What does that make men, if we fuck them?
Every single one of them.
Women are whores
show us your tits dumb bitch
Bless her heart.
tell me thats fake
>if we fuck them
Do you know where you are right meow?
t. incels
a whore maker
t. vocel
Stop jerking off and talk to a girl you virgin asshole
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
Kill yourself assmunch OP, that girl gave a 75 year old man a thrill and appreciation for life he was missing, he might have been one day from putting a shotgun in his mouth and then got to feel titties and decided to stay alive for his grandkids and you call her a whore.
no it is not.
neither is this.
>current year
>still talking to girls
Is that Emily Youcis?
STD-ridden plaguefolk.
>What does that make men, if we fuck them?
explains a lot desu
> i fap to the purist 2d waifus to gain the powers of a wizard
we have saying in Romania that all women are whores but we men are pigs
That makes men, ultimately, responsible for the state of the world.
You granted women the vote. And now look at us. Way to go. It's up to men to fix this shit.
And not to mention that it's men who are okay with sex before marriage, with abortion, with divorce--you literally handed over power to women, and didn't even realize it. Now you are encouraging it, by fucking these women. All of this degeneracy because you wanted to get laid outside of marriage. This is YOUR FAULT.
The pic, I mean
Men who partake in carnal relations with prostitutes? Men shouldn't fuck sluts and women shouldn't be sluts. Premarital sex is wrong, adultery is wrong, the fact that you have a penis doesn't change that.
women are the product of the devil.
no, the face isn't busted enough
This company must be less successful now.
I think I've finally figured it alllll out.
It is not that its wrong but as a human, we cannot handle it morally. It is neither right or wrong but it corrupts and eventually conquered our virtues that lead us to what we really desire, not temporary desire.
I don't really know how to explain it otherwise. This knowledge comes from seeing a lot and reading a lot.i also understand it wont be accepted at a large scale. Dont fool yourself. Just keep on with the message and things will be good enough.
>Women are whores
And water is wet.
What's your point?
I was going to use this to say some shit about Romania but user, you have a good night. I'm getting off this fucking site and getting some sleep.
sex slaves
The term is whore-monger. Both are equaly despicable in the eyes of the lord.
you don't need to be virgin to call out Degenerate behavior
That is a photo of Azzmador and Emily Younis.
This is why ubi games are full of bugs and microtransactions.
Nice pasta, leaf. You gonna post this in every thread?
>Women are whores. What does that make men, if we fuck them?
Pimps. Your job is to cook, clean, suck, and fuck.
>t. incel misogynist forever-virgins with a 500-game "visual novel" (lit. hentai) Steam library
The more experience you have with women the more you see them as fuck holes.
Pretty perfect princess is a virgin meme
good taste
he's great
Sex is the realm of woman because woman has total control over sex
Those guys are still there, the women represent an exponential increase in HR and administrators
>pretending to be female because you're that desperate for attention from slow dipshits
yeah kill yourself
This thread makes you an enraged incel I can tell you that much.
kys you fucking degenerates
Not all women.
Apparently there are some women who are pissed that Chads give attention to sluts instead of them.
ballers I guess?
I haven't fucked a woman since I was 11.
I have to agree. Carnal desires do not lead to happiness.
Jane Levy is based, she is low IQ, Jewish, and Hollywood liberal. But she also is 5'1" womanlet, redhead/blonde, fat ass, small boobs, and shy/awkward during interviews. Basically the perfect woman
this leaf gets it
Drink bleach you worthless piece of human waste.
No wonder she created Alfred Alfer.
Stop acting like a female nigger. I know you are the estrogen infused race but still, try to be less bitch like.
But they are in such sexy outfits
And 5'1 is almost to tall and big boobies would look silly with her poodle skirt and hair ribbons
Based Jane
>lock and key
I only pay attention to nerdy jewey looking girls but they never do believe i prefer them yet they let me sodomize them and then make dinner
Depends on who is paying. Whores fuck for money. So it would make the guys "Johns" or whoremongers, guys who pay for sex.
False advertising that was some safeway brand sparkling water or some shit.
Yeah, I'm thinking she's cracking an ice cold steelie
Good friend works at Ubi... says it's 98% dongs.
Now do it with the 100 can case from Finland
my nigga
It makes us whore makers.
T. Retarded lefty incel desperate to suck up to women like a cuck
>What does that make men, if we fuck them?
>woman has total control over sex
Man has total control over rape. Bitches BTFO
That's Blaire White
you might like this pic
Err... Whore lovers?