I envy Eruopoors for having free reins of prostitutes but have no freedoms to own guns. Why can`t America have both ?
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Because sex outside of marriage makes Jeebus cry
because degeneracy should be illegal and pre-marital sex is a sin.
The peasant is the foundation of the state and must be governed with care. He must be allowed neither too much, nor too little,
Why the fuck would you fuck a whore? Absolutely disgusting. And I wish we could have guns.
>Shemale with nice tans
Checked. I think i know the answer,thanks Hans. Abandoned thread.
We have brothels in Nevada, the girls in Europe however are much more attractive.
We do. Prostitution isn't federally illegal. In Nevada it is legal and regulated. Regulation happens at the state, county, and city level.
Having just got back from Amsterdam and Achen and seeing their red light districts, I really wish I would have been able to go in my early 20's, while not being married, and have the same income as now. Some of those women were smoking hot.
>Why can`t America have both ?
move to NEVADA
I feel you bro , red light districts can only truly be experienced as a single man
Poor sweet baby jebus.
why would a grown ass woman take such a retarded picture?
Why would you endorse degeneracy?
>see perfect big tittied blondes in the window, on display, waving and blowing kisses and biting lip
>go back to room, masturbate furiously, call wife
Saw a live sex show in Amsterdam. Wasn't even hot, just impressive how good the people were at fucking on beat.
this. most people who are sexually experienced know this. It’s over-rated outside of loving relationships.
this fag knows whats up
don't know what you mean.
i legally own a rifle, a 9mm pistol and a 357 magnum revolver in europe.
Because its fun and feels good. DURR
Shut up Nigger
>We have brothels in Nevada
Thus spoke the nigger.
We have both. Private ownership of guns is constitutional right and hookers are hot af and cost 60€/hour
Do girls at pascha Köln really look like that?
Do you have room for a Ameribro ?
Some so. It's a huge brothel. There are all kinds of girls there.
We're fighters, not lovers.
I want both
Is it the best place/your favorite for prostitution in Köln? I heard the fkk saunas are good too
filthy, diseased, NIGGER.
yeah you also produce the largest amount of pornstars per capita though
finding a decent woman in modern czechia is impossible, even the ugly christian girls have had miles of dick
so are all NIGGERS.
RDL is "cum and gone" attitude. I prefer more top houses where pay 1 hour but take things easy and can give 2.
t. fucked two in RDL some months ago
Because euros can't have guns at all right
>free reins of prostitutes
sure but who actually fucks them?
i get it when a wangsta party decides to call a whore because drunk&funny 'n' shiieet but that's pretty much it.
i don't know anyone who has confessed that they have actually fuck whores.
i guess it's don't ask don't tell since god damn that's some quality pussy we got on market from Czech and Brazilia.
I'm not from Cologne. I am from the Berlin area.
Only been there twice. It's pretty great because you can basically stay all day after you pay the entry fee and fuck 2-3 chicks. You also get all the choice in the world. Something for every taste.
There is all kinds of good brothels in Germany. I have yet to find a bigger brothel that completely sucked.
It is quite safe and pays a lot, so every pretty hooker is trying to get into one of the big German brothels. Therefore the girls look better than your common street whores.
Not so fast there, my negro
>muh fights
because we keep voting for neocons
I've fucked whores.
when i was in germany all the whore houses were filled with niggers and spics. barely any whites there. also the turks run them, they will try to rob you.
Of course they will try to rob you. It's Turks. Government regulation keeps this in check though. Your chances of getting robbed in a German brothel are very slim. And of course there is lots of niggers and spics. It's a brothel.
Especially in the Saar area (near the French border) a lot of Frenchmen cross the border to enjoy themselves. France has quite a lot of blacks because of their colonial past.
what a filthy place with no self-respect.
here all the whores inform no nigs or goatfuckers every single one and they say it subtlety like past encounters or something something history. basically dine and dish and violent behavior.
dine and dish is btw legal in finland because the law sees the sex as some common courtesy thing. like if you mowed your neighbors lawn because you're a nice guy you can't just go demand a payment for it afterwords.
We do have guns
>inb4 but it takes long and costs money