>i need guns for self defence
Okay, sweetie. Tell me how you need a military grade sniper rifle to defend your home from an invader.
You don't need military grade weapons for defence. You just want to feel "powerful".
I need guns for self defence
Other urls found in this thread:
military grade invader
I might need it to defend myself from the President.
And how many homicides a year are commited with .50 bmg rifles? Aren't there only like 1 or 2 murders ever with that caliber?
Meanwhile niggers kill each other by the thousands with handguns. But you only want to disarm white men of their rifles. Because how will you initiate the police state if white men still have rifles?
>Okay, sweetie. Tell me how you need a military grade sniper rifle to defend your home from an invader.
>Tell me how you need a military grade sniper rifle
>you need a military grade sniper
Fuck that noise. I need nukes. Fight me.
>Aren't there only like 1 or 2 murders ever with that caliber?
If a single life is saved it's already a good thing.
>Meanwhile black people kill each other by the thousands with handguns.
That's why all guns should be removed.
OP was destroyed
You’re not in charge of my needs faggot.
how about you remove them from black people and I keep my guns in case someone tries to put a hole in my head faster than the 5-20 min response time of police