Taylor Swift is not who you think she is.
Whoever writes her lyrics, is verbalizing the spells of the demonic Chaos element of the Womankind.
Millions of women do buy and repeat it and practise it and will live it.
Mass performed rituals are magick that works, because it happens in the social realm. People can be enchanted by repetition.
Backstabbing and chaotic behavior romanticized or understood as pleasant and romantic 'good'. A form of low-key sadism.
"We're so young but we're on the road to ruin
We play dumb but we know exactly what we're doing"
She has to be taken literally, but she pretends it's only inconsequential entertainment.
Order is masculine. Chaos is feminine.
Following rules is masculine.
Following emotions and breaking all rules is feminine.
Men are autistic (upset by breaking of order & rules).
Women are neurotic (upset by triggering of emotions).
Taylor Swift is not who you think she is
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I would eat her shit.
>t. Jealous rostie
Fuck of taytay is waifu tier desu
And I believe you
>but she pretends it's only inconsequential entertainment
her bff married that kike Jared Kushner's brother
anyone that thinks celebrities, the rich and famous and the like are people who just "made it" and not people who were chosen, are truly bluepilled
every single one of these people is handpicked
she only hides it better
the prettier she is, the more you will believe her shit like this guy
No one cares MGTOW faggot, go shill elsewhere
would like this more
tradcons and fashy goys are blind retards
femmes are the original kikes
Good post user. Have a bump.
user that's degenerate
>be christfag
>refuse to acknowledge that god’s “chosen” people are evil
>uhh this nice white girl is secretly chanting incantations to summon demons!!!
>stop supporting blonde haired blue eyed white people and start donating to your church so we can send it to Israel and sponsor African children!!!!!!!
god damn you sir deserve this
Virgin queen
neo-churchcucks are the problem.
they worship the holy vagina as inherently pure, negating the old traditional knowledge that if she breathes, she's a thot.
where is the punishment for adultery? it was always necessary to at least remind people what is sin and what is not.
time to start burning witches again.
I really doubt it.
she had a dozen high-fame men connected to her and nobody fertilized her eggs?
She writes her own stuff. She won a few poetry awards when she was still a kid. Now you know.
ultimate waifu
Blood Witch?
Nothing wrong with taytay.
Watch out for this demon-whore, she is Satan Incarnate
not anymore. now she lets (((Max Martin))) and (((Shellback))) write all her songs for her
>Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle
not even hiding the sinfulness behind clever lyrics
Admit it, you would be TayTay's toilet if you could.
I'd like to see that from behind
Based and redpilled.
Oy vey! I thought she was one of us?
the jews convinced her to donate for gun control but I still love her.
Nothing makes me cum harder than Taylor's perfect feet.
i don't understand why you fetishe her so much. she's fucking hideous. too tall and too skinny. she looks like jack skelington.
Wheat fields?
The taylor swift meme came about entirely because of other people's reaction to her which made Jow Forums claim her like we do with everyone, the most recent being Elon Musk, in addition to the general love affair Jow Forums has always had with her. She was never supposed to be anything and like most memes it was all accidental