Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Honorary Edition

>Thread Theme:


>Meme Collections

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis
[optional but recommended]
[post most recent Red Pill Germany video]
[or post english language analysis from other German channels]

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:Übergang_in_die_neuen_sozialen_Bewegungen_und_zu_den_Grünen

Good evening, gents. How are you doing? I'm full of depression and numb rage because of that retarded porn actress thread.

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prepare for the Landtagswahl meme war

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pedo green party

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schulze loves the antifa

Attached: kschantifa.jpg (607x848, 174K)

Attached: seenot.jpg (642x1100, 187K)

>RAF did nothing wrong
die linke commie pigs!

Attached: raflinke.jpg (963x1053, 213K)

>I'm full of depression and numb rage

Don't be upset ... there is also a hole for YOU!

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dis a grüne thread now?

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Anyone got a link to the last Thread?

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the Commies were smart, they infiltrated all aspects of life, policy, economy

Berthold Huber, Gewerkschafter, ehemaliger Vorsitzender der IG Metall.
Heide Rühle Politikerin (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).[3]
Thomas Sattelberger, Manager in DAX-KonzernenÜbergang_in_die_neuen_sozialen_Bewegungen_und_zu_den_Grünen


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nha, just preparation for the Landtagswahl

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remember to vote for the grünen.

Attached: spannungen-aber-bunt-die-gruenen.png (1059x1499, 739K)

old gem about how the madness started

>mfw there is no "Volksverhetzung"

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and no Volksherrschaft

Desu, kraut/pol/ is even more pathetic than /ptg/. Literally a bunch of nazis daydreaming about how germany will be "saved" by them. You people are pathetic and you know it, you only live in your dreamworld because you are weak creatures unwilling to face reality: That diversity is here to stay, that Islam is here to stay, that LGBT is here to stay and that womens rights are also here to stay.

Nice pasta

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>thing which never happened in the past is now the future
hmmm k

>Things which never happened should happen again

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Heh, no it's just depressing how fucking corrupted our societies are.

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Redpill me on German language.

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It's the best and manliest language in the world.

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A very articulate language able to convey a latitude of things other languages have to put up entire sentences. French pisses me off, all the things they say is twice as long on paper, because they ingest at least 50% of all vowels.

It's pretty useless.

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Scotty, all power on Autism!


make one with "there is no völkermord"

How do you feel about Japanese, then?


saltmining, when?

Attached: die-gruenen-kein-volksverrat.png (1059x1499, 711K)

Trips of Truth

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jolly nice.
is his party under investigation already?

Don't be ridiculous.
only rite wang party get investigated.

quints... tay, DELIVER!!!!!

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witnessed and approved.
i don't exist and you don't exist and this meeting never happensed.
how long did he talk to maassen to dodge investigation with that?

Which one?


well, he was right, the left won by becoming the majority

ah yes, the great trick.
they don't want to abolish the gonsdiduttional order, they want to abolish order all together.

see, we're just simple enthropy afficianados, check our loicense

hahahahahaha omg gas them all

thats just supreme faggotry.
i can't even....

he came up with the idea of the "marsch durch die institutionen" in germany in the late 60s.
the left shifted society by subverting and occupying all socio shaping institutions from kindergarten over arts, media to courts in the past 50 years.
it's an illusion to think this could be reversed by democratic voting , a tool, the system provides.
they ARE the system.

a strategy that succeeded.
And it was the established "conservatives" and "liberals" - Dutschke himself admitted he is sponsored by liberals too - allowing this march through the institutions. No one should believe a reverse march through the institutions could succeed.

>No one should believe a reverse march through the institutions could succeed.
that's why i advocate voting for grüne. accelerism.
problems caused by politics could never be solved by politics.
there is no way out of this madness without a weimar 2.0 setting.

You are subhumans.
Just face the truth and stop sperging out, you are embarrassing.

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Germany is worse than Sweden at this point.
There will be a time, where all western nations, except germany, have uncucked themselves and are flourishing meanhwile the future german chancllor declares the islamic republic of germanistan.

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pay debts

poor hellas, forever cucked by boomer tourists, how will you ever recover?

something something typo
something something bait
something something debts

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>kraut thinks we will ever pay denbts

I'll remove troops from Germany, I promise. I will destroy the kabal that runs my government and is responsible for destroying Europe, just be patient friends. I'm on it.

Why do they want this? Why do they love Muslims so fucking much how fucking delusional can they possibly be Jesus fucking christ makes me sick reeeeeee

>Trips of Truth
Gas yourself.

You don't need to. Deutsche Bank literally owns your country right now.

>that's why i advocate voting for grüne. accelerism.
>problems caused by politics could never be solved by politics.
I abstain from voting anyway, it accelerates in any case. The thing is does it accelerate in a way the current order gets cracks within our lifetimes, or will it be in let's say 50 years.

>there is no way out of this madness without a weimar 2.0 setting.
and there will be no Weimar 2.0 because back in Weimar there was a huge and influental reactionary/conserative elite getting votes in
the countryside. All opposition we have today is the "protect muh FRG and basic law from evil Islamism" liberals.

last (you) for you, anonpopulus.
even if i know that my dog won't stop shitting in the neighbours garden, i'm still telling him that this is ,uhm, bad behaviour.

