I'm a 24 year old virgin female. I'm very unhappy and part of my unhappiness is that I've had no sex and my stupid parents have not allowed me to see anyone. My parents were hoping I'd go through school and become an adult with a good salary after graduation but since I figured out their trick I dropped out of an Ivy league instead and left them to shit their fucking pants idgaf kek. I'm overweight and therefore ugly in the eyes of men and I don't actually have any friends so what am I supposed to do?
Drunk and no tits
you know the rule post tits you slut
maybe if you help me solve my problem
post tits with a timestamp
It's the only logical solution
lose weight... then show tits.
all females must post tits and timestamp or get the fuck out
plz be my gf
I probably will tbqh.
How do you know? Maybe you've just got low self esteem.
Post your face
damn it beat me to it
Wow very political thread... Next time post this garbage on r9k
>How do you know?
because I'm fat you fucking retard
r u white tho?
post feet
you can go FTM, instantly get friends, become popular, meet new people and find a cute gf or bf with a high social value (good looking, good job, popular circle/parties/drugs/holidays/famous people)
most of threads on/pol/ aren't political stop being a stupid retard
Men don't give a shit about fat, we will fuck anything. Your pussy is still wet and smooth.
I'd rather kms
How overweight are you?
I like thicc girls
Eat better? Or just realize that 90% of the faggots on here who say they'd never fuck this and that would stick their dick in just about anything given the opportunity.
You can be a disgusting landwhale and still land a solid beta. Chin up.
>Your pussy is still wet and smooth.
that's true
its your own fault, cunt
good don't listen to that kike.
>go to gym to lose weight
>become a nazi
>find white partner, make white children and stay in kitchen
you are welcome
idk I'm scared to weigh myself. I'm 5'6"' and close to 200 lbs last time I checked
i know
>I dropped out of an Ivy league instead
1. Lose weight.
2. Don't lose your virginity to Chad.
3. Don't act like a bitch.
4. Learn how to do things men value in a woman: cooking, gardening, homemaking, etc. 5. Develop yourself into an interesting, useful person.
6. Flirt with virtuous men only.
7. Accept rejection as feedback to improve yourself.
8. Don't show these degenerates your tits.
This guy gets it. Women can get laid whenever with minimal effort. Just look for a desperate guy.
Idgaf if you're chubby, just being a virgin female is attractive enough.
Dont listen to any of these sorry faggots, be my gf?
24 yo virgin you say? If you're in New England I'll wife you up and have a series of babies in your belly within the month.
this makes me wanna break my nofap. Fuck you! I want a cute jew hating gf now! :(
There is no reason to post your shitty thread here, enjoy your ban
Join the army. You’ll get into shape and men will stare at you all day. No phots required for this tip
> 200 lbs
Pfft that's fine as long as you're fat in the proper places.
Seriously there's no legit way to know if you're ugly or not because you never show your body to anyone, irl i mean posting nudes here won't really help your feel better. So if you want my advice actually go the beach or something, talk to dudes and so forth
Honestly dude just wait it out. One more year tops. Those things that hold you back from being happy end up becoming insignificant, but at the same time you might find yourself in a situation where you wasted a lot of time on these insignificant things and that's something that's very hard to come to terms with or to compensate for, because while you're struggling and dealing with problems you've also got time working against you. Also spiting your parents while not being in a position of any kind of independence is just spiting yourself. Their job is done: they gave birth to you and raised you. You're on your own now.
Also stop shoveling food into your goddamn mouth. Losing weight is easy. Whenever your brain says "Feed me" you just say "in a little bit" and you keep postponing until your stomach grumbles, and then you eat half of what you'd usually eat. You'd be surprised how little you need to be full. Being lazy has nothing to do with being fat, being fat is either a health issue or a glutton issue, but mostly just gluttony.
That's a shame, I was kinda hoping you'd say a few pounds overweight, get on a diet that is how you loose weight you don't have to work out a ton.