Yeah im thinking we're back..
Yeah im thinking we're back
Please Russia, rise again. Between 2000-2007 i could swear Russia was going to be a superpower again, everything was going so well, then suddenly 2008 crisis and Russia goes belly up again. It has been 10 years, it's time to come back.
ure just lucky the price of oil and commodities are going up finally again otherwise you'd be done
Russia will never be as powerful as the soviet Union ever again
>commieblocks and army (IMPROVED VERSION, NOW MORE SHINY)
Russians are degenerates.
The only way their country could be fixed is if Navalny was elected leader.
But Russian elections are rigged, so there's no way he's gonna get in.
Never say never ;)
yeah. The modern US makes 1985 US look like shit. Our GDP has quadrupled since then (20 trillion vs 5) and Russia still hasn't returned to Soviet GDP yet lmao
Superpooper by 2025? India probably has more toilets than you already
Ofc it has to be a fucking huezilian praising Russia, even that shithole is better than your sopa de macacoland
Fancy towers eriged by oligarchs doesn't mean you have an strong economy
>The US has an economy 20x stronger than Russia's
Top kek
Your entire country is doomed unless you ban the commie party and give all their seats to fascists
Russia will become a superpower because both the far-left and far-right in North America and Europe supports them.
They're an oiligarchy
doesn't mean shit when Trump has added even more sanctions on them
Russia is literally fascist and that's what made them so fucked.
>Muh Crimea
>Muh Abkhazia
>Muh great country
>Muh based butin and ordodogsy
(((They))) still Control the second most seats.
So much butthurt itt
All the usual suspects too
It’s still a festering shithole with widespread poverty and reliance on internet warfare. A few shiny paper planes and a photoshopped Dubai in the background won’t fix that.
Implying radical shits matter anywhere
> quotes
Jews are in united russia party and in oligarchy mostly, poltard.
Imagine being this retarded
How come you're from the richest country in the world and still shilling for white Africans?
No. Russia will be shit. Only some military dictatorship it will become great.
He is one, newfag
t. mountain jew with russian investors to please
And they still control the commie party from the shadows.
I didnt mention Baltoids though :)
>150 million people
>economy the size of Italy
>not a shithole
>Lives in Europe
>Still shills for Russia
Ffs guys you're unfixable
The Internet has pretty much let extremists monopolize the public discourse.
We live in a time where "moderate" opinions are the opinions both extremes of the spectrum can agree upon.
>just I M A G I N E
I am Volga Swiss
Eternal N A Z B O L
>I am Volga
Consider suicide.
Are there far left in America besides a few basement-dwelling freaks like picrelated?
Consider not being so mad lol
Europe has rapefugees
Russia has sports referees
Europe has crime and terror
Russia has Crimean labor
Europe has women being raped
Russia has FIFA being taped
Russia has space station
Europe isn't even a nation
>Believes in rapefugees meme
>Crime rates in Russia are higher than in any European country
>Doesn't know about European space program
Please stop being a cheap shill
Brainwashed baltoid
Even the alliteration fits you perfectly
>1 0 . 8 2
Imagine being this weak
The west needs more Russia in them
These are homicides/1000 capita btw
You're a cliche, kid. Go to sleep.
The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner your opinions will be relevant
>homicides/1000 capita
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
>russia imageboard admin is churka
>us imageboard admin is white
Excuse me, 100000
Russia has a significantly higher population
Go back to sleep roach, unless you want your lira to fall even deeper
You must be new
>Implying having higher population matters in crime rates per capita
> russia imageboard admin is churka
And it's owned by uzbek oligarch now, so literally we have government controlled imageboard. How can western even compete?
By trolling you just like you're trolling us in normie sites
>stronger people
You're not making sense, shill
Westerner sissies will do nothing if you insult them, maybe take you to court. Russians will kill you, altgough they might kill a baltoid by accident. Contrary to popular belief we dont want to hurt gays
Shithole country outside of Moscow and St Petersburg
>a butthurt pole suddenly appears
Mashallah my brother, Sino-European alliance to cleanse all septoids and russi*ns when?
Russians are not killers, they are parasites, just like jews. Moreover, they are weak cowards, most of them suffers from alcoholism, they are too poor to pay for a gym, and most of them look like bums.
Kinda sad, tbqh.
If they just would chill their tits and stop causing huge conflicts for useless land and get rid of their corruption and oligarchs they really could become an superpower in maybe 20 years.
