Let's discuss strategies that could increase the effectiveness of this board. This much higher-level of a thread than nearly all that exist here. Information warfare is what all of us (except (((you)))) participate in here on Jow Forums. Threads like this are important to have to discuss the general direction and state of the board, as well as ideas and initiatives to cause greater damage to our enemies, and in turn awaken more people to the truth.

Topics to be discussed include:

- Spreading awareness about shills tactics to newer users
- Software/organizational concepts to enhance our capabilities
- Infographics on porn, JQ, psyops that have the potential to spread virally
- Focusing effort in meaningful directions rather than slide threads
- Increasing our effectiveness to share data and collaborate
- Potential countermeasures against sudden 404's

Recommended books to read:
The Art of War
The 33 Strategies of War

Attached: information warfare.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Both of those books are available on The Pirate Bay.

Here's some infographics while some people join.

Attached: 1478755877984.jpg (6300x4032, 3.88M)

Attached: l.php.jpg (2160x2880, 992K)

Attached: 1478754295587.jpg (1280x969, 295K)

Attached: 1478756069551.jpg (4439x5845, 2.19M)

Attached: 1478754363345.jpg (918x2200, 1.1M)

Attached: 1478756879054.jpg (700x670, 85K)

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Don't fight on the Internet—the glow in the dark niggers invented the Internet. Fight with prayer.

Abwoon d'bashmaya
Netqaddash shmak
Teete malkutah
Nehvwey tzevyannach aykanna d'bashmaya aph b'arha
Havlan lahma d'sunqananan yaomana
Washbwoqlan haubvayn aykana daph hnan shbvoqan l'hayyabayn

Wela tahlan le'ynesyuna. Ela patzan min bisha
Metul dilakhe malkuta wahayla wateshbuhta l'ahlam almin

Attached: Christ,_by_Heinrich_Hofmann - Copy.jpg (220x324, 18K)


>Don't Do It
What do those do?

GTFO Jewish piece of shit

Attached: jewish degeneracy.png (574x499, 258K)


Attached: PSYOPS.png (1486x940, 136K)

Sauce NOW

Q predicted this thread last night.

Attached: 15oa1l.jpg (634x423, 39K)


cia source for the paranoid

Can someone redpill me on blockchain. Besides it's utility in cryto, what other uses will this tech have? I'm understanding that it will be a highly secured form of information exchange and that it will increase anonymity. Can I personally use this right now?

Shills are targetting neighboring boards to lead a grassroots for a Jow Forums subversion. A DNC worker on salary was camping in Jow Forums. He gave himself out because he got too comfortable believing r9k was fully compromised.

Attached: 148.jpg (960x425, 94K)

Interesting. How did you find out about this?

Thank you for sharing.

Found from Google:
>If you add a weak acid to bleach, it creates vapors of toxic chloramine and chlorine. These vapors can cause serious chemical burns to your eyes and lungs.

I was checking out r9k and came across a blatant shill thread. A worker for the democratic national committee was talking casually about his salary. The whole board became overrun by lefty shills who are trying to get banter gains to start making slide threads on Jow Forums

There needs to be a larger push on making infographics towards subjects that need more attention to them. Making infographics for pol deserves an infographic itself.

Preying on the weak-minded has historically been an effective strategy. Look at the people who compose of Antifa.

Beware of the phrase "INFORMATION WARFARE" it is nothing more than a dysphemism (the opposite of an euphemism), they wan't you to associate free thought with psychological warfare.

Thanks for your post, I wasn't looking at it in that way. I saw it as merely hijacking their own term.

>they want you to associate free thought with psychological warfare

Can you explain that a bit more in depth?

This one might be useful to someone.

Attached: baranoidi.png (1365x588, 160K)

COINTELPRO! If you haven't heard that before, read this.

Attached: COINTELPRO.png (1169x6371, 868K)

I appreciate it. I've seen the 2nd one before but didn't know the keywords to find it via Google. I'll use this to bump future threads. So far this thread is moving slow, but next time I'll have some valuable OC to bring people in. There's a lot of value in centralizing practical information.

Many anons probably are experts on at least something potentially useful. It would definitely be a plus if they were posted here. People with expert knowledge but unable to do the artistic part can obviously just paste the text here or somewhere and let someone else do the presentation.

This is probably one of the least time-waste threads around at this moment, so I wondered why not bump it a bit.

Attached: Homesteading Permaculture.jpg (1604x3046, 1.68M)

There's a few ways to solve the problem, but yeah that would be the most ideal. There's always fiverr as well. Even though it's easy to say "this is costing me $10-15," if you look at it from the perspective that people using and acting on the information is probably causing 50-500x damage over the long run (more shills needed on the payroll, etc). Anyway, I think content like that will provide the initial boost necessary so these threads can self-sustain in the future. This was experimental to see if it would work out the gate.

Even though this may be seen as less sexy by some users, this field is where all of Jow Forums's power comes from. Discussing the greater system and ways to improve us can make us far more effective at what we do than how things are currently. There's a lot of inefficiencies here, and more often than not I think we're such a formidable thread through sheer brute strength and numbers. Internal optimization is the answer.

Attached: 1488345824667.jpg (1000x668, 615K)

>formidable thread
