What is a country you begrudgingly respect?

I'll have to say Germany. They may be cunts but they always manage to dominate Europe someway and somehow

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Swaziland, they are the only ones outdoing us on rapes per capita.

Rwanda. Based Paul Kagame

Germany is the only country worthy of any respect you Anglo asslicker.

>Germany is the only country worthy of any respect
No they are not you autistic wehraboo

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>dominate europe
Literally only recently and this somehow makes them respectable?
If they should be respected for something it is their classicak music


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Bants aside, frogs are based

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Russia. Great people, also the scum of the earth.

t. Cletus Maria Heimbach

>also the scum of the earth.
You ever looked in the mirror?

Kinda like yours

The German people used to be great when they had some pride. Now they're genociding themselves over war guilt.

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I never said we were respectable people, did I?

>they always manage to dominate Europe
Other than the EU and Nazi Germany (For a very short period of time), when have they dominated Europe?
A better country to fit that description would be France.

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Fuck off Zhang. Germany is still white while your a chink colony.

You mean they dominate europe with their refugee policies? Disgusting

This, sure they're fucked now (like us) but there is a lot of history between us.

>Now they're genociding themselves over war guilt.

I'm sorry.

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>brings Communism to the Heart of Europe
>brings Islam to the heart of Europe


They're not responsible you retard. Its Americunts that are.

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>One bombing is worse than bombing multiple countries and cities

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>Now they're genociding themselves over war guilt
Which is strange. The Russians raped 2 million German women after the war. Even children. If it's a country that should feel ashamed for war crimes it's Russia and the eastern block for what they did to Germans after the war.

>Germany anounces total war
>cries when he get it

China. They are everything the West should be and was: imperialistic, militarist, nationalist, look down upon lesser races such as Africans, and birth rates so high they need laws to keep it down. They throw their Muslims in concentration camps where they're forced to eat meat and drink wine. They despise Western Liberals, labeling them Baizuo (White Left), and this smug cunt is able to play Western nations like a fiddle. I remember reading about how China threw their feminists in jail a few years back, and I think they got long sentences. Of course they aren't perfect, with issues like pollution and corruption, but I am certain that if the destroy the white race, this world will belong to the Chinese.

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If he was so good then why did he die so early?

kekkity kek kek

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Churchill actually kicked off the bombing off civilian targets though. Prior to that, the Nazis were only bombing military and industrial targets in England.


>Germany is still white while
Uhm, sweety ...

Based Churchill

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>when you swap out gear and roll a 20

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>he respects a county that has kept Merkel in power that long

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Germans, French but most of all Anglos

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U.K best empire, best scientists, best musicians.

Nice proxy, A*gloscum

Great, the eternal smug anglo and eternal butthurt Kraut yet again. Just need the foulmouthed git austrian and the based retarded pole to finish the thread.

>war guilt

Sure thing. Greetings from a 100 percent white area to... London.

>we wuz trolling all along guize!

by the time these fuckers have perfect genetically engineered babies we'll be still stuck with the abortion debate, kek.

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>Cleanses Germany of Jews goes on a land-grab, Invades Russia Get BTFO brings Communism to Europe, loses the Reich and forever stigmitises nationalism

"How Much Land Does a Man Need?" is an 1886 short story by Leo Tolstoy about a man who, in his lust for land, forfeits everything.


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I don't share in Jow Forums's divisive nationalist rivalry and don't particularly hold any grudges against any country except USA when they start unironically defending their kiked foreign policy or refusing to admit that parts of the country are just as bad a police state as here when backed into a corner. I'm not stupid, resentful or psychopathic enough to think that any sane and sensible white person living anywhere in Europe or North America "voted" for what's happening or even knew what the agenda was until quite recently. Germany, Sweden, France, us etc all frequently stage protests and have millions of people willing to vote to stop immigration and leave the EU or what have you. I don't begrudge anyone not being vocal about this because they have jobs, families and children to protect and being "outed" as a "fascist" or whatever is the fastest way to have your entire household doxxed and anyone related to you harassed and threatened by left wing lunatics or even targeted by the government.

Yeah, Germany are a bunch of cucky faggots who voted for Merkel, but underneath the cherry picked shit you see about them on Jow Forums the majority of the people are patriotic individuals who when taken aside and quietly pressed on the issue will admit they want all this nonsense to stop. Most Germans I talk to in real life are proud of Germany and proud to be German. Same with the French, same with anyone from Scandinavia. Everyone is shy to express these opinions because your life will literally be ruined for doing it, and we all know it.

This is the future of Europe, sweetie, and it's beautiful

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Sam you delet this right now desu

Russia, maybe even China

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Also, say what you want about Israel but they know their shit.

The US. I hate everything about it, except.... the heavenly Big Mac.

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Oh come on. You people are notoriously touchy about the war. It's like your collective pedophile uncle who you don't dare even allude to whenever you have visitors.

Big Mac is for peasants. Habanero BBQ is the master race.

Nobody can resist Burger Diplomacy

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Germany and France. At least we're all committing suicide together, so we can have the satisfaction of knowing that none of us won.

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I took have been to McDonalds recently. Their new menu items are surprisingly tasty. But I won't shill them for free just yet.

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If your people died in a war and were eradicated culturally Carthage style, you would also be pissed about that war. It’s prob the same as with you and bringing up the empire.

>arsebucks coffee

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Bulgaria because they've helped us in the past but are still faggots.

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Reminder that it was our Bavarian king that launched an attack on Ankara and forever ruined Megali Idea with his autism.
We're never paying the (((debts))) Hans. Deal with it.

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>always losers in the end
>a vassal state for shitty ideas

Ay Caramba, kys Whitoid shit.

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Go suck some BBCs, that's your new task you little fool.
You are only tolerated because you are working slaves and pay up and act as a tool for certain agendas.

No proud history, only defeat and cultural marxist shit ideas.

He was too good. He wanted to stomp out the communist menace at the end of World War 2, while they were weakened and before they had the bomb. Jewish masters couldn't allow that

>12.5 years
Did we also bomb your ability to count?

Yes, give up all sense of German pride, goy!

Demonize, defeat and plunder

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I am not a German, you stupid Amerimutt with muuuh heritage.

I am a Chinese born in Germany and have been abusing the welfare here, leeching off stupid German wageslaves.

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Not into beaner junk food

Yeah right

Lost? No worries, you meant to post here!

What was the significant event?

Yeah, right, what's so hard about it that makes it for you unbelievable?

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They created Rap, twerking and export impose degenerate stuff. Also were the responsibles for destroying Germany and partially the Middle East.
But I got to admit that the way they managed to unite a bunch of europeans into an artificial identity to create the biggest economy and military ever is impressive.

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There's nothing unbelievable about you being a faggot

Chinks don't get anything. You live with your parents.


Nah, I don't browse faggot boards.

And then they stopped having children
The End

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The one significant event in Africa what was it?

Then get the fuck out

Of course we do, wtf are you talking about?
Yes, I am 31 and live with my mother and sister.
The housing market is really bad here in the south of Bavaria, otherwise the the rent for the whole apartment would be paid by the state as well.