Why is bezos allowed to increase his worth by 250 MILLION MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS IN A SINGLE FUCKING DAY while paying...

why is bezos allowed to increase his worth by 250 MILLION MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS IN A SINGLE FUCKING DAY while paying everyone who works for him so little that they have to live off food stamps?

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Because he's a Liberal.

Because that's how globalism and neoliberalism are designed to work. You give all the legal and political befits to zillionaires and give the native white workers no say whatsoever in anything aside from the ability to vote for more neoliberalism or way more neoliberalism.

Well a neoliberal anyway.

Given the rate of wealth accumulation, Jeff Bezos will be worth 4.5 trillion dollars by 2020

It's all stocks you retard. When the bubble pops he'll lose tens of billions in a day like Zuck did a couple weeks ago. It's not real money.

because of (((them)))

We allow it. They dont care if we dont like it. They know we will never stop them.

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yeah but he gave like $40 million for scholarships for dreamers bigot
bcs he wants even more slave labor available for amazon in every country