Hi. i come in peace my brothers. There are 8 types of inteligence as you can see in the picture on the left. Asians are good at Logic Smarts. Whites are good at Linguistics, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal, Is it so bad to believe that blacks have at least Musical and Kinesthetic smarts. All of God's children have different value and different strengths. I know many of you already hate blacks but as i said i come in peace. It is not overreaching to say we have many quality muicians who love all races. Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, All ther rappers and gospel singers maybe even bethoven. I have not called myself or any of my people superior in any way. i simply pointed out that we may have value and different skills.
Thank you for your time.
Blacks and Musical Intelligence
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sure, whatever. You sure are a singin folk, Ill give you that. Now please stop raping and murdering and stealing and bringing your nig noggery to white neighborhoods and driving down the values with your crime. Thank you for your time.
Your welcome my brother.I can't speak for everyone else but i will not do any of those things. except the property value thing. that is beyond my ability to control. stay well
Have blacks actually made much music that is considered genius? Like complex operas/symphonies? Are we really going to compare Rap to Beethoven?
whites make more complex music. whether it's rock, irish folk or classical. I do agree blacks are good at music though.
Multiple intelligences are a hoax used to make low intelligence people feel better and high intelligence people feel worse.
Blacks seem to have musical intelligence limited to primarily repetitive rhythm, melody not so much. Melody is basically pattern recognition, and pattern recognition is basically IQ. Draw your own conclusions.
>Choose generic beat from a library
>Get stoned
>Lazily read some shit into a microphone
200 IQ genius level music production.
>Multiple intelligences
Yeah and lice only like very clean hair.
>"logic smart" has same weight as "picture smart," and "music smart."
>"logic smart" isn't broken up into 20 different categories all more important than the rest of these shitty categories.
What does it feel like to not belong to any of these categories OP?