the husband was an illegal immigrant. ice just makes me love them more & more every day
ICE arrests husband driving pregnant wife to hospital
Was the wife an illegal? Hopefully, they flew her out of the country to give birth.
Maybe he shouldn't have illegally immigrated
i havent seen any details on the wife's status but in the article i linked to it said she spoke to cbs in spanish
If they were in beanerland where they belong then this would not have happened.
womp womp
Need to get her out of the country before she drops the baby.
hmm something is not quite right here
Who cares? C-sections are scheduled. She’s not in labor. She can fucking drive, pregnant women aren’t incapable
Having a child with the intent to defraud the US government should be a crime. Baby still gets birthright citizenship but both parents go to jail/deported.
>mother of 5
>doesn't speak English
>married to an illegal
these people aren't American (human)
Good, take the bitch back to Mexican soil and dump her so she shits the beanlet out on their shitty soil.
case closed
fucking anchor babies
Womp womp
>Baby still gets birthright citizenship
no thank you
deport her too and her kids
based water in solid form man
> ice just makes me love them more & more every day
I hope youre serious, leaf. We are a nation of laws. When you break a law, you get arrested. Entering my country without proper documentation is against the law. Which means it is a crime. When you break a law, you get arrested. Why is that so difficult to comprehend for so many people?
I'd be like a Dominos driver with those two, thirty minutes or less across the border so the anchor lands in Mexico.
They all have to go back, baby included faggot.
>it said she spoke to cbs in spanish
>the husband was an illegal immigrant.
They both should've been executed on the spot.
One less anchor baby.
Anchor Baby Status: Revoked
Based and redpilled
If she is illegal, it wouldn't matter where she gave birth because the 14th amendment only applies to babies born from mothers who are legal citizens. ICE would be doing their job regardless.
sensibly chuckled
mexishits BTFO
just a regular guy trying to do the right thing #resist
Great news!
based and redpilled, now abort that kid
Q predicted this