
Black woman confront neo nazi demonstrators in Sweden

Attached: PAgPJQW.jpg (3500x2333, 719K)

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>Tfw you're a lefty shithead and you try to demonstrate against nazis but you accidentally just gave them a moment to speak to you about the wisdom of Joseph Smith

Attached: 7jlpnb712ejz.png (500x491, 105K)

kek, dont you get jailed for having right wing beliefs in Sweden?

Attached: Swedencucks.png (500x672, 106K)

that picture is two year old

Attached: 1498006222631.png (242x241, 6K)

Good Samaritans stand up to black supremacist

But the media told me these natzees were dangerous terrorists!

Based and redpilled. We must always fight against racism, bigotry and hate. youtu.be/OkvX8D_tnO8

Iconic. This picture is going into the schoolbooks guaranteed.

That old cliche photograph how many times hav I seen the set-up, usually they hav a Muslim woman these days. This woman was the darling of the Left for a few days but turned out to be a member of an Islamic extremist group.

Attached: cocky muslim woman.jpg (2000x1125, 172K)

Why are they all fat?


Attached: CnGe50aWcBoioj_.jpg (1200x897, 269K)

why is a nigger in sweden?

Reminder the mass murder of niggers, faggots, and Jews is the final solution to most of the West problems.

This is like a Jewish Settler making the fist to a bunch of Palestinians.

black power in SWEDEN

fucking kek this world is fucking insane

>never fight with animals.
Wasn't this last year?

Attached: paper beats rock.jpg (500x376, 25K)

Good thing that she stands for herself and her rights
Sweden literally belongs to the BBC

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Why do nigger women shave their heads?
They look even uglier.

Because nappy hair is fucking disgusting.


nice pun user

Did they assault her? You confront nigs in the US and they will murder you
