How diferent is rural america from the ones on the cities?

How diferent is rural america from the ones on the cities?

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In small towns and rural areas everyone knows each other and people tend to help each other out directly if there's a problem. Rural areas have generally fewer immigrants from places like East Asia and South Asia. Things are a lot less fast-paced in daily life too.

is rural america still 90% white?

Depends. In many cities, you can be in a sparsely populated area ~1 hour away from downtown. Some rural areas are quite wealthy with million dollar ranches. Other areas are dirt poor.
Again, depends. There are 90% black rural areas in the south and areas in Wyoming with a ton of Indians. Also, a lot of hispanic migrant farmhands in rural areas.

There's less restaurants. That's really only the big one.

Still a large amount of porn shops though.

The bars where I live don't serve people from out of town. They check your id, of course, and if you aint from around there, they send you away. You can drink with us if another townie brings you, but if you're alone you have to get a bottle at the gas station and drink at your hotel.

Kind of what this guy said. I live in central MA. In my city there's like 60% White. If I drive 15 minutes to the small village/town next door it's like 85% White. Only like 10,000 people to my cities 200k but still. Lots of poor woods bois but also a shit ton of super wealthy people who hate nigs and dirty cities.

10 minutes further in from that town another that's 95% White with like 8,000 people and wealthy by asset standards. Everyone out there drives a beat up truck but they all own 5+ acres of land, nice houses etc.

Wonderfully different. When you think of "old" America, you're thinking of rural America. Rural America is the last bastion of freedom left in North America. The cities and the inhabitants thereof are cancerous scum.

In rural America people:

Mow their lawns.
Play with their dogs on their lawns.
Shoot guns on their lawns.
Eat food on their lawns.
Light fireworks off in the middle of October on their lawns.
Drink beer on their lawns.
Smoke pot on their lawns.
Fuck their wives on their lawns.

Basically everyone has their own country and the NAP rules.

Some rural areas are.

Thats shitty paranoia and xenophobia. I live in a small town in the mountains, and yeah theres stupid white clique stuff that goes on, but nothing as dumb as this.

Incredibly different.

No niggers, less pollution, property is less expensive because theres no retards clamoring to get a house down the street from their favorite restaurants. Thats about it. Also, i can shoot my .357 mag in my backyard and nobody calls the cops. All this and im still a 15 minute drive from all the convenience of the city.

Its basically better in every way.

My whole state is rural and we're 94% white. Theres currently campaigns trying to figure out why we haven't been diversified, and how to change it.

Rural areas - racists and uneducated

very. i lived in the urban suberbs for a while and moved to a rural area. AMA

stupid americans, don't fall in these 3rd world brown baits!!!!

actually racists and educated

jidf operates behind the memeflag

unironically true but except we are quite hospitable and do these things together without invitation

It's actually the result of drug trafficking on the I-80 corridor. It keeps the meth and shit out of our town. We aren't a tourist destination. If you're passing through, just go to bed and leave. If you're here for a reason, you'll know someone. There are only two bars. A nice one, and a not nice one.

I love this fucking country

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How diferent is rural america from the ones on the cities?

Quite a lot but it also depends on what area of the country. People either love or hate thier small towns. Large cities still have influence for hundreds of miles.

Less minorities and the ones that are there don’t act out much. More necessary to own a vehicle. Common for people to travel from other small towns for work/shopping. Single mothers and teen pregnancy were incredibly common in the small town in Missouri I lived in. Religion is a part of your social status. Jobs are rare so plenty of people don’t work. Depending on the size literally everyone can know everyone, can be good or bad.

Overall pretty nice and quiet and simple. I’d like to buy a “retreat” vacation house in a small town. I wish more millenials would expand to small towns, instead of flocking to crowded cities for tech jobs.

This is actually pretty true. All of it.

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rural areas are the shit

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There are two types of rural whites: drug addict/drunk white trash, and christian good ol boys. In a small town, reputation is everything, so people are more honest, hardworking, friendly, etc. But people are also isolated enough that you can be a drunk loser or meth head with a trashy yard and not care.

night and day

100% different. A good comparison is to think of Hong Kong vs Rural China where they burn dogs alive and shit. Rural White Americans are the scum of the earth, some of the most disgusting vile "humans" you will encounter anywhere.

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We have one, by the truck stop. But we don't really count as rural anymore cause those assholes from Chicago keep hopping across the state line and pushing south. It was a nice place while it lasted though. Still haven't figured out exactly what I am going to do when I graduate, it seems that all the little towns like mine are either dying of meth or growing into the kind of place I don't want to be. Hopefully it is better out west, because there is a huge demand for my degree out there.

Hell we had a murder last year.

I'm glad you brought up reputation. It was/is a huge part of not just for you, but for your family as well. I was dating a girl a few years back who was really a good person, but she came from a pretty bad family. Ended up not working out for other reasons, but the amount of concern, for lack of a better term, that I was dating a Smith (not her actual name) girl was amazing. Family name is almost as important as your own name and I have personally had fights with my uncles about them hurting the name because my kids will have to live under it. You choose your future by 16 with actions and then spend the rest of your life growing into it.

Come off your high horse. Every day we get the butcher's bill for Chicago and gary on the news. City people are animals, less civilized than my dog.