A white ethnosate will never exist

For one simple reason, whites are strongly against doing low-wage labor en masse. There would simply not be enough trash men and such.

Attached: nicki-minaj.jpg (480x640, 46K)

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I want to fuck Nicki so bad

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whoops, last link got fucked up


she is so hot

>For one simple reason, whites are strongly against doing low-wage labor en masse.
Pay them a wage that can afford a house and a family and those jobs will be filled. No need to import economic migrants.

Shitty ass links lmao, here's a better one

Attached: satan.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Which is why they invent ways of simplifying those tasks. We'd be spending all our time just trying to subsist without that.

Then why are low wage shitty jobs in rural Germany all filled by white people?

she's not on whitene.com
lousy argument

Wrong, just white baby boomers. Generations of whites before and after tolerate low wages.

Attached: boomers-change.jpg (700x365, 179K)

>white working class doesn't exist
Unthinging at its most blatant.

Now, I know that if we got rid of illegals the supply and demand curve would change, and the market would adjust. Hey, maybe strawberries would cost 3x what they do now-- but would you rather have cheap produce picked by third world labor or a future with grandchildren who look like you?

(because people are fucking clannish, I feel the need to say am NOT a "free market will fix everything" libertard. I don't want to let those fucks take credit for this.)

But let's forget all that for a second. I'll assume you're a left-ish some kind of person. If not, please excuse me, but I think there's a really good chance argument will hit home.

So, I assume at least part of your motivation for bringing illegals here is to improve their circumstances, right? Equality for everyone, the socialist dream?

So if you're taking it as a given that these jobs are below "civilized" people to do, how are you ever going to pull your slave caste into the light of equality and brotherhood? You're probably always going to need people to unclog toilets and clean gutters (or whatever the equivalent of those jobs would be in whatever future automation utopia you envision-- yes, the shittiness of a job is 100% relative. Read your damn history). How do those jobs get done if you don't have a slave caste?

It's incredible how the left, who pretends to be so traumatized by the sins of the past that they want to abolish as many differences between people as possible up and embraces a fucking RACIAL hierarchy when it's convenient.

Robots dude


Just automate you dumb nigger

Apparently she's crazy as fuck. She tried to murder her ex with a knife and sent him to the ER.

This is why we need slaves

>low wage
there ya go, dingus.
>ethnostate established
>pay whites a fair wage
>whites prosper
>closed borders
>no more wars for isreal
>0 immigration
national socialism intensifies

hot af

>whites are strongly against doing low-wage labor en masse
Whites are the most economically productive people on Earth.
I don't see many nigger farmers you cunt.

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what a disgusting beast

Hot and sexypilled

hot as fuck

I'd love for her to force me to lick her sweaty stinky feet.

Then we will simply have to pay higher salaries to trash men. No price is too high to determine our own destiny.

Good luck competing economically on the world stage. You would end up being west virginia

Worthless, no content spam thread.

Burn in hell you worthless troll.

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But I'm a jacked white dude with money and I would be sweet to her as long as she sucked my dick well I'm not concerned.

Okay fair enough. I saged this post.

Whites are against doing low end labor because there is such an influx of immigration that suppresses the wages thus the work isn't worth the pay. None-the-less the more Mexicans you have there the more Mexicanfied it becomes and the more you need to speak Spanish.

Jesus christ, just pick up a latina, they are notorious for doing this.

>whites are strongly against doing low-wage labor
There would be no low-wage labor if we deported the Mexislaves
Wages always go up when labor market contracts

>I would be sweet to her
You dumb nigger, nigger women and certain groups of spic women are going to start shit with you just because. One day you'll wake up and be fighting about bullshit because that's what they do.


My life experience contradicts your naïve, sophomoric conjecture. Learn about the world before spewing shit from your mouth.

>Throughout centuries of history white homogeneous societies never had trash men and the like

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Der Ewige Boomer strikes again.

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She's a nigger, she's gonna find something to go psycho over regardless. If you're gonna burn some coal, hit n run is your only good option.