What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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dble check
Extinction Level Events
about six of them in the history of the earth (that we know of anyways) and evolution speeds up when a small portion of living beings are separated from the herd and are forced to adapt quickly or die

absolutely nothing. birds are cool as fuck you gay nigger

The Virgin landlocked vs. the glorious sky kings

What's the second one called?
It's fucking terrifying.

dinosaurs are a hoax

$5000 to anyone that can show me a convincing dino skeleton still in the ground, not in a museum or display of any kind

Dinosaur Race Mixing

earth got cold and mammals are masterrace

Found the retard

thats a parrot i think

Big ones didn't have the food required when the atmosphere got coated in black shit, fairly straight-forward.

200iq amerimutts on display

i love birbs!

Attached: weird cat hunting.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

If someone showed you one, you just claim it was planted there.

Why lie with this $5000 bullshit. Just say you don't believe it.


lower global temperatures, lower air pressure, less carbon dioxide....so less plants, less foods, harder to pump blood

>high quality dinosaur skeleton not being snatched immediately once discovered.
lmaoing @ your %

I can man how do i contact you

Attached: my-ancestor-birds-dude-24150650.png (500x468, 57K)

a giant asteroid strike of the kind that will end humanity

Well how about you choose whether you want a pigeon or a T-Rex wandering around your lawn. The realization that nothing went wrong becomes perfectly clear (you dumb fuck).

The second one is called a peach faced lovebird you pussy.
Or did you mean on the dinosaur side?

btw, humans are related to dinosaurs

I studied paleontology for a bit and I'm quite drunk.
You losers want to know anything?

One my mates worked on a "dinosaur resurrection" project.

Attached: therizinosaurus_cheloniformis2-web.gif (576x779, 190K)

you'd think that photographing everything as it was found and unearthed would be important in re-constructing the skeleton, you know, if they were being scientific

The earth gained mass over time through meteors comets and random particles and moved closer to the Sun over time increasing gravity and shrunk animals that is why sea creatures weren't as effected.

Attached: giphy+Hal.gif (480x270, 1.48M)

large bodies are very inefficient, it is easier to have small bodies and flying is an excellent mode of mobility

Genetic Entropy and worldwide cataclysms.

so, hows life in the deli

Flat earthers everyone.

>skeleton still in the ground
>old photograph
Wont you just say it's doctored? I thought you meant one you could visit and see for yourself

>t. faggot woodpecker

i bet the jews did this

dumb thread



Attached: summon the meteors.jpg (600x246, 49K)

Did dinosaur have moist pussy?

that's why manlets will always be superior

Shit man
Academia is a dead end. Don't do it kids

>moving closer to the sun increasing gravity
wow look at this retard

Dinosaurs never existed

Hello how do i contact you

How do you want it

Attached: ice cream.webm (806x720, 1.95M)

Do you know much about dinosaurs?

Amerimutts are right for once.
Dinosaurs don't exist, Lucifer planted them bones to decieve us

do you even have to ask

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That goofy thing had the biggest arms. For catching fish I think.

Attached: BigHands.jpg (1080x1060, 173K)

The retarded branch of the family was the only one that survived.

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no literally just show me a picture from google images or something

Simple answer for brainlets : like with all extinction events, the smaller species survived


Attached: jewdino.png (330x281, 159K)

I posted a modern reconstruction above.
They had no teeth and we think that they were totally herbivorous. But the cool thing is that they were a theropod. A "meat eater" that didn't eat meat. More than that, they were in the dromeosaur line
It also had big fucking hand claws, which is obvious. That's how they got their name. Reaper lizards.

They occupied the same niche as ground sloths. Which also had giant claws. Convergent evolution

pretty similar desu

At least we still have gators and crocodiles

make it the lizard jew then you have a good meme

If you believe in (((evolution))) You May as well just convert to Judaism already

good advice

(((what))) indeed

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>coldblooded reptiles turn into warm blooded creatues

>trex with small arms can sleep and self right with only its legs when its head is the same weight as its center mass and it's not balanced by its tail.

critical thinking is antisemitic goyim

Dinosaurs were not cold blooded


dinosaurs were never real. They never existed

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Opinion on feathernazis and what do you think a T-Rex looked like?

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that shit made me laugh like a retard for 5 minutes.

That's still being contested apparently.
Also how does a T-rex self right after laying down?

You try to self right without arms on a flat surface that isn't raised like a bed.

Now put on a 40lbs backpack on your neck and do it again.
How did this beast grow to this size with such a design flaw?
Goes against evolution.
Unless it's creationism xDDD

Let me guess, evangelical christian creationist
I collect silurian and ordovician fossils even older than that, travel to some archaeological areas and see for yourself whatever era you want
You scum are as bad as the niggers and wops and mudslimes and spics

Big thicc muscular drumstick legs probably.