>Ooga booga we don't have civilisation we do like we've been doing 400 years ago muh blood revenge
Yet another proof that Russians are whitened Africans
China is a Russian ally :)
And Russia will continue cucking your irrelevant microstate for as long as you live
>China is a Russian ally :)
China is everybodys ally, but you have a border with them, which makes me laugh everythime i think about it, dumb Russian subhuman.
yeeeah dats mah nigga righ thur!
We're better than your derzhava in almost any way possible, chill. Oh, look out, China's grabbing your Siberia ;)
Polish projection
Everybody knows that you are the parasites of Europe
China is a 5000 year old empire to which Pootin sold areas to in which Chinese laws apply. Ally it is not, a pawn it sure is.
>Westerner sissies will do nothing if you insult them, maybe take you to court. Russians will kill you
Well, killing some guy and ruining your own life with 20 years of jail sure seems like a great idea just because someone insults you.
At best punch him in the mouth, retard.
>coming from a literal africa
>China's grabbing your Siberia ;)
Lmao sure it does, 99% CHINKED.COM now
I don't see anything there. whatever it is, it must be very stealthy
>Is worse economically and socially than us in any way
>"You guys come from Africa"
Yeah sure
Your hopes are in vain. Russia is a great economic partner for China. Russia will continue to prosper with both European and Chinese energy trade. And there's nothing you can do about it
>microstate has more money per capita
>we're better than you
Except where it counts
> another russian thread about russia with full 60iq brigade coming in.
Poles are a hardworking nation, that's why you always want to dominate Poland, to steal fruits of our work. You are piece of shit mongoloid parasitic subhuman, lowest form of life, even lower than a jew, because you have inferior intellect. Everywhere your dirty foot stands, the place turns into an impoverished hell on Earth. You don't deserve to live, russian sub-animal. You live only thanks to Jews/Ameritards who rescued you few times, and thanks to your rusted soviet nuclear weaponry. And i can't even say that i wish you death, because death would be an act of mercy for you. Long life in your russian shithole is much better option for my sadistic taste, even though adjective "long" doesn't fit in because most of your male population have african tier lifespans due to drinking solvents
Modern communist China has little to do with the China of old
The only thing that counts when comparing countries is the well-being of their citizens. You'd been living in shit for too long to realise that, russtoids
Wall of cliche polish butthurt projections
Didnt read
>Russia is a great economic partner for China.
How shithole without economy can be an "economic partner" of China? You are just a source of cheap natural and human materials.
>Russia is a great economic partner for China
Is it really Aptechka? And what is share of Russia in China's trade?
Kek I dont understand what makes you feel entitled to act so cocky lol.
Your GDP per capita and HDI is almost identical to that of Russia. The only difference is that you're an irrelevant backwater shithole that's never made any contribution to the world and never will and that cant even defend itself. You're a prime example of Baltic delusion
2%, army and transits we've built together dont count tho
What the Chinese could steal and/or buy from your post-soviet arsenal, they did it at least decade ago. Now you can only serve them as a source of cheap gas as long as they don't implement shale gas technology, which is only a matter of next 5 years.
All im hearing is more butthurt
Eat shit. Your country is just mad that Putin humiliates you globally every few months. Kill yourself. Haven't been relevant since the canal. Get raped.
High Jow Forumselligence thread
Your HDI is Romanian-tier, ours is close to Cyprus. Your country is the least safe in Europe, has shit infrastructure, some of the worst corruption in the world, highest AIDS rate, some of the least freedom of speech and still pretending to be better than ours. Stay cucked retard
int >>> sci = x = lgbt = lit > r9k >>> his >> tv = v >>>> pol
>Your country is the least safe in Europe
Germany is a place.
German homicide rate is 12 times lower, nice try septoid
Russia and jewSA are global leaders in crime, though.
Nigga pls, some stuff were given to them as a smartest move we could do at time. And considering Ruble value over time, I couldnt be more chilled about muh Russia gonna get
You are a russian subhuman, so you are too dumb to think in long term categories. You had a little bit taste of what the future brings to you literally 2 years ago when price of your hydrocarbons hit the ground along with your ruble. Technological progress is your worst enemy because you have no brains anymore, after all valuable people escaped from your shithole and only lowest garbage stayed in.
This and the Siberian land are literally the only things where Russia is good for China