When did you start actively doubting the mainstream media?
For it was when the witchhunt on Michael Jackson went all out.
>he doesn't have a rare skin condition - he bleaches his skin because he is racist and hates blacks >builds neverland as a savehaven for kids from hollywood so they don't get abused by pedos - results into MJ getting flagged as a pedo by them >say that MJ has no balls and penis and a completely asexual weirdo - later his kids show the same rare skin condition that he had
Pretty much everything they reported about him was a fucking lie.
I started doubting a lot of shit as a kid. My first time watching 9/11 videos I knew it was bullshit
Camden Long
after the trayvon martin trial.
Brody Reyes
Probably around Trayvon or Ferguson
Aaron Williams
When I became aware that data collection had gotten good enough such that clicks/views started to become associated with profit.
Xavier Wood
When during the Iraq war every day we got told the number of soldiers who died over seas and once Obama got elected that sort of news coverage died immediately. That's when I noticed the bias anyway.
Jonathan Wood
Liam Thomas
When i worked for the nsa in 2005
Aaron Bennett
Gamergate was a big fucking redpill for me. It was a gay as fuck movement that ended up getting killed by cockroaches trying to profit from it but it was a real glimpse on how the media fabricates news.
Hunter Johnson
michael jackson was a mentally disturbed child rapist you retarded jew kraut
Checked My mom was like, oh God what if they fall down? I said, there's no way in hell they'll fall down, maybe the tops will fall off but they're not going to just collapse like a controlled demolition. mfw
That’s a good point. Covering the news has always been a mean to an ends of pushing leftist people and ideas. It’s all just little cogs in a dumb little wheel that they consider just and righteous to keep rolling.
Nolan Lee
Michael Jackson had no biological children. He hated niggers so much he bought two white children.
Juan Rivera
2003 gulf war when all the US media was shilling for the war while every other countries media said there were no WMDs and it was a joke. Click, US mainstream media is done.
Luis Diaz
All I want to say is that (((they))) don't really care about us.
Kick me, kike me. Do me, Jew me. RIP
Ethan Wood
Had doubts here and there in 2002/2003 watching 9/11 stuff. Didn't have any complete doubts or care about it until zimzam and dorner and it completely degraded by 2015.
Jaxson Morales
same. fucking kikes killed my happiness and now I'm constantly paranoid, 100% serious
Aaron Price
When Eggman from arcanine turned up on CNN
Its been a while. (((Mods))) have range banned me from making a thread.
That right there changes the game completely in regards to everything.
Most people believe the next step in human evolution is through cybernetics and transhuminism. I know as fact that is incorrect and the next step in human evolution is extrasensory.
We are going to have a future where cyborgs and A.I. are subservient to telepaths and demigods.
That document right there will help you become your own designated demigod.
As well, i attatched the real narrative and a plan to ensure our success, to my grimiore.
We /borgcube/ now
Angel Ramirez
When I saw the photos of the Pentagon after 9/11 and it had obviously not been struck by an airplane.
Levi Williams
Loose Change came out when I was about 15. There's people now who literally say that that is the Kool Aid that's being fed to the masses. But those people tend to be jackoffs.
Dylan Ramirez
Wrong. He was weird yes, though paradoxically one of the few in Hollywood that was not a child molester pedophile.
Hudson Gray
You aren't fooling me, Rabbi Schlomo Yid Kikestein III.
I'd figure by now at least one of the child actors that stayed at his place would have ratted him out even if only by accident or to promote a book for quick money if he was truly guilty.
Brody Morris
>Ivana Trump defends MJ and says that he would never do such a thing >first reaction in the media is them shittalking her and MJ alltogether
>no biological children >third child looks literally just like he did when he was young >first son has the same ultra rare skin condition which you simply inherite with your genetics
When I delivered newspapers as a teen and read the newspaper every day. Every article seeemed political to me almost, like the writer was following a set of rules and had an agenda. I was naive, now I marvel at how people don't see it.
Camden Clark
Didn't news come out recently that his father chemically castrated him as a child
Zachary Long
Murray the doctor who killed him claimed that. But why would anyone but the main stream media believe the killer?
MJs bodyguards said that MJ had healthy relationships with women - Sometimes even in his cars.
His bodyguards also revealed that he always settled because his lawyers went that way.
He had the money and no idea how to actually make use of it so they just threw it out of the window for him to make problems go away. His debts got so high that he couldn't even pay his bodyguards for months and his hotel credit cards got declined.
Daniel Roberts
Why are you defending this hideous beast of a child-raping lunatic?
But with these two pictures side by side it looks like he attempted to have his nose and jaw altered to look more white
Cameron Gray
Vitiligo bleached his skin. He had a nose surgery because he hated having his fathers nose.
He denied having done any surgery but his hate for his father is well known and he hated vitiligo ruining his skin and making him look weird given his african looks so he changed that as well.
>When did you start actively doubting the mainstream media? when obama got the peace prize
Colton Mitchell
injurie(s)? no he lose his hair from just that or more shit too?
Luis Jones
MJ was the first one to be torn down by public outrage mob, which now happens to nobodies on twitter losing their job over a slightly politically incorrect joke.
