I was in a regular grocery store in CHicopee, MA and I came across this pic related.
WTF> They have to sell thist stuff in damn jewish writing only now even in non-jew areas???
I was in a regular grocery store in CHicopee, MA and I came across this pic related.
WTF> They have to sell thist stuff in damn jewish writing only now even in non-jew areas???
Yeah, did you know that your part of the cost of your groceries is the Jew tax?
Giant corporations and small businesses alike pay lots of money to rabbis to certify their food as kosher. It inflates the cost of our food all over Canada and the USA, probably Mexico, too.
Fuckers think they can get away with shit like this because of muh 6 gorillion. Fuck that noise. Every human ethnicity has been subjected to genocide and slavery and bad things since the dawn of time, and these fuckers think they have a monopoly on that and get us to do their bidding at any given time. Fuck Jews, man. We need to just start ignoring them, get rid of dual citizenship, send them all off to Israel for a long ass time-out, and stop giving them gibs. They have been taking advantage of everyone (white, black, Asian, Indian) for far too long now, and pitting us against one another. It's got to stop. Send all Jews back to Israel.
>brownies cookies kosher for passover
but why they selling this in an area were there are like three jewish families?
no idea
passover kosher is disgusting though don't eat it
There's a kosher section in my local Smart & Final despite this area being a bunch of whites and Mexicans with the nearest synagogue 50 miles away.
Jew, these things are heavenly. What are they and why can't I stop buying them?
Bissli is fucking great. grill and BBQ are my faves.
The goyim love the matzah ball soup, though. unleavened cookies sounds kind of gross tho
they've already taken over
Good goys buy kosher
>matzah ball soup
kneidlach? yeah it's pretty good.
Why is your food expensive, you inflated fucks?
Buy a box and see for yourself. They look like a chocolate cookie, they're probably good as fuck and the owner is probably a fan.
What qabalah magicka do you juden use to make them so addictive?
>non-jew area
user you might want to check your assumptions
Garlic bagels are good. Also bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwiches
pure greed.
lotsa MSG.
Jews make good food then, it's settled.
>t. jewish faggot
Are these like takis I kinda wanna try them
they are the greatest snack known to man
most jew aisles in the supermarket have them
takis are similar base flavour to corn chips. and i hates corn chips
no idea what is takis but you can get bissli from Amazon and jew aisles, it's real good. falafel flavor is probably the worst.
The rectangle ones are pretty good
If you see something like that there's almost certainly a substantial Jewish population in the area.
>WTF> They have to sell thist stuff in damn jewish writing only now even in non-jew areas???
It means that you DO live in a jew area which is more than likely an enclave for Mossad operatives/Israeli Intel agents.
no, like i said it is Chicopee, MA. look it up.
middle is grill which is the best
barbecue to the right is 2nd best
then falafel which is not my kind
then pizza with is pretty good too
on the left ther'es onion, spicy, and mexican. all three not my type but maybe americans will like them, I don't like spicy stuff.
>no, like i said it is Chicopee, MA. look it up.
You're not going to find actual statistics on Israeli demographics in your area, they're spooks.
Have a nice cookie you ant-Semite.
>sh wr
i'd fucking gas six jews just for walking into a store that carried this jewish garbage
it's a blue collar city of 50K in western massachusetts with no jews.
Do the palestinians eat these snacks as well?
There are like 20 synagogues in the area dumbfuck. Your jewdar is broken.
in chicopee? NO
Maybe in longmeadow, but that is 25 minutes drive away.
>non-jew areas
You mean like outside of Israel or outside of the oven?
Well grats on finding the only goy area in the Jewish Republic of Massachusetts
outside of area where there is any sizeable jewish popualtation
that monitor looks like it is 20 years old
wtf are you talking about...
>that monitor looks like it is 20 years old
israel is a 3rd world country
not mine dumbass
apparently in america they swapped grill for bbq and barbecue for smokey s m h
i know. I'm just stating an obersvation you uppity
that was for the other one
probably somewhere in pal*stine
no im pretty sure thats terrorist scribbles and they will threaten to 9/11 you and your family if you say their halal what ever is jewish again you "kafar"
oh, sorry
redpill me about Chicopee, MA
what's it like
delicious af and kek at the mexican jews on the left side
I've been there a few times. It's vibrantly multicultural.
It's a small city of 54K. Half maybe blue collar workers, 25% maybe nurses or office workers, and 25% welfare scum and peurto ricans. nothing terribly special, but there are decent places nearby
hahah, fuck off
Aww, I like old monitors. You people need to become less grouchy.
We had nice thunderstorm today.
sounds comfy
I want to come to America one day
surprised they didn't claim it's racist.
It's not bad. But ain't special to visit.
Israel is nice though. Jerusalem is nice and I've been to Kfar Tavor
do you have these in America? fuckin great too
> I've been to Kfar Tavor
lmao how the hell did you end up there
I don't like Jerusalem too many Orthodox and Arabs.
I'll add Chicopee to my list if I ever get enough shekels for a cross america trip.
Weird. I'm from western Mass, and there's almost no kikes here. Tons of niggers and spics in Springfield, Holyoke, and Chicopee, but no joos.
Jerusalem is super aesthetic. I think Tel Aviv is ugly as hell, but the real estate prices are apparently much better in Jerusalem
Longmeadow is $$$ so kikes, but none anywhere else in the 413.
Not many blacks in holyoke or chicopee; they are all in springfield.
chicopee has a fiar number of peurto ricans, but not as many as holyoke
Dude there is literally dozens of synagogues all over that area. Super Jewy. You all are delusional. American Jews look like pretty normal white people, so I can see how you can get confused about where you live. For instance, did you know NYC has more Jews than white people?
There are so many jews there, they have the jewish holidays off in the local public schools
there are like 4 temples and theya re all in longmeadow. none in chicopee.
Welfare leeching SPICS
Dude, you live in fucking Chicopee and you're worried about jewish food in your grocery store? You have so much other shit to be worried about.
Stay away from the pr's. Half the girls have aids. They will suck your dick for baby formula though.
>go into grocery store
>entire aisle devoted to imported international items
>see a shelf full of kosher goods from Israel
>shit in my hand and throw it all over the store
>take a picture of a box of brownies
>waddle home
>go on afghanistanimation appreciation website
>cry about muh jews
I count 20 in about a 30 mi radius from Springfield. Based on population, that's at least a Boston level of saturation. Jewish synagogues are usually huge and have tons of members, they aren't like a local tiny church or something.
I don't even look at the hispanics when I am out an about.
you are clearly bullshitting. SHow me these temples..
no, this was not the international aisle.
and the box was ALL in hebrew. no english
We have some good farmstands too. Tomatoes, when they are fresh and in season are so good
Ok, shlomo
if you visit please feel free to ping me