Redpill me on cryptocurrencies

redpill me on cryptocurrencies

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Buy low
Sell high
Donald Trump 2nd Term
Israel temporary Ally
Praise KEK

If you want a heads up there's gonna be a rather big fluctuation of BitCoin price on the 23rd but it will stabilize over the week.

LINK $1000 EOY.

in zimbabwe dollars, maybe


>asking Jow Forums

not going to make it

It's the currency of criminals.

Crypto currencies is what you use to buy your drugs on the darknet.
When a rise in demand lead to a rise in value, people started thinking crypto currency could be worth speculating in. Buy, sell, make profit.
Only thing is: Something like Bitcoin isn't made for a great number of transactions. So trading got really slow and / or really expensive. Most investors woke up and dumped their crypto money.

Fun fact: We researchers are pissed off because the fad to erect mining farms lead to a sharp price hike in graphics cards that we use to run calculations on.

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