Thomas Butler
>lose 500 million from tour being canceled to fight in court >or pay 20 mill not to mention the drug-promoting anxiety and pressure from upper manager jews. don't forget it brought in more golddiggers with his second case. a woman that was known for making false accusations. not to mention the leaked phonecall of evan (the 1st boy's jew dad) explicitly describing his ploy to destroy michael in detail
Jaxson Brown
Alexander Flores
looks like an incompetent doctor. never seen a white man with a nose like that .he had a severe scalp injury from a pyrotechnic accident. curly hairpieces are awful. his hair mysteriously became straightened after that accident because the best wigs are usually straighter hair.
David Ward
When I found out about mainstream science on intelligence and racial differences. IQ differences were never even mentioned as a possible cause of income and other disparities between whites and blacks.. it was not even discussed! This to me was 100% proof that the media was not informing the public. They were actively hiding things people need to know.
After this, I knew the media was less than useless.. and actually a cancer in the system, because they were allowing all problems to be credited to white people's racism. It was a terrible realization, and it led me to seek answers which led down the proverbial 'rabbit hole'
Elijah Murphy
Chase Howard
I never watched the mainstream media as a young person and I really don't now. Although I did read news, it was obvious (then and now) that massive bias existed. If I had to pin it on a single red flag, it was when The Daily Show started airing. Even as a kid I knew it was bullshit and exceeded satire.
Stopped reading your manifesto after it said Kylie Jenner was signalling attraction for you and it was intercepted by Kanye. That is classic schizophrenia you got there friendo
William Parker
youtu.be/QNJL6nfu__Q?t=1m8s You know what word was censored here ? When he sung it live, he wasn't allowed to sing the whole couplet that contained the censored word.
Jace Flores
Me too. Specifically the headline: >white man shoots unarmed black teen That was the mouth of the rabbit hole for me.
When 60 Minutes was big and there were only a few channels to choose from (70's), the reporter would go to the 'bad guys house' and knock. There would be no answer, therefore the bad guy was guilty. They did that a lot and I knew it was BS. Hasn't trusted media since
Around 2005 when a swedish woman was brutally gang raped and according to Sweden's biggest newspaper they were "Swedish" or "Finnish citizen". The only ones who spread the truth were neo-nazis and after that I completely stopped reading the lies in the Lügenpresse.
A few years later the MSM got caught for obvious lies once again, using photoshop to make the skin lighter of a rapefugee and then pixelating it, was just pretty obvious since they had to pixelate not only his face but the arms as well.
Zimmerman. First and only time I’ve heard a man referred to as “white hispanic”. Watching the media use such disgusting appeals to emotion to sow the seeds of a race conflict levelled any idea of an objective media.
It really started going downhill in 1998. It was all part of a program to transform America into a global empire. The two seminal works were Sam Huntingtons "the clash of civilizations" Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" and Fukuyamas "The end of History and the last man". Globalism and neoLiberalism had been running for about 20 years, and at that point failed when Malaysia implemented currency controls in response to the 1997 financial crisis, saving the country, and introducing populism. The globalist response was neoGlobalism, the attack on Iraq, media consolidation, mass immigration to destroy the ability of a people to resist, and debt peonage for the subject populations. Finally, the global warming hoax was invented to bring in a neoCommunist system where we would all be equal because we would all have the same carbon ration. Of course the global financial oligarchy behind all this would continue to enjoy their wealth and power. The thing is, globalism had already failed, so all these moves were simply destructive, but the globalists have only one strategy and that is to double down again and again, no matter how destructive.
Thomas Smith
I always suspected they were wrong, but it was due to lack of diligence, not malice. There is an old adage: The media is always 99% accurate, unless they're talking about something I have firsthand knowledge of, then they get it completely wrong. It wasn't until the "Trump says vets are weak" bullshit that it finally clicked that it was malice, because the video of what he actually said was available for anybody to see.
Dominic Campbell
When a family member said I was dumb and lent me Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley
Nathaniel Hill
I was too young for MJ, but honestly I can't pinpoint a specific thing. It was something along the lines of, I knew behind the scenes knowledge on a situation, and when the news reported it they misrepresented the story. I was around 15 at this point. Also the more I learned of the world (reality), the more I realised that news organisations are either willfully ignorant (and evil) or beyond stupid.
Just simple stupid things like the gender pay gap myth being pushed by CNN, BBC, MSNBC, and so on.
The lunatic leftwing fringe of the white race would be inhabiting prisons and insane asylums rather than our institutions, if it were not for jews.
John Stewart
>3000 people die >entire buildings turned into dust and lava pits >find a passport >must be the guy that caused it! that story is so fucking retarded I cannot imagine how much of a dumb faggot you have to be to believe it.
Lucas Campbell
When I started owning guns and being educated about their function. In general the red pilling starts when you hear journalists and politicians discuss your hobby when they know nothing about it.
I fully lost faith when Trayvon/Zimmerman coverage and every subsequent high profile police/black shooting afterwards.
>The edited 911 call from Zimmerman >The photo outdated photos of Trayvon as a child vs Zimmerman in an orange jumpsuit. >The media judging all the shooters as guilty before they even went to court.
Chaos sells so they have an interest in generating chaos.
There is a reason why Trump calling them "fake news" resonated so well with the American public.
Skin head, dead head Everybody gone bad Situation, aggravation Everybody allegation In the suite, on the news Everybody dog food Bang bang, shot dead Everybody's gone mad
Beat me, hate me You can never break me Will me, thrill me You can never kill me Jew me, sue me Everybody do me Kick me, kike me Don't you black or white me