LIVE Boston Free Speech Anniversary March Against Far-Left Violence

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Hope some Antifa get arrested

>being against natsoc

Attached: d1024bffb987b9c551609b51be1e32a7--baby-dolls-little-sisters.jpg (610x893, 39K)

Stupid magatards

Why is Nationalist with socialist leanings bad like that banner says

Basic gestalt:
It appears the blue crew are a 'blue block' to combat antifa's black block.
They claim to cover their face to not get doxxed while antifa covers their face to commit crimes.

>the left are the real nazis!

Attached: pepe vulgaris.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Additionally, both sides are against racism and naizs...
One side is pro America I guess and the other is anti-trump
This is what it comes down to

Attached: 1495515282994.jpg (512x384, 29K)

Wow so violent buncha nerds chanting at each other.

Oh, yes, righttards are rather literal Nazis or le radial centrists. Meming or not, Left optics is much better.

Attached: CentristRetards.png.jpg (500x375, 24K)