Not memeing. How is this oppressive at all?

Not memeing. How is this oppressive at all?

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it's usually the part where she takes it off when it becomes oppressive

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Tell her to drive her fucking car lmao

The part where it's halal to assault you if you're caught outside not wearing it.

That's only one school of islamic jurisprudence though.

The rape, incest and murder parts

2 ways that, that is oppressive.

1. She can’t take it off.
2. She is forced to keep her head covered, and according to my religion a woman’s hair is her crown.

moving goalposts

Depends if they're wearing it by choice or wearing it because the State/prevailing culture will punish them if they don't.

Yes, OP, Answer the question.
How is this oppressive at all?

After all these muslim shitskins only want what's best for your daughters and granddaughters, am I right?

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In most Islamic countries if she were raped she would be at fault. That’s the real meaning of mysoginist.

Nope. I don't accept the framing. You can't say that right wing politics support open borders because Ben Shapiro does.

What religion? Can you site a source?
If a woman removes her clothes in the West, walks around nude, she will face punitive measures. Please show me how the same logic doesn't hold.

Let me put you in a full body condom, and cut out a face hole. I’m sure you’ll begin to understand.

>If a woman removes her clothes in the West, walks around nude, she will face punitive measures
>showing your vagoo is the same as showing your face
wew lad

It's not, just a bunch of feminist crying like losers because some women actually value themselves and want to look pure in the presence of God and the man of her dreams.

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how AT ALL could this be oppressive
>cites example
>what? it's only a few countries populated by millions

some right wing politics does support immigrants though

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It's not about the person wearing it fuck head

It's oppressive to other females. It is a overt forcing mechanism to get everyone wearing it. Because you as the female, by not wearing it, will be treated differently. It is a signal.

Islam does not allow for any creativity whatsoever. Women are masters of creativity in the home sphere. We must not deny women this form of intellectual expression, otherwise it is to our detriment. Women are there to support their men, in all ways. This includes intellectual, philosophical, and other endeavours. Women must be allowed to be The Muse for their men. Stagnation ensues. But to allow them excess freedom outside of marriage destroys society. A very fine balance must be maintained to preserve a beneficial society for all, for family, for state, for our Creator. Women must also not be treated like chattel, as was the standard pre-20th century.

Christianity. 1 Corinthians. And did you just equate public nudity with hair? That escalated quickly.

It is. But that's how it should be. Unoppressed women will tear you to shreds.

I’m a right winger, and I support regulated borders. Does that count as open borders?

Standards of modesty are not objective. You can't prove they are.

This is accurate. "Liberated" women are destroying our civilization from the inside out.

I accept your defeat.

I'm right and support closed boarders citizenship as a requirement to own land and banning foreign university students but some extreme right libertarians support open borders for mainly for economic gain

So what did you think about the Spaghetti meal?Was it generous enough of the muslims to allow their women the double strategic option of pouring spaghetti sauce from the top as well as pushing up the spaghetti from the bottom?

So many choices, So much freedom in islam, Am I right?

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Why is it strange to consider a woman's hair and head to be intimate body parts that should be covered in public? Serious question.

The part where you can't wear anything except it. Looking like a walking trashcan is not a traditional part of Western culture anyway
Except feminists are always silent on the issue of hijabs because they don't want to offend Muslims. Right wing governments are the only ones banning the garment these days

Attached: feminist government hijabs.jpg (995x619, 118K)

>because they don't want to offend Muslims.
The greed for power. As you can expect from corrupt power hungry cunts.

Offending the muslims would backfire their plan of importing muslims to get muslim votes to begin with.

I don’t care if they’re objective or not. I know that making people cover their genitalia, is not the same as making women wear a headscarf nonstop or in the worse known times...garbage bags in 120 degree weather. That’s oppressive.

>Comparing removing a scarf to full -blown nudity
Wew, lad


>That's only one school of islamic jurisprudence though.
Yeah? In what Islamic country can a woman walk around without it?

Serious question: Why should non-Whites and their religions be allowed in White nations?

It oppresses beautiful women to equalize the sexual market

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>some meals are a slight inconvenience, fuck moral rectitude now.

