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>Trump quotes vs Hitler quotes
>It's all vague bromides like 'hmm I want a glass of water!'
I still got 8/10, but all of these were so generic that I was mainly differentiating them by writing style.

Final Score: 70%

Yeah if it has multi-syllabic words then it's probably Hitler. :^)

i guessed hitler on all of them

tbqh i think trump intentionally speaks in the way the judeo-christian god speaks

6 / 2 ( 1 + 2 )
6 / (2 + 4)
6 / 6

According to common core it's 9, but according to reality it's 1

yass queeen


Its 1
Two solutions.
The distrib. Property and the Bedmas way.
Doesnt matter its 1.

Most of those Hitler quotes are fake. I still heard some of them in History Class though.

Attached: Screenshot_20180818-202237.png (720x1280, 126K)

I thought it was going to be a prank and all of it is going to turn out to be hitler's quotations, so 50%

Attached: Hitler or Che.jpg (860x1115, 381K)

Wtf I love Trump now

Are you 12 ? The spelling is a mess. Left disgusted after two questions.

Attached: hitler1.jpg (775x631, 57K)

i went back and revised too

Attached: hitler2.jpg (833x308, 31K)

>With out passion you don't have energy, with out energy you have nothing.
Hitler wouldn't have used the word energy, it was a dumb mistake.

you cannot distribute a denominator over a numerator. Write it properly and see what the result is then.

Attached: FUCKING-DIVIDE-SYMBOL-IS-SHIT.jpg (800x2100, 196K)

>not including the negro quote


Is that all?

Attached: Ez.png (985x692, 58K)

Nice job user.

I got 90% first try

Hitler was a socialist faggot

Some of those quotes are falsely attributed to hitler.
>How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.
He didn't say that.

that's wrong. 2(1+2) is the denominator.

so it's 6/(2(1+2))

i got 90% and this are so fucking generic anyways they are not even "bad" things to say.

it's a question of if you should do multiplication or division first
didn't even know this "left to right" meme was a thing
apparently you're right

Attached: Capture.png (635x169, 5K)

>No cheating. Post your first result.

Why would you assume that 75% of the equasion is in the denominator? It is clearly not written like that and my graphic explains where the problem is when you rewrite it in 'not stupid'.

I have a feeling a woman is behind this new age math. PEMDAS is the correct method. I feel bad for these kids when they end up being forced into college and either have the entire system change for them or they have to learn the correct way.

No you are fucking wrong. PEMDAS has been proven to not work properly because you are literally distributing a denominator over a numerator and that graphic shows you clearly. There is no 'opinion' math. There is only one math and it is absolute.


Attached: IMG_2524.png (750x1334, 137K)

You must write this like pic related
I guess you dropped out of high school?

Attached: file.png (100x100, 852)

You are too stupid to rewrite it correctly lol

You described 6*(1+2)/2 in your picture

Clearly the answer is

How the fuck did none of you recognize the 1488?
Holy shit.
This is actually more sacriligous than even the most epic of trips.

90%, Trump isn't literally Hitler after all, have we been bamboozled?

not clicking your gay data mining link
BASED Hildawg knowing her order of operations. The only order Trumpkins know is their daily big mag and diet coke, supersized!

Attached: hillcomfy.jpg (1024x725, 81K)

bernie sanders was actually ole hitler

Somebody actually missed the question 6? I've known Hitler said that ever since i was like 12 or something

Not that hard, their speech patterns are quite different, Hitler is more dramatic and serious, Trump does not talk as refined as Hitler. More simple language, more repetition,

Attached: rsults.png (934x872, 49K)

9/10. I know me stuff.

Attached: 1533861992189.jpg (618x523, 84K)

>Select Hitler for every choice
>Only get 50%
What the fuck guys I thought Trump was literally Hitler

>Final Score: 70%
I doubt anyone could seriously find much to bitch about any of those quotes judged by the words alone.

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