drump did it
Last 10 years or so there's been a lot of demand for nurses so there are a lot of young 20something year old nurses getting pregnant because hospitals generally give their employees good health insurance. Source: wife is a 24 year old pregnant nurse
some doctor at that hospital is a fuckin playa
>Paging Dr. Goodlove, you're needed in 403... badly.
Excuse me?
arent like 90% of nurses single mothers?
>Economy picks up
>people can afford to get married and long term goals of having a kid
>Economy goes down
>Murder entire family including pregnant wife
>people can afford to get married and long term goals of having a kid
Piss poor African niggers manage to shit out 6+ niglets per woman, while also being dirt poor. Your children don't need (((college))) and (((health care))).
scrubs adds at least 2 points to a woman. I'd dick every chick in that photo with no hesistation, even the fat ones. (except the street shitter obviously)
That's paid for by white men.
Its the Mormon infestation. Just a different kind of jew
Weird thing us, my wife and I are on our 2nd of 4, and all our white friends, and im talking 14-15 families, have 3 or more kids
That doctor is getting around
BASED! Just had my first kid this year.m, a beautiful son. Unfortunately he’ll probably have to fight in the civil war so I’m gonna have 4 more kids and keep hoarding property and money until the time comes.
That's actually impressive, them being nurses especially.
>implying half of them aren't carrying niglets and spiclets
Nurses are the best. Usually responsible and intelligent, and have their own money. Just have to avoid the "born again ho" ones with the son named Aiden who is their "kang"
When the economy gets better people start having babies. It's a known phenomenon and I've personally witnessed it a couple times.
The man has been busy, it seems.
>All those little Drumpfies running around in Phoenix
White births lead all other races now 3 years running.
kek,somebody should take her to small claims court over this
This. Op is a fag
I wonder who is going to pick up their lost productivity when they all go on maternity leave...
The chad doctor vs the virgin male nurse
>1 out of 16