Should we be able to breastfeed in public as well? You realize that we but make an idol out of "freedom." Where in Christian scriptures can you find words of import defending "freedom?" There was one who sought freedom, and by his fruits you shall know him.

Just look at these women enjoying such freedom!

Attached: feminists.jpg (266x190, 10K)

Because Islam considers all of a woman’s body to be intemate body parts, which after the head is covered leaves not a single speck of identity to the women who are pressured and forced to go along with it.

Nice dodge, sport.

putting it in caps won't make it so ahmed

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That's actually a decent argument. Let me think on that one. Economics isn't my strong suite.

>Nice dodge, sport.
That's not an answer to my question.

>slight inconvenience
In other words oppression is your solution.

Kazakhstan, Morocco, Syria, Indonesia, the UK

>Kazakhstan, Morocco, Syria, Indonesia,
Prove it.

>the UK
the UK isn't an Islamic country (yet)

Is it oppression that you must remain clothed even when it's REALLY hot outside? I guess we also oppress babies who are hungry. We also oppress people drinking while in THEIR OWN car, or on the street. We oppress people smoking in restaurants.

Even then, the full face veil is only required by a very small portion of Islamic sects, and it is a bit much.

>we can only exist in extremes
How about we encourage women to not dress degenerately in public without forcing them to wear full body suits under threat of harm? Christ, Islam is not the place to be borrowing ideas from

>>That's only one school of islamic jurisprudence though.
>Yeah? In what Islamic country can a woman walk around without it?
In some muslim countries the police would tear the hijab off women and if you went to the mosque for daily prayers you would be considered suspect. And if you didnt celebrate the kings birthday in morocco you could go to jail. Then came the arab spring and many started wearing hijab and niqab because they were free to do so.

The capital is led by a muslim. You don't understand classical rules of conquest huh? Still follow modernist "majority" drivel.

>the UK
ok i admit it i laughed

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The garment itself cannot be opressive, it's just a piece of cloth. What can be oppresive is a culture that makes you wear it. If you wear it because you want to it's not oppresive. If you wear it because you've been told your whole life that you need to wear it and if you stop at any point you will face social ostracism and possibly legal trouble, than you might want to call it oppressive.

Or if you father/husband beats you for not wearing it, that sounds pretty oppresive to me.

>Is it oppression that you must remain clothed even when it's REALLY hot outside?
We're talking about eating spaghetti through your nostrils and smearing sauce all over your face.

You would defend even this to come to the aid of the shitskins. That's how far gone you are.

>The capital is led by a muslim.
Islam is not the state enforced religion.

>You don't understand classical rules of conquest huh? Still follow modernist "majority" drivel.
Yes, I get it you're defending an anti-White and non-White religion while ignoring the question as to why non-Whites and their "religions" should be allowed in White nations.

watch out guys we got a mayor over here

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based Nazi(thats her name)

The general idea is "wear it or else".

It's not. Traditionally European women would wear some sort of head covering. Just look at the national dress of most European nations. Nothing wrong with a hijab or a headscarf. Covering of hair =! MUSLIMZZZZZ many cultures have their women dress modestly

>Boomer detected
show me where in shariah law this is the case

everyone faces punitive measures for walking around nude in public, not just women.


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What happens if she takes it off fuckass? Exxxxxactly. Now go fuck a goat.

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>Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Kazhakstan, Lebanon, Syria, Indonesia, Oman, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Turkey, pre-Zio occupied Afghanistan

He's right. Maybe not some parts of Syria. UK is basically Arabia.

I've been to Kazhakstan and Morocco as well as other Central Asian Muslim countries and I can tell you it's quite the case.

She gets her ass beat if you take it off. Also she's already betrothed to her cousin but no one will tell her until she's back in Islam land for the marriage.


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If its their choice to wear it then its not oppressive
If they are forced to wear it, it is oppressive. Most muslim countries force them to wear it.

Enjoy seeing your granddaughter eating spaghetti through her nostrils.

