This is an issue that affects all of us. Big Tech is censoring ideas it doesn't like. I would really like to know what Jow Forumsacks think needs to be done to combat Big Tech and censorship.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Wah wah wah, my racist views are being censored, they are the bullies not me. IT"S NOT FAIR
I too was a 5 year old once. Grow up and get a job you fucking woman hating losers.

>Wah wah wah, my racist views are being censored, they are the bullies not me. IT"S NOT FAIR
Is that the best you got? No wonder you are a third world country with the economy of Venezuela.

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1. Look what helped to break other monopolies in history
2. Apply same apply same measures

Not a bad idea. Thanks.

You can't win.
They control everything
They make more money than you
They can't be stopped

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That's kinda defeatest.

How old were you when you realised that Uncle Ted was right.

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They’re not censoring anti-white racist views. In fact, they’re promoting them.

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They censor with the fucking captcha too.

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Come on you nazis, the jews run all of it, how do we bring them to heal just short of the final solution?

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start enforcing your laws and regulations

Thank you.

>social media bans angry shouty conspiracy man


You guys are seriously retarded

Do you seriously not think that this couldn't happen to anyone?
I don't give a fuck about Alex Jones, but I believe he has the right to say whatever stupid shit he wants to.
Remember what Antifa said in Berkley,

The Final Solution is the ONLY solution.
Any Democratic process is subverted by Kikes, as they are the most adept liars on the face of the planet. I used to fall for their bullshit, too until I snapped out of it one day.
I've seen the light.
It's time to see the ovens.

They’ve banned Jared Taylor and many others who are definitely not “shouty conspiracy theorists.”

Is it really big tech tho, or is it the gov and big money pressuring them to do it?

yea another nobody who only lunatics listen to

You know, I think it might take one of you smart computer science mother fuckers to create an alternative to faceburg.
Possibly an internet bill of rights?

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there are alternatives, the issue with social media is that "everyone" has to be there or it wont fly - even Goog's attempt at making a new social network failed spectacularly
and these giant corporations just buy out any successful alternative that can take on a new niche - like Zuc gobbled up Insta

and even worse now, they are colluding to drive any possible 'non-leftiest' competition out of business, its not even close to free market competition anymore

Governments control big tech by making them do as they please, so big tech can continue running all social media without barely any competition.

>create an alternative to faceburg.
Not just Facebook, practically everything will need an alternative. We're getting there with sites like Gab/BitChute, but there's still a lot that needs to be done.

>Domain name registration
>Payment systems
>Auction sites (try buying a 'Nazi flag' on Ebay).
>DDoS protection
>Search engines

And that's only about 10% of the battle. People are reluctant to switch, even those advocating for switching still have a larger following on sites like YouTube/Twitter. If there is a sudden influx, what then? Will the alternatives be able to scale? Will the service be as smooth? Google spends millions on data centers worldwide, guaranteeing an almost flawless service (technologically wise). Imagine trying to compete with that using only bitcoin.

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Simple solution. Create a mass database of all the big tech employees with their names and addresses. Then cross reference it with the Ashley Madison leak and start the divorce proceedings. Time for a big red pill shoved down the everybody’s throat