>triggered subhumans

Attached: Germs.jpg (566x933, 145K)

under what definition of left and right tho?
how many would be able to define the terms, what do they mean by it?

horrible, isn't it?

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Not really. I hate germs.

Thx for reply

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>Germany is worse than Sweden at this point.
I see no better or worse
>There will be a time, where all western nations, except germany, have uncucked themselves and are flourishing meanhwile the future german chancllor declares the islamic republic of germanistan.

You must be kidding, the left marches on everywhere you look - Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal...

try this:

if britain uncucks we will accept german refugees, but only if they are purely aryan stock.

Attached: aryan blood6.jpg (922x867, 73K)

At least I'm not replying to these niggas:
They will fall in time.
It'll be like the roman empire but with more goatfucking.


>if britain uncucks

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>under what definition of left and right tho?
progressive, champagner bolshevik, socialist, etatist = left

reactionary = right-wing
there is 0 reactionary policy in Germany

>how many would be able to define the terms, what do they mean by it?
exactly in the way terms are defined.

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>Faggot kills med

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Hewwo Hawnsel

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Why do you even come here desu?
I see you every now and then but I don't get you.

>At least I'm not replying to these niggas
You just did

Attached: wh.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>They will fall in time.
in which time?
>It'll be like the roman empire but with more goatfucking.
the (Western) Roman Empire died a 200 years long death

how do i say asshole?
is it kolotriba?

Just giving some support to one of the greatest men to have ever lived. Sieg Heil!

Attached: Ungern.jpg (940x450, 89K)

>I see you every now and then but I don't get you.
It is part of a larger, bolder strategy. You wouldn't understand :D

Just say "malaka" and you're fine

Austrian Genghis Khan is best Genghis Khan


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is there such a word as kolotriba? somebody told me 15 years ago on Lesbos, i have to know if the cunt was lying

>current order cracks in our lifetime?
i'm absolutely sure it will. faster than anyone could imagine. just look back the past 3 years, things evolved incredible fast. project this acceleration into the future. i'm sure the current left hysteria is nothing compared to things to come.
watch this documentary about weimar and compare it to our days:

> there will be no Weimar 2.0
there will. the time just before 2033 will be the schicksalsstunde for the future of germany. fin de siècle mood will kick in.

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So I can assume it's small-minded shitposting?
Ffs, your country is getting cucked too.
We need to stick together here at least.

kolotripa or kolotripida
it means literally an ass hole

He was a German-Balt tho, not a filthy Austrian inbred, he was also a russian patriot and considered himself to be russian.

You kraut subhumans are helping turkshits and slavniggers alike against us.
You unironically deserve the rope.

He was such a legend

his threads keep getting deleted. he is a poor swarthy refugee. you should give him welfare, you heartless german nazi.

The idea of "toxic masculinity" has finally reached Swiss politics, to be more precise,
the Swiss socialists are borrowing this concept from the US socialists or left.

Crazy how this cancer stuff is gradually imported to Europe.

Context: Recently four French citizens with North Africa migration background attacked five women in Geneva.
> SP geht nach Gewalt gegen Frauen auf Männer los
> Die Gewaltattacke gegen Frauen in Genf ist laut der SP nichts weiter als «die Spitze eines Eisbergs».
> Die Schweiz habe ein Problem mit Männergewalt und müsse handeln.

Woe, you're questioning or interested in the migration or cultural background of attackers or their nationalities.
And if you do, you're clearly a right wing populist, and of course the debate about migration or cultural background
is not allowed since it's clearly misplaced. But why? It's a men problem.

> «Frage nach Migrationshintergrund ist deplatziert»
> «Primär hat die Gewalt ein Geschlecht und erst dann eine Nationalität», sagt Nationalrätin Barbara Gysi.
> Die ethnisch aufgeheizte Debatte entstehe vorwiegend in SVP-Kreisen. Sie werde also von denselben Personen
> aufgebauscht, die sich immer wieder zynisch über Gewaltopfer geäussert hätten. Auch wenn Männer mit
> Migrationshintergrund statistisch gesehen ein erhöhtes Risiko hätten, zum Gewalttäter gegen Frauen zu werden,
> handle es sich nicht um ein Migrationsproblem.

Funny how they try to blame it to toxic masculinity and ignoring the migration background or cultural background.
> «Frauen werden nicht als Individuen angegriffen, sondern weil sie Frauen sind», sagt Funiciello.
> Das eigentliche Problem sei also die strukturelle Diskriminierung. Unsere Gesellschaft werde von
> einer «toxischen Männlichkeit» geprägt. Das Problem müsse deshalb gemeinsam als Gesellschaft angegangen werden.

t. BrokenWindowsTheorist

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How that?

You'd be a turk by now if it wasn't for russians.
Blame the Anglo-Saxon vermin and their french lapdogs, Tsargrad/Byzanz/Constantinopolis would not belong to mohammedan turks today if they wouldn't have interfered.You should thank the Ivans, they saved Orthodoxy.

the definitions are ambiguous and it is of course stupid to use 1D.
so again, propaganda larps as if this was well defined and then slaps an a priory label on it,
where left gets diffusely assosiated with good and right with evil.
but it is all meaningless as soon as the association chain upheld by the propagandy breaks

and i'd do it all again!

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