Yeah okay rabbi.
I'm waiting for the 1:1 robo guys to build a animatronic to scale and weight distribution to see.

Where's the gif from

Use that 5k and take a trip to Utah/colorado

Attached: dinosaur national monument.jpg (1200x692, 224K)

I don't think a T-Rex would purposefully lie down anyway it would probably sleep standing. I dunno how do modern birds sleep? Probably similar. They have a tail for balance too you know.

Decline in oxygen
Humans are next

Ok, so it breaks down like this. Integument (aka outer coating of an animal) is pretty important. It can warm you. It can even cool you. It can signal, it can get you laid. It's a big thing.
So were feathery integument common in "dinosaurs". No. The term "dinosaur" is fucking huge. It includes ornithischian and saurischian dinosaurs. Plant eaters and meat eaters, to frame it like a child. HUGE difference of over 100 million years.

Feathers are only found in saurischian. "Meat eaters". And among saurischians only down one line. The raptor/rex line. The running dinosaurs. And among THEM, only the smaller ones probably had feathers.
Because physics haven't changed. There's a reason why hippos, whales, and elephants don't have a lot of hair. An airy fluffy integument like feathers or hair will keep your body warm by trapping heat.

And that's the thing. There IS a big ol tyrannosaur discovered with feathers. Sinotyrannus, I think? I forget the name Chinese tyranno. Anyways, it lived in a cool period and so had feathers.
But our regular rex lived in warm. So it didn't. BUT like how elephants have hairy heads and are fuzzy as babies, a rex might have been feathery on some parts of its body or feather as a kid. Maybe it had spiny feathers down its back. Or fans of feathers on its shite arms so it can wave signals.

Bottom line is that only one branch of dinosaurs had feathers. Probably. We've got skin impressions of like the asshole in my picture. No feathers, Only scutes and scales like a crocodile.
It was likely quite varied.

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I am not sure how, buuut...I am pretty sure the Jews are behind that one too.

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Dinosaurs absolutely need to be warm blooded. I've never seen any contention on the matter. When looking at their footprints, too active to be cold blooded.
Pterosaurs were warm blooded and they broke off from dinosaurs very early. It stands to reason that late archosaurs were warm blooded.

Found the christcuck

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I know right? Birds are extremely friendly in my experience. Imagine having one of those dinosaurs as a domesticated pet. Freaking badass

The dinosaurs were too successfull, so they became smaller and smaller to become the versions we see today.

Birds sleep squatting. I'm sure the Tyrannosaurus slept the same way, since it's a big fucking bird.

>how does some shit work
How does a giraffe drink water with out passing out? There might be a lot of research into it already that you've not studied.

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Fuck off, leaf and become a fossil, so the world after us can know how gay and shitty Canadians were. You'll make the best sample for that.

What type of birb is that?

Hush Achmed

nigga thats kawaii

the praetorian never located the spawn-clutches in which these beasts poured out from.
the replicator from the abyss won that round

Than science the giraffe managed to figure it all out after billions of years of failing at it. Thank science for such intelligent desi- I uh, mean random chaos, genetic mutations and natural selection.

Thanks for the detailed post.
>Or fans of feathers on its shite arms so it can wave signals.

it's a shoebill

Attached: feathered snake solving math problems.webm (540x304, 2.94M)

>What went wrong?
The caption on your picture shows a total lack of high school level science.

have fun sleeping tonight friends =)
round 2 soon
nobody listen to me =)

Shoebill stork
Real big birds that eat pretty much anything that isn't plants.
Only one bird eats plants.
They always lay two eggs but only raise one chick. One chick always kills their sibling.

They're also quite dumb

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Crow master race

>autistic t-rex glowstick flailing sign-language confirmed

It's more likely than you think.
Tyrannosaurid line is closely related to raptors. Or at least more than other theropods. And the maniraptors definitely had huge feathers on their arms. Birds today have pinion attachment points on their bones. Little nubs where the biggest feathers would attach. Raptors have those. (On a side note, it's part of the reason why there is a small theory about how maniraptors are flightless birds and not "true dinosaurs")

So T. rex and other tyrannosaurs are in a lineage that has big arm feathers.
There other theropod dinosaurs with reduced arms. Like the Carnotaurus I posted above. But Carnotaurus had even shittier forelimbs than a T. rex. Those arms could have actually been entirely internal.
T. rex limbs, on the other hand are deceptively mobile. They seem to have retained full flexibility despite their size.
So maybe.... T. rex seduced mates by doing a fan dance