>meanwhile on 1930s Jow Forums
Meanwhile on 1930s Jow Forums
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I still can't believe they gave women the vote. We're truly living in the beginning of the end, my friends.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Coolidge. City people voted for FDR
>these fuckin hat's chafe my ears too much
oh the 30's, when the working man of america were an inch from setting off a communist revolution in the US
>In August 1931, over eight million citizens were unemployed. By 1933, that number would be closer to 15 million. The production of a relief system to absorb this growing mass was slow and widely resisted in America. This was the country where one was supposed to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. The New Deal in the 30s and the Great Society programs of the 60s both had “the preservation of capitalism at all times in view” as a Time magazine article about the New Deal put it. But what exactly threatened capitalism at these times? The fear was in the dissolution of civility and good morals among the unemployed. Having no work, men wandered. It became less likely for them to marry and settle down. They may turn to crime or riots to take what they want or need.
Roosevelt taxed The Pigs 90% just to save the system from a Bolshevik-like Revolution in the US:
>Communist, anarchist, and socialist groups were beginning to look a lot more attractive to the unemployed and with riots becoming more common and unemployment still on the rise, one could speak of a “mass disorder” by the mid-30s. The New Deal (though it made some concessions that more hard-line American ideologues were uncomfortable with) was designed to steal that thunder and return the unemployed to work where they would become stable again. Roosevelt put it in simple terms: “I am fighting Communism, Huey Longism, Coughlinism, Townsendism,” he told an emissary of William Hearst in 1935, “I want to save our system, the capitalistic system; to save it is to give some heed to world thought of today. I want to equalize the distribution of wealth.”
>smuggles liquor into the US
Prohibition fags BTFO
>Go to the movies
>Nothing but comic strip shit like Flash Gordon at the serials
>Nothing but sequels to Charlie Chan, Frankenstein and The Thin Man at the movies
>Shitty YA books like Wizard of Oz getting made into movies
Has Hollywood reached peak degeneracy? Creativity and films that deal with real world issues are dead. Just sequels and fantasy nonsense now.
This Hitler fella in Germany is controlled opposition
I mean, just look at this LARPing shit
>SA maschiert !
>Achtung, die Straße frei !
Jews are causing the dustbowl.
GUYS!!! I have an idea!! Let's set the Reichstag on fire, blame it on the communists and get the votes on the upcoming election. This'll work i guarantee it!
I like some of what this hitler says but I worry he might cause the end of the white race due to starting another war.
Everything is fine.
I like what this Hitler fella says about Jews, but I don't trust the whole "Socialism" part of his National Socialist party.
William Randolph Hearst just declared Flip the Frog a hate symbol. We doing something right boys.
What's with the animated talkies the Japs are producing? All of this is going to lead to sodomy and other forms of degeneracy.
He's just another boomer desu
>tfw most of my friends like that negro jazz garbage
>wops keep moving in my neighborhood
Right? How can he be right wing if the name has "Socialist"
Seems like a commie setup if you ask me
>1 contribution from this serial number
Must be one of them Hebrew saboteurs trying to crash our shindig of a political discourse board.
I wish the Republican negro lovers didn't crack down on lynchings, or I'd be getting my rope right about now by gum.
Independence... after 123 years of foreign tyranny, we're independent at last..
> see kraut smiling
wait.. could it be that germany finally acquired sense of humor?
aaa shit, here we go again
what do you mean little boy ?
You should come to the States. You Polacks might not be White, but by God, you're better than the Irish.
Indeed, Hitler had bad optics. He was a glow in the dark MI6 nigger trying to make the fascists look bad.
America doesn't have anything much better
It's just a copy of that controlled op shill Hitler
>tfw biggest empire in history
We will fully colonise Africa lads and make it the second home of the white man.
i curse you, you warmonger swine - i fucking double curse you:
let it be that your nation...no, your people will dissapear.. i would honestly prefer some muslim turk rather than your neverending warmongering attitude
may your man become passive, and your women blacked, and may your culture dissapear from history forever
> looks for a gypsy for some final touches
>tfw le 90% face
Fuck I'm so jealous you don't have negroes over there
>i would honestly prefer some muslim turk rather than your neverending warmongering attitude
Funny you say that but that hitler lad seems to love the Arabs. He will make Germany brown in 100 years, screen cap this.
