They promote artificiality, the fakeness, the lie, the facade, the mask,...
Moreover, it ironically make women uglier, not only visually, but alo orginically, since all those ((_(products))) fuck deeply with their health and skins so they need even more (((products))) to compensate.
They are extremely bad for a health society, since it promotes the idea that you can "patch" your way through, instead of being naturally healthy by taking care of yourself (exercising, drinking a lot of water, taking cold showers, eating organic foods and no garbage, lifing a healthy balanced life and undegenerate life,...)
They MUST be banned for the good of society. Masks like that must be banned or at least shamed into hell .
There is no difference between makeup, a mask, or a hijab. Prove me wrong.
If antifa, or whomstever, can't wear masks in public, then women should not be able to wear makeup in the same occasions. Sex discrimination is illegal in the US.
James Ward
i made it a point to marry a woman who doesn't need to wear makeup to look good
Dylan Peterson
>women Oops forgive me. I forgot there are over 1.4 million trannies running around in the US according to census results 2 current years ago.
Joshua Garcia
The Asian shills are going to fight you hard on this one.
Caleb Long
>it ironically make women uglier Yeah, it's like tanning or high heels, it just maes bitches uglier. Why do bitches insist on doing things to be uglier? I don't understand. Bitches be stupid.