There's like many women here that don't wear hijab and those that have no hijab tends to be slutty and wears tight clothes.......Once you let people wear whatever they want, degeneracy spreads .

retarded strawman

Rabbi, your talmudic tactics are showing

Notice how nobody here is defending a Muslim or shitskin invasion of Europe but just saying the objective truth that a head covering is not offensive

A head covering is not a Burqa, a chador, or a niqab - it is a simple headscarf. Many cultures have traditional headscarfs. A hijab is simply the arabic word for headscarf.

this is whats oppressive you dumb shit. can u islamacucks shut the fuck up now?

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like wtf is this shit. im all for no votes for women but you are a psychological disorder if you do this to another person

heres pic

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see this is what bugs me those women in blue might be hot but we'll never know but Quasimodo gets to just wear the hair scarf thing

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retard that's a fucking Burqa, not a headscarf

moving the goalposts. We aren't talking about Islam we are talking about a headscarf. He posted an example of a woman wearing a headscarf who happened to be Muslim

As far as I know becoming a nun is a voulountary act shill.

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lol when I was in Central Asia I had many friends who were female and they were not pressured to wear a headscarf but some chose to. In fact, the older generation is often salty that the central asian gen z women tend to be a bit more conservative by their own volition. In Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan this was especially the case. It Is voluntary - you still are yet to produce a real argument against a headscarf

Modesty, chastity, virginity, monogamy, dignity. If you are against anyone of these, you are kidding yourself about supporting any of the rest.

Attached: modesty1-300x300.jpg (300x300, 16K)

and have you ever been to Bosnia, Morocco, or Tunisia? They have feminists and sex positive people and their cultures have been infiltrated. Still, some women chose to put on the headscarf and not partake in such degeneracy. You know Amish women chose to wear it too as do Old Believers in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Attached: Russian Old Believers.jpg (1600x1280, 247K)

>you still are yet to produce a real argument against a headscarf
>argument against a headscarf
I guess you didn't read my previous post. Figures.


Your argument was a retarded assumption that she was forced to wear a headscarf

Oh look, another person that doens't read everything by an ID before posting. You need to lurk more.

What assumption you retard? Quote the sentence in which I make the asumption.

>Or if you father/husband beats you for not wearing it, that sounds pretty oppresive to me.
> If you wear it because you've been told your whole life that you need to wear it and if you stop at any point you will face social ostracism and possibly legal trouble, than you might want to call it oppressive.

Wow, an american that doesn't know know the meaning of the word "if". Color me surprised.

>I said "if" so my thinly veiled attack on modesty doesn't count

please take your anti-headscarf sentiment elsewhere my friend. This thread is for those of us (Muslims, Christians, and all others) who support those women that put on the garment in question. Good day and I'm not American, I'm a Canadian studying in America.

this whole thread is people who can't understand the term "at all"

and also social ostracism is not oppression it's called having standard. We should ostracize women and take legal action against women who wear short shorts. But we don't because we are a civilization in decline.

He was talking about the photo of a girl happily wearing a headscarf. Please tell me how the photo is oppressive.

I don't give a flying FUCK what enyone else says. I said what I though, you clearly are trying to misconstrue and misnterpret what I CLEARLY stated in my post, which indicates to me that you are either
a) a shill
b) fucking retarded
c) english is not your first language
Or all or some of the above.
Apparently. I'm out, what a shithole Jow Forums has become.


English is indeed my 4th language and I do not count that as a mark against me. I am not misconstruing what you said. You moved the goalposts from the photo of the girl to a rant about shariah countries.

Good bye please leave Jow Forums your anti-traditionalism will not be missed. I believe that JIDF will be happy to accept you. If you ever change your mind do come back and join us again.

im sorry but are you dumb as shit? this thread is not pro-one way or another. op literally asks a question in the thread

so give me an answer:
how is what we see in the photo oppressive?

Shut the fuck up you raging nigger. Ben Shapiro is not right wing. He's a jew. Big difference.

in my opinion nothing. but what you said about the thread is blatantly false

however, covering up forcing women to wear head scarves has little to do with modesty

Says reddit.

There is nothing in the Bible saying women should wear head scarves unless theyre in Church and seeing no one gets aroused by hair unless youre a weird creep it seems fairly pointless. Also, I think pushing adoption of muslim shit is weird for Christians to do, if you are actually Christians.