I think I’m in love anons

>>Be me 19yo virgin, who hides his power level at uni to get by.
>>Meet qt3.14 brunette with doey brown eyes and soft pale skin. Through friend.
>>Spend 4 months going on dates with her. Talking deeply about our hobbies and aspirations. Tells me she wants a big family too. Very apolitical.
>>Spend hours talking with her about things, have happy feeling in my gut all of the time.
>>Tells me that if I want sex I should just ask but that shed prefer to keep it until later. She’s a virgin too.
>>Meet her family and they love me.
Thinking to myself this is all too good and out of no where she tells me she has a twitter account I never knew about. Tells me her name. I add her
>>Sees loads of Lana Del Rey
Very girly but I know she likes her
>>Suddenly see a Pepe
Pretty cute.
>>See her arguing that English is an ethnicity and brown people can’t be English. Also post demanding that immigration be stopped.
Wait a minute...
>> Retweets joke post saying “My Vagina is an ethnostate”

She’s gone from an 8/10 to an 10/10. How don’t i fuck this up? I feel like a found a diamond on this degenerate shithole island. What do I do next?

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Already have, you're thinking about it too much.

Ask her if she has posted bobs and vageen here.
If not, order her to.
You know it needs to be done, user.

It's a shame she might end up breeding with a harmony seeking hyperfaggot like you. Lets pretend OP doesnt larp kek. I been to great britain many times. Everywhere is stinky pakistani and indian niggers. Your white lower class is amongst the wildest la creaturas i have ever seen. So now a perfectly ango women is breeding with your faggot micropenis great. As if your daughters are not gonna get blacked or your faggot suns are not gonna get knifed in school.

I too recently found a girl that seems too good to be true. Very similar situation, we’re both virgins and have seemingly everything in common.

I think I know her user, if I do, I've got a surprise for you. Not a nice one though.
The first letter of her name, please?

get your dock wet fag

I’m trying but she wants to wait. We’ve already done other stuff.

Is this a things that will never happen thread?

Be the best you that you can possibly be. THAT is how you attract the mate you deserve. And that is why incels will never get what they want, they are not willing to do the work necessary to attract a person of quality.

You don't even have to be traditionally handsome, or rich, or particularly gifted. Simply doing the best that you can, giving every day your all--this is enough to demonstrate to a potential mate that you are, indeed, worthy of their love, their attention.

It is also why liberalism will never work. Liberals accept sub-standard behaviour, encourages it. Conservatism is literally evolution in action, and both constantly force us to be the best we can be, so long as we act and not remain stagnant. And by that I mean things like sitting around at home each and every day playing games or drinking or focusing on shit like gender pronouns and hair dye.

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