This Hitler fella can't be to bad, the New York Times wrote an article praising the man, and you know how reputable the NYT and other of our fine publications are.
Why not enslave them again? No one could stop you.
No, only retards voted for either. I voted for Pelley
Why is this state so cucked? We literally voted in Lang as Premier, what a joke
we aren't, we want to solve things peacefully
you seen like to be one of the 3.000.000 Juden living in Poland
Thanks to you Poland will fall for Bloshivims for over 40 years, killing your economy and leaving you with a 1,32 births per woman in 2015 and a goverment that wants to import 3rd worlders from the other side of the globe
Europe will fall into eternal darkness if we will lose the war against the internationalist Jew
No sir, that's too much trouble. I think /our gal/ Margaret Sanger is onto something with sterilization and accessible birth control. If only she wasn't involved in the Suffrage movement.
Easy there, Fritz. We just got done kicking your ass, we don't want to come back over there and show you what for.
Well better than the other way around
Or maybe don't start another war and allow Europe to rebuild after the Great War? Jewery can only take control if we are weakened. You are as savage as the Africans.
God, could you even imagine blacks living in Europe?
Yes he really was born after the war he’s about to participate in
>Or maybe don't start
yeah sure
You sure don't have anything against it that all germans live in one state right , and that we protect germans living abroud ?
Hey, did you hear Father Coughlin the other day?
Ha! Could you imagine negroes in England? What would they even sound like? What's next, Muslims in Germany? Or no, SWEDEN! Or maybe Mexicans in America? Hahaha fucking imagine, such a nightmare I can't imagine it even happening!
You already have enough problems with the Irish and I-talians.
Please stop sending them here.
>Mexicans in America?
They're already in Californie.
>loses a war
>waaaaaah stop taking my land
Next time try to be on the right(British) side of history.
we just beat the soviets just few years ago, 1920 to be exact
loosing to them would endanger the western europe to their bolshevik degeneracy, we wouln't do that to you guys
as for the polish jews.. they are going to Madagascar - we just need few comfy years to finalize the process
don't you worry kraut, not every problem needs to be resolved with the blood of the entire continent - let us work our magic
Just for Völkerschau
But it would be ridiculous to think that London will become mayority non-white by 2018 with a non-white with a non-britsh mayor, while sheffields Lord mayor is Somalian that insults the US-president and squads on the mayors table while wearing a sombrero
I mean, how is that ever supposed to happen ?
Yep. Over there was a mighty fine song.
Heh, how many, like 6? We already sent most of em back in the 20s
Don't be such a square, user. I'm sure it will turn out just fine.
yup we lost land due to a war, while you lost land to some angry Irishmen throwing stick and stones at you while being completly drunk, like they always are
also, we don't threaten you
no reason to be hostile
would never happen
or the US getting flooded with Mexicans until Americans are always getting called 56% mutts ?
that would never happen
Peace in our time lads and us Brits did it through appeasement. War in europe no more.
thank you prime minister chamberlin for sorting out the sudetenland crisis.
hitler won't bother us again.
and to think that mad dog Churchill was pushing for war.
he sure looks like a fool now.
Few years back, this gentleman, I think his name was Robert Goddard, was testing liquid fueled rockets. Just imagine if those could be weaponized and fall in the hands of some dictatorship like Germany.
Thank God that the 48 States are separated from the civilized world by two vast oceans.
Yes, those Germans have really turned their lives around, it's good to know they're not going to do anything monumentally stupid again.
you and the Baltics got out of that real good, too bad that the Ukraine fell for the soviets
I couldn't imagine what would happened when the soviets weren't in a civil war and may have steamrolled you
too bad white russia lost
I meant "uncivilized".
