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Fucking jews fucked up the sharing ability, but search "old couple sing Erika - This is Europe"

Is this picture supposed to make me feel good that the same building Hitler was in now has a gay pride flag?

Because it's making me feel like a piece of shit

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Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened

Always cry

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this actually hurts to look at. Trump just gained power over the Federal Reserve though with the available Governor's seats. I can only hope good things will happen.

"We fucked up"

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Nice fix.

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Das mein City.

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Hate fags, but Hitler was a faggot himself

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love wins

did that "research" come from someone with a burg or gold in their last name by chance mooshie?

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move to south detroit and leave your doors unlocked then faggot

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No, but with the simple research that he became an herro instead of being a man and face the consequences of his actions, hence, he was a faggot

look up those jfk fbi files, they mention that he fled to argentina

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uh huh, time to (((shut it down))) huh?

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Scholmo Goldberg said so--also Hitler had a micropenis, blah, blah, blah...

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What's with Americans and supporting Hitler after the war was over?
It's why (((they))) killed Patton

>What's with Americans and supporting Hitler after the war was over?
some people realised the war was bullshit
>It's why (((they))) killed Patton
speaking of patton
Hitler should have never declared war first desu, he should have let the japanese sit on a pole.

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Explain this

i don't get it, are we hating gay people now?

Thanks for reminding to never lose a world war, homo.

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>how dare you try and have pride in your heritage
>get to the fucking corner, goyim
>pic related

Honestly this is disgusting. how can Germans sit by and watch their birth right get raped like this?

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I feel so bad for the guy. Fuck, imagine realizing you were on the wrong side all that time

Not far from reality

Hitler was a fag?

Yes, in fact he was Himmler's lover, not only did he liked Snowhite and the 7 dwarfs, he also liked Shakespeare and wanted to commit sucide with his lover the same way Romeo and Juliet did, by poison, but he was such a faggot with pain so he just shot himself in the head

Did you even read the first fucking paragraph, where it literally says, this is all unverified information?

Imagine believing this shit. To bad the man isn't here to answer

the fbi file in question:

>"[redacted] reports contact with [redacted] (phonetic), claims to have aided six top Argentine officials in hiding ADOLF HITLER upon his landing by submarine in Argentina. HITLER reported to be hiding out in foot-hills of southern Andes. information obtained by [redacted] from [redacted] unable to be verified because of [redacted] disappearance. Attempts to locate [redacted] negative. No record of him in police or IRS files.

Because of what was redacted its hard to say what exactly is unverifiable. Wonder who went missing and was unable to be located

reminds of this one

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When this shit hits 88

just mocked up, leave suggestions or fixes since first time.

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