>white genocide
>white guilt
>Jewish supremacy
>governments seized by Zionists
>Jow Forums spammed with kosher ecelebs
>Jesus isn't coming
>Ayys aren't coming
>No one is coming to help us
>all one can do is shitpost
what's the point, bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, when you really think about it, AI and genetic engineering will make this whole race bullshit irrelevant. What of it if some niggers come to your country? Soon IQ will be a non-factor.
Do you know how far things have come in just 3 years because of Trump ushering in a coming 1000-year era? Do you have any conception of how incredible it is that you can even have an image like that amassed in minutes, through a legion of meme warriors, because the opposition is so arrogant and confident that they dig themselves deeper? Try being redpilled decades ago when it looked like no hope was on the horizon. There is nothing but whitepills ahead if you open your eyes and get your life together and be fruitful and multiply. The Great Awakening is coming.
They are scared. They are the ones backed into a corner fighting for survival.
(((They))) fear the mass awakening. Right now they are contemplating whether to shut /pol down or not.
Once they do then its on you/us to go to the streets and awaken your neighbors.
>genetic engineering
I'm sick of this meme. What makes you think the kikes and our traitor class will allow us to have White babies? Genetically modified or not.
tbqh, I think we are living in a simulation, there aren't any aliens because it takes the entire capacity of this planet to keep it running, there aren't enough room for alien life.
God is our innate suspicion that someone is running the show but we just aren't ever allowed to be conscious of it, witchcraft and LSD get us to be able to hack the code around us somewhat but its insanely risky to hack code without any true knowledge of what you are doing.
If everyone knew we were just random iterations of random code with random thoughts and archetype, the entire sim would collapse and people would all kill themselves in protest.
Trump is a kike dude
That's the most bluepilled post I've read all hour.
The thing about Jow Forums is that it's a containment board with no borders. We choose to be here, and we choose to isolate ourselves from others. The few times we come out to do something, like play HWNDU capture the flag, are the few times we make IRL appearances.
Should the Jews choose to shut this place down out of fear, they will unleash us to every single other board out there and our ideas will spread. Jow Forums will be like Jesus dying on the cross and in 5 years the Jow Forums free-think ideology will infect everyone like cancer.
Normies just want to fit in, so they act the way they think they should act to appease others, once a few other people show them that they can behave uncensored and be cooler, others will join the free thinking fold.
God I feel you. I wish Jow Forums wasn't so fucking dog shit now.
>select white on the form
you'll probably have to get a license too, bong
Take heart brother.
We aren't out of this fight yet and midterms are coming.
>I literally have no fucking clue what I'm talking about the posts
you faggots realize you're part of the problem, right?
mmm sucking on titty make me feel /comfy/
Wow this is real as fuck. I cant imagine how dark it was before the awakening.
>he thinks we can vote our way out of this mess
>keeps playing the (((democracy))) game
stop doing this
Jews are irrelevant if you understand the bigger picture and the real game going on in this world.
They are just the middle man. Basically irrelevant.
Whats more important is who you side with; team white, or team black. 1’s and 0’s, its all a sine wave, positive, negative etc.
>Jews are irrelevant
Jews are pretty fucking important in this whole thing
>Whats more important is who you side with; team white, or team black
Because of jews, whites not only don't realize they're on a team, they don't even realize we're playing a game.
Since when did Jow Forums turn into Jow Forums. If you want to give in, put a bullet in your head. I'm tired of hearing about whiny crybabies. Man up or die.
Its okay.
One day you’ll look to see beyond whats in front of you. Expand beyond a linear avenue and see what has been our world this entire time.
Open ur fukin brain m8
There's only one way to enter the lion's den in this Zogged New World. Trump has done more to bring attention to white genocide open borders than anyone in 100 years.
Kik blacksails8612 she’s a Jew slut from USA. Her family buys everything and has ruined neighborhoods
Yes. The Red Wave is coming.
He's silently against them, even if he doesn't realize it, or is afraid to say it. He opposes lots of things that Jews support, so that's good in my book.
Wrong. That will never happen.
>They are just the middle man
That makes them complicit
woah, I guess data, history, and precedent don't mean anything now that you've given me your new age hippy dippy bullshit.
Thanks leaf!
>all one can do is shit post
wrong. face it. were weak men. we have the tools to take matters into our own hands and right the ship.
the second amendment. were weak
Compartmentalization is how the CIAniggers run everyone , so some divsisions serve molech, some Baphoment, most are normie, but yes the CIA is experimenting on different compartments all the time
>they glow in the dark cause negative Aura and Satan energy they cannot hide from God
>CIA are niggers because they are slaves to Satan
>Terry WILL defeat the Vile people as a warm up for Jesus' return
Now I am a burger. What now bitch!?
None of that shit is hippy nu-male bullshit talk.
When I say open ur brain I ACTUALLY mean kill yourself. You dense dumbass.
first you take redpills.
then you take blackpills.
if you survive you become a better man.
dont die on your knees begging for mercy. if you're going to lose a fight, keep swinging nonetheless. you could either part the world in tears, or prove they cant control everything and everyone
t. Antisemitic whitey.
How’s Israel today?