Apologies, I'm Telegraphfagging.
one german people - one german state
>Britain's world trade has halved since 1929-33
>output of heavy industry fallen by 33%
>unemployment has reached 3,500,000
>abandoned the gold standard in September 1931
>value of the £ has fallen by 25%
> too bad white ... lost
couldn't agree more
>What's with the animated talkies the Japs are producing? All of this is going to lead to sodomy and other forms of degeneracy.
fuckin lel
oh god
well at least you still have your empire that coveres 1/4 of the world
Has anyone read this Grant's newer book? Same fellow that wrote "The Passing of the Great Race".
The mad lad has this ludicrous idea that the white race's standing in the world is in peril.
What a laugh!
Well, fellas, I just got laid off. Anyone know of a place that's hirin'?
What a laugh!
If Charles Darwin and our contemporary eugenicists have taught us anything, the genetic superiority of the White Man makes us too big to fail.
how do you feel about the Kingdom of Poland that we created during WW1 ?
many here thought that Poles deserve their own state, but I think those dogs Ludendorff and Hindenburg just wanted the manpower
I feel bad for the Kaiser tho
already Powerless he abdicated and had to flee his homeland and stayed in the netherlands
Stop looking at Poland, friend.
You might as well join the Army, from the looks of things, Germany is about to wreck Europe for the second time this century.
Wählt Liste 5 nur die Nationalisten können uns retten!
That Hitler fellow is a bad egg.
the duce just BTFOed the Ethopians, those Kohlestifte will never put us down
Can't blame those krauts. Have you heard what those poles are doing to the Germans in the land given to Poland?
Well a coaltion of NSDAP and DNVP could actually be possible
The New York Times said he was an okay fella, and the head of the my steelworkers union seems to like him (and he's well respected in the Klan)
Both you and Ruskies throw at us those 'state proposals' each fucking time you are quarrelling with each other - its been like 8-10 times in the last 100 years
a country is not a country if its controlled by ((other peoples)) - you really should listen to that mustache fella some more
Well that does seem like a fine idea. I couldn't imagine us goin to war anytime soon, especially how we are now.
I heard he went to jail a while ago. I can't believe Germans would elect a criminal.
Or you can join the Navy. My brother is in the Navy, he said being stationed in the Territory of Hawaii is like a paid vacation.
I do
we have those Volksempfänger now
Nonesense! Time magazine declared him man of the year!
Amazing military intelligence you have there, but I'd keep it to myself if I were you. I certainly can't imagine you lads being blindsided but loose lips sink ships and all.
Hesrs he wrote a book while in there. Anyone manage to get a copy? Is it any good?
>I can't believe Germans would elect a criminal
Why not? We elected FDR.
seens like to be a good magazin
It might not be inflitated with jewish bolshevists
But will it still be like that in 80 years ?
I think Zog is gonna submit to that crackpot Mussolini, can you believe that?!
Americans just to give you a heads up imperial japan is making gains throughout out Asia.
British and chinese forces will defend hong kong if they get close
hong kong will never surrender.
An oil imbargo must be placed on japan by the U.S.A so retaliation from Japan does not happen
>Heebs infiltrating the media
That's fresh! What's next, women controlling our education system?
FDR is doing the best he can for our country in these troubled times, He's not a criminal.
Did that really just start a second war with the Chinese?
you already gave them voting rights
what next ?
a negro president ?
You lot elected a Charlie Chaplin impersonator.
Funny little bugger though, I like his jokes about Jews, and Germany being relevant.
You apologists wouldn't even bat an eye if the man named himself president for life.
A Negro president? I don't think that would happen, I don't think we would even sink as low to have an president of Irish stock.
Please, the only way that could happen is if there was some kind of excuse like a war or something.
It's about time the radio companies got together and took these little fireside chats off the air entirely. FDR has abused the airwaves, and the first amendment does not guarantee him a right to broadcast his incitements and rants against his opposition.
>a Charlie Chaplin impersonator.
>Germany being relevant.
We aren't that relevant as you with your giant empire that shall last for a thoused years
we would need a giant european economic union (that is prupossed by a briton) that slowly eats it's members and feeding our economy making ours the biggest in europe