Why are there so many homeless Veterans in America?

Why are there so many homeless Veterans in America?

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blame the homeless

shave him.....dry

Wouldn't they all be around 73 years old now? Isn't that demographic like 2% of the homeless population? WTF are you talking about?

Most of them are retards, the same people in the military who spend all of their money on stupid shit like buying a mustang with %25 APR and alcohol.

Their welfare is up, don’t have any skills and can’t think for themselves

>be directionless
>join military for structure and 3 meals
>experience bunch of bad shit your not allowed to deal with while active
>get discharged from military
>back to civilian life
>directionless again
>PTSD starts to seep out
>people are afraid of you and dont want to associate with you
>booze and drugs
>lose family and friends, job if you even had one
>buy green army jacket from thrift store and sleep in the park

bums sign up for the military, and they are still bums when they come out

Fight in stupid wars win stupid prizes. No sympathy for retards

More qualified to be homeless than to be employed.

most are just faking it for benefits
the rest are just advertising how stupid they are

There aren't, really. Almost none. It's just that every fucking bum claims that he is a homeless veteran, so that you feel sorry for him and give him a dollar. Only leftists are stupid enough to be outsmarted by bums.

Ptsd induced alcoholism

It's because joining the military is for trashy and poor people, so when they get out of the service, they still remain trashy and poor.

Normal people wouldn't take a job that has a risk of disfigurement or death if they had better options.

retards to begin with.

We've been protecting Canada so long they don't even know when the last wars were

Major problem is they are turning into trannies

>no real skills
>mental problems after war
to answer your question, I have no idea

God bless the troops brave heros thoughts and prayers thankyou for your service. Did i miss any bullshit bumper stickers

When you’ve had to say...put a fire out on the back of a burning human baby, it kind of kills you inside.

They're taught how to fight wars but not make peace at home. They don't have programs reintroducing military back into civilian life

>be directionless
>people are afraid of you and dont want to associate with you
>booze and drugs
>lose family and friends, job if you even had one
They have much in common with Jow Forums posters.

NO actual life skills and responsibility. If you are trained for the military everybody does one little specific thing that has no equivalent in civvy life. They make becoming an alcoholic super easy too.

Mental health issues and substance abuse often results in being homeless.

Many Americans saw Rambo First Blood and wanted to be homeless vets who hated the government.

Is it not obvious? They vote Republican.

They're lazy and too dumb for real work, that's why they joined the army in the first place

Because the military takes in a lot of people who can't really do anything else. When they leave the military they turn to booze and drugs and end up homeless.

>Many Americans saw Rambo First Blood and wanted to be homeless vets who hated the government.

To be fair it is kino

I'm a veteran and let me tell you...
Most vets are not the brightest bulbs in the tool box
Most vets also miss the constant ass kissing and "thank you for your service"
Most vets didn't obtain anything useful in the military and believe they're too good to work at civie jobs they are qualified for

Turns out being a cook/amunition loader as a sub 80 iq nigger or assorted non-white doesn't have many prospects later in life.

>strat leak: crackheads use "muh armey" for more handouts because white people are stupid/gullible.

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Piss poor preparation prevents proper performance.

As a veteran you are not exactly taught to think for yourself or any real future planning. As a result your not exactly prepared for life that doesn't involve staying